
Chapter 213 - Appearances

    As this question is posed the man feels very touched and replies. "I am Yuyan, a physician and merchant from a nearby province. It is an honor to meet you my prince, if you need anything please let me know and my company will do our best to fulfill your requests at the best price possible. But seeing as your family already has many such people waiting to do such, you probably do not need us, however the offer stands."

    "Well, I appreciate the off Yuyan, but I must be off now. So if fate has it in store, we might just see each other again. Have yourself a wonderful afternoon." Yueliang says before he starts walking to the entrance of the building to find his wife, and grandpa Rin.

    With all said and done, Yue follows to the grey stones marking the path to the building not that he needs the direction, but the cobblestone path way certainly does draw ones attention. Not because of anything too surprising, but the fact that it appears to be made of spirit crystals, which surprisingly he never noticed before. However the thing that draws ones gaze is the fact that these items are used for cultivating, but also used for money and yet for some reason is being used a walkway here, to which he could not help but chuckles and shake his head.

    Walking into the building, he stops by the side of the entrance, looks from left to right, and sees his wife. To which he walks briskly to ensure he does not lose her again, and as such finds himself standing before her in a matter of seconds.

    Before he could even get a word our, Ai Lan says. "There you are, you really should stop taking shortcuts for the time being. One of these times you might not get so lucky, and get terribly hurt somehow. Are you feeling better now?"

    Hearing this, Yueliang laughs lightly as he knows she is not wrong, and those around them feel confused but keep looking away despite being curious. However he quickly says. "Of course, but before anything else, there is something we still have not done yet. Shall we finish the ceremony?" He retorts in an effort to change the subject, but also because it is true, and he is looking forward to it.

    Ai Lan answers with a question of her own. "Hmm, what did we miss? I thought we did everything." 

    Looking at her face, he can tell she is serious, so Yue leans over and whispers in her ear exactly what is left, and with each and every word her face reddens like a tomato until she utters. "Eep"

    "So shall we get going my love?" Yue asks with his hand held out, as those around laugh a little at their innocent reaction, while she just nods her face not able to speak a word. With that the two slowly make their way back to the castles\' main building, and while doing so, he asks calmly. "I have been wondering, but why did gramps send my people back to the room in such a fashion, is he really going to execute my people?"

    Having posed this question, Ai Lans\' eyes widen when she hears it and as she comes back to herself she answers. "As a leader yourself you may or may not have had to worry about this yet, however you should know if one allows insubordination once, others will start acting up as well thinking that such actions have no consequence. But at the same time, while this action was mainly to keep up appearances, you will still be required to follow through lest others find out. Daddy may be kind and soft hearted but when it comes to keeping the peace and happiness among his people he will take the necessary measures."

    "I understand, it is just surprising he went to such drastic measures as putting execution on the table. It is just that knowing you and gramps, I knew there was no way that you would do such things without an appropriate reason. Regardless, it still feels better to hear you confirm it. I will ensure that my people comply, however it seems there is one I must kill with my own hands later anyways. Before I was willing to let him work it off, but with these recent measures he has gone to far."

    "It is good that you understand, and have the strength to be a leader, we were worried you might end up too soft hearted. Gramps and I that is. Anyways, we should move away from such unpleasant topics on such a joyous day right?"

    "It needed to be said, but of course. Let us enjoy the rest of tonight." Yueliang replies.

    Thinking back on what they are about to do her face immediately turns tomato red again and causing her to be unable to speak as he just chuckles a little at the sight uttering with a smile on his face. "Adorable."

    Meanwhile, Rin standing in one of the residential halls says to the guards. "Stay on guard, I will be out shortly but must talk to my boys insolent followers." Not needing to explain himself, he does so regardless with a serious face, in order to ensure that if they gossip about this, it will be more certain that others will not take him lightly, and in so doing he walks into the the room.

    Having a feeling that this were the case based on Victorias\' reaction earlier, Blake and a few others waited at the entrance ever since being brought here while the others got back to work. In which case they had not arrived all that long ago. But never the less after just a short while of waiting, they see the Emperor making his way into the super mini small world they are in.

    Once the emperor is standing on the ground he walks up to the small group of people in silence not saying a word, as if expecting them to say something first. 

    His prediction turns out to be correct when Blake speaks up. "So just to get to the point, it seems you did this for appearances sake right? However the way you come here it looks like you are waiting for an apology, so I will be blunt. While we do not mind being respectful to you, unlike those people out there we serve Yueliang not you. It is not that we meant to be disrespectful earlier but just us speaking our minds."

    With that said, Rin smirks and says. "It seems you ended up apologizing in a way in the end anyway. However while you are right, you are also wrong. So to keep with the theme you have set let us get to the point. Yes it was for appearances sake, however you will still have to comply lest others take advantage of such weakness. Next, I also came to see how the progress is going."

    Victoria chimes in here and says. "Before anything else, care to tell us why you lied about the energy? At your current realm, it is quite obvious you never needed others help, and while I may not know much of cultivation, I can certainly do the math looking at what others can do."

    "You know you are quite intuitive, but you should be careful as it could get you into trouble at some point. But I guess there is not point in hiding it, there are a few reasons. First is to keep my true strength hidden from prying eyes, next is it keeps our guests weaker which makes them easier to manage in large groups even if it is not necessary. Then lastly is because I figured that I would make something but seeing an opportunity to save my chi, I did so in order for your young master." Rin says as if it were nothing.

    "That may be the case, however you are certainly quite the mystery. Although at the very least, at least you are a good person." Victoria comments.

    Seeing that Victoria is done, Blake continues. "Well as you know we should have a little more than 5 hours before we make it all the way through the portal at our current speed, and about 10 hours before collision. Seeing as we will be through shortly, we will have to ensure that the rockets are in place and get ready. Unfortunately it will take a while to make a full sized moon to make up for the one that we are losing."

    Raising his hand to his fix his hair Rin asks. "I have been meaning to bring that up, how will those rockets as you call them be able to move the planet they look way to small to be able to have the proper effect and would likely fry the surface of this world."


    For all of my loyal readers up until now, here is a gift.. Free hundred coins for the first few people to redeem it.  AB9ZY8TQ8V5LHKVJA

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