
Chapter 11 First Kill

Note from author: Trigger warning! Some incredibly violent and disturbing things happen in this chapter.

R*pe or sexual assault of any kind is NOT a joke. If you or anyone you know have been subjected to anything like that please contact the necessary authorities.


I slowly open a bit of the door and see Mark, holding down a girl on his desk. They were both facing the opposite direction to the door so they didn\'t see me, he wasn\'t wearing his pants and was jamming his....

What ?!

Oh Dear God.

The girl was whimpering and shaking all over.

I need to call someone NOW!

Mark is a retired Rank E hero, I wasn\'t confident enough to fight him, but Leslie was there at the orphanage today, She\'s E rank, I have to call her..

As I turn around to do just that, I stop dead in my tracks.

\'\' Stop... please.\'\'

The girl\'s voice rings throughout the office.

It was a familiar voice.

It was Lecia\'s voice.


A chill passes through me as I hear Lecia\'s voice.

Any thought of getting help goes away from my mind, as I open the door and run towards the both of them.

It was reckless on my part to just barge in the room, Mark may just be an E rank hunter, but he had something far more valuable than his rank, which was experience. As soon as I entered the room, he became aware of my presence and turns around to find me running towards him.

I try to punch him, but he effortlessly dodges me and backs away into the corner of the room. But I don\'t mind him. I look at Lecia, she was completely naked. She turns around and finds me,

\'\' X ?\'\', I could see her lips bleeding and bruises across her entire body, She was shivering, she tries to stand up but her step falters and she begins to fall, but before she can I caught her with my hands and steadied her. I find her clothes near the table and cover her with them. She looks dazed for a second but snaps out of it in another second. She takes a step back and tears start forming in her eyes.

\'\' Don\'t, d-don\'t l-look at m-me.\'\'

Her voice breaks and she continues to back away from me.

I run towards her and embrace her, I whisper into her ears,\'\' I\'m sorry.\'\'

She stops backing away and starts wailing in my arms.

This was my fault.

I should have noticed it sooner, I knew something was wrong with her. She seemed depressed for the last few months and I had noticed. I just rubbed it off as stress from school work. If I had asked her a little more then maybe...

No. This isn\'t the time to be thinking of those kinds of things. I have to protect Lecia now.

\'\' Hahahaha\'\'

Laughter erupts from the corner of the room.

\'\' Stay here.\'\', I whisper to Lecia before turning my head around and facing Mark.

I stare at him with coldness in my eyes, but he remained oblivious to this and disgustingly smiles at me.

\'\' We were just playing, X. Go to sleep.\'\'

\'\' I\'m not that young, \'Father\', I know what exactly you\'re doing, you fucking animal.\'\'

The smile on his face fades and is replaced with a frown.

\'\' I see. So what are you going to do ?...…. Do you think anyone will believe you ?....

You\'re just a couple of orphans and I\'m a retired hero. There is nothing you can do, you little ungrateful ingrates.\'\'

While Mark was babbling on and on, I thought about Lecia. She\'s just a 17 year old and had gone through so much more suffering than most her age.

Would she ever be happy again?

Over time maybe, but seeing her so broken now made something inside me break.

I remembered all the time I had spent with Lecia, she was my sister and only friend.

\'How can I help her ?\'

Looking at Mark who was rabbling on and on the answer came to me,

Eliminating the cause of her sadness, it wouldn\'t heal the damage already caused but I was repulsed by Mark\'s lack of conscience even after getting caught and I wanted to kill him. In all honesty, this wasn\'t for Lecia, it was for myself. I can\'t let Mark live. I have to kill him. Otherwise, this uncomfortable feeling in my heart would never go away.

\'\' I could kill you.\'\', I say in a grim voice.

As he heard my words, Mark had a shocked expression on his face which soon turned into one of ridicule.

\'\' You will kill me ?, Hahahahahah

You\'re talentless, son. You can\'t do a thing to me.\'\'

I say nothing.

Instead, I rush towards him without warning. He has a nonchalant expression on his face as he dodges my hand yet again.

\'\' I didn\'t want to do this but you leave me no choice.\'\', Mark says ominously, but I pay his words no mind and try to hit him yet again. Instead of dodging, he catches my hand and pushes me to the ground. I fall with a \'thump\'.

Mark sits on top of me and clasps both his hands on my throat with force.

The pressure on my throat was strong and I felt like I would black out soon. But this was perfect. I had planned for this. Now all I had to do was activate my \' mana disruptor\' skill, but before I could do anything.

Lecia screams and runs towards Mark who was currently choking me. She was faintly glowing,

She was awakening her mana.

Lecia hadn\'t yet awakened her mana, she was constantly teased in the orphanage due to this fact. Most children naturally awaken to mana when they are ten years old, but some may take more time. But cases like Lecia were very rare. She was tested at the age of seven and found out that she was an E rank. She had refused the Hero Association support since she didn\'t want to be a hero. Everyone expected her to awaken her talents when she reached 10 years of age but she didn\'t, still, we waited and waited but she never awakened. When we went to a doctor, he had said that there were cases like Lecia who had the potential but refused to awaken it, It was their body\'s instinct to reject mana. I remember the doctor calling Lecia a \'less evolved human\', but it turns out he was a quack as Lecia had awakened her mana just now and she instinctively knew how to utilize the mana as well. She might just be a genius.

Mark\'s hand relax slightly, seems like he too was surprised with this development.

Lecia tries to punch him, but Mark swats her away easily. She gets thrown away by his powerful counterattack and hits her head at the leg of the table. I can see her head bleeding.

Oh no, I have to finish this fast.

I think about activating my skill,\' mana disruptor\' and it activates.

As soon as I activated the skill, Marks\'s body goes limp and he falls on top of me. I push him off and I stare at him. During mana exhaustion, the body completely shuts down, even the mouth. So he was unable to talk. The only sign that he was still alive was his eyes. They kept moving around.

He was panicking, of course, he was. his mana had been drained and the mana container had been broken without him even using an ounce of mana.

But it wasn\'t over yet.

I look at the timer that appeared on a blue screen as soon I used the skill.




I had to finish him in this time limit, and somehow hide or dump his body somewhere and also take Lecia to a doctor. My mind was stressing thinking about how to deal with the aftermath of this shit show.

I calm myself and look at Mark\'s limp body.

I activate the skill, \' Bloodlust\'

As soon as I activate the skill, my mind goes completely blank,

I can\'t feel anything.

I can\'t feel the pain that was earlier coming from the knife wound in my hand.

I don\'t feel anger towards Mark.

I don\'t feel sorry or sad for Lecia.

I just feel incredibly bored.

Looking at Mark\'s body laying so still, a small grin appears on my face.

\'\' This could be fun.\'\', I say out loud even though no one was listening

I take the kitchen knife from my pocket and sit on top of Mark.

I stab his right leg first.

Tears start forming at his eyes but he didn\'t make a sound. More like he couldn\'t due to the mana exhaustion.

I stab his left leg next.

Both his legs start bleeding out. But I pay no mind to the blood that was flowing out of his legs.

I turn around to see his face.

His eyes were blood shot and saliva was forming at his mouth but he was very much still alive...

That was good..

You have to stay alive to feel more pain.

He looks at me pleadingly, tears flowing down his face. I found his tears pathetic so I gouged a single eye out, and crushed it in my hand. He had lost a lot of blood but he was still alive.

It might have been because he was E rank and had a lot of vitality, but who cares about all that.

I raise the knife with both my hands and bring it down, piercing his heart. He died instantly.

I take his blood , which had formed a pool in my hands and pour it over my face.

The blood felt familiar, comforting.

A smile breaks out on my face.

Yes, this feels great--

What the fuck ?

I look at my surroundings in surprise. I look at the blue screen in front of me.


6: 57


Two minutes had passed. I felt the urge to vomit as I scoured my surroundings. But I don\'t have time to waste. I have to act quick. I move to Lecia and check her pulse, she was alright, but she was losing too much blood. I take the towel I had used to dry myself and hold it over head.

Next I drag Mark\'s body and his uh- what appeared to be his balls to the the closet space in his office. I go to the store room and take fresh towels and come back and start rubbing the blood off. But it wasn\'t an easy task. I look at the blue screen to find that I had only 5 more seconds before the pain hits me.







I fall down on the ground and feel my entire body engulfed in immense pain. I slowly black out due to the pain.

Shit, I have to give some first aid to Lecia as well.


Leslie Marr woke up refreshed and ready to start a new day. She woke up at 4: 30 as always. She would usually train till 6:00.

She usually trained at the park, so today as well she changed into her training gear and started heading towards the entrance to the orphanage. But she stopped near Mark\'s office as the door to his office was completely open. She takes a peek inside and almost falls down of shock.

A young boy, had fallen in the center of the office, his entire body was covered in black veins and his eyes were open but not moving. Blood was everywhere. A young woman was bleeding from the head, but the thing that shook Leslie\'s heart was the body in the closet. It would have been hidden if not for the fact that the body inside the closet had fell forward and only his head popped out of the closet.

It was Mark Lauder\'s head, he was missing an eye as well.

Leslie\'s scream woke up everyone at the orphanage.

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