
Chapter 211 - Your Choice...

    She turns around to face him and continues walking backwards as she answers his question happily. "You are not wrong, however the males live elsewhere, not to mention the fact that for every 99 females born only 1 male will be born, so basically 1 in 100 chances. Either way, they live elsewhere in order to ensure the peace and prosperity of our people. However they will come here to pick their mates from time to time. ... WAHHH" She exclaims as she slips backwards into the large pool like bath behind her.

    Extending her arms, she tries to grasp onto something as she falls backward, and as if answering her desire to not fall into the water, he catches her right wrist, and so to does she clasp her hand around his, feeling grateful. 

    Pulling his arm back, as well as taking a step back, he pulls her back to her feet before saying. "It seems like you should probably practice your footwork a little, not that your clumsiness is not adorable, but I would rather not see you get hurt."

    "Well as long as you are around I do not have to worry about it, but thank you for your concern for me." She replies playfully. 

    Yueliang rolls his eyes and cannot help but smile at her adorable natured self. Also having a feeling that she probably took his words to heart despite her words, he does not say anything more.

    Without feeling the need for any other words, Victoria leads him further into the building ignoring those that are playing in the bath, and turning right at one point they begin to ascend a staircase on the other side of the right wall.

    Not taking long to ascend, the two quickly reach the second floor which is more like the attic if one where to think about it, but looks more like a beautiful and large room. Its roof slanted as it is directly under said spot, not to mention the two large round stain glass windows on either side of the room. Many crystals also dangle from the roof at varying heights, thus causing the lights from the windows to bounce and dance around the room creating a mystical like atmosphere.

    After taking a moment to get used to the exquisite site before them, Victoria says. "As you can tell this is where some of us sleep, as well as do certain other things. You can see the beds along the corners of the rooms and shelves or cupboards above and and the foot of each bed for all our clothes or other items. Anyways, my friends are over here if you would follow me." She says as she turns and walks to the left side of the large open room. 

    Walking over, Yue sees a few beautiful ladies who just like all the others in the world resemble those he loves. Of course, there are noticeable differences now, not just on them but Victoria. They all seemed to be talking to each other and laughing in between either eating, or doing other things like writing, reading, or even making things for everyday life.

    As they are walking with Yue still in his daze, Victoria comes to a halt at the edge of the table, where as he bumps into the table and breaks out of his daze, and apologizes. "My bad, sorry I was not watching where I was going just now..."

    Seeing his personality, the ladies at the table giggle before one of them asks. "So Victoria, who is your new friend, that you have brought this time? Is he here to play with us, or is he here to look for some potential brides? After all the time is coming up soon for the next time for the others to appear, but this one looks and smells a little different...."

    Hearing this, she quickly cuts her friend off and exclaims. "No! He came from another world, that is why, and I figured you all would like to meet my new friend and our guests. Although if he is interested than it seems we would all have a chance maybe."

    As Yue hears her words, he thinks to himself before speaking. \'If I do not stop them now, things could get troublesome, and who is to say I would ever leave this place...\' So with that he speaks his mind. "Ladies, my name is Yueliang, but you may call me Yue. However seeing as this conversation has derailed a bit, it seems best that I speak my mind. While you all seem very kind and beautiful, I still have loved ones waiting for me. Of course, if that where not the case we could talk, but without them here, it would not feel right for me to accept others."

    "Hmm, what a noble and honorable young man." The one looking similar to Blake comments, then so to do the other ladies begin commenting as well.

    "So dedicated, and loyal, his women are likely more fortunate than they know."

    "Hmph, intruder seems the more proper term for him, but he does seem different." Another says who looks like Meiren if she had a human form.

    "Ladies please, while I appreciate the compliments, I do not even know your names." He says in an attempt to change the topic, while thinking. \'These people do not even know me, are they so desperate to grow their population that they would even take an off worlder? Not to mention that they are so accepting of me, and not trying to attack. It is strange how trusting they are despite not knowing me, it must stem from their ability to sense ones intent I guess. If only the others were here, it would be be fun for not only myself but also the orcs who love their research to learn more about these people, and whatever the particle in the air is.\'

    As he thinks such things, the ladies at the table scoff, and one exclaims. "We are not research subjects for you to play around with!"

    Hearing this, he comes to the conclusion that their sensitivity to intent must be close to mind reading and says. "My apologies, but according to what I understand, you can sense my intent right? If so please hear me out. Not in the slightest do I think of you as research subjects, it is just that I am curious about your abilities, and the air of this world. However that aside, I am far more interested in you all as people, and nothing else. However if you still feel offended by my presence I will leave."

    With that silence befalls the group for a few seconds before Victoria speaks up. "Come on my friends, while his thoughts can be erratic at times, he is not a bad person. Certainly you all could tell that much, plus look at how sincere he is. Not to mention you know me, and what I can do."

    Despite her words, the one that looks like Blake says. "Sorry Vic, but I do not trust him yet even if you do. However even if I did, just think of the past, since when has any off worlder brought anything but chaos, pain, and suffering? We should just send him on his way before anything that will take decades or even centuries happens."

    "Hmph, fine." She says before turning to Yueliang and saying. "I am sorry about my friends Yue, but they do speak the truth, as on the rare occasions we get visitors they tend to cause strife and chaos. While I know you are different, the others may not be as receptive. So it is up to you, if you want to stay I will help you, but ultimately, as you said, there are still those waiting for you, and if you decide to go, hopefully we can meet again one day." Victoria says, as tears well up in her eyes at the thought of losing a friend.

    \'She is so innocent and cute, but she is right. It is best that I leave this place before any irreversible damage is caused to their peaceful society. *Sigh. What a pity to leave just as I am getting to learn of another culture and people.\' Yueliang thinks before saying. "Well, I apologize for the intrusion and will be taking my leave. But before that, Victoria, It has been wonderful meeting you, and I will never forget our time together. Also, so long as fate allows, we will meet again, and hopefully under much better circumstances. When that time comes, it would be wonderful if we could pick up right where we left off. So farewell my friend, I will miss you."

    Then not wanting to see any tears, or cause any more troubles, Yueliang closes his eyes and takes a step backward using the void steps and folding space out of there, causing all those at the table and some observing from elsewhere shock.. However Victoria just could not hold her tears back for a second longer and started balling her eyes out.

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