
Chapter 19 The Plan (2)

\'\' So you\'re saying that there was a girl who was completely naked... in his room last night.\'\', Dr. Ken has a skeptical look on his face.

\'\' I know that it\'s hard to believe, sir. But it is the truth.\'\', Geoffrey says standing before his masters.

\'\' What did this woman look like ?\'\', Diane asks.

\'\' Well, I didn\'t get a good look at her face because I was distracted due to her breast- I mean nakedness.\'\'

Diane looks disgusted.

Geoffrey looks down at the floor avoiding her eyes.

\'\' What exactly is he planning ?\'\'

Ken says while clasping both of his hands together.

\'\' We can ask him about the girl today, at breakfast.\'\'

Diane gets up after saying this,

\'\' Wake him up, Geoffrey.\'\'

Dr. Ken says in a low voice.

\'\' He\'s already woken up, sir. He\'s been awake since 4:00 today.\'\'

\'\' That early! Why ?\'\'

\'\' He\'s been training in the gym.\'\'


Today\'s the day.

The day that I take over the Hero Association.

I had initially planned to enact my plan in a week, but decided to move it up since the opportunity to have breakfast with The Creeds had come much sooner.

I couldn\'t sleep due to my excitement and decided to hit the gym at four in the morning. I was currently lifting weights that were over 50 kg!

The wonders of mana.

My body had become chiseled and my muscles had become denser. If the \'me\' from before I died saw me now, he would have killed himself a lot quicker. I looked that good.

While lifting the weights, I also listened in on the Creeds. It seems like Geoffrey reported them about Female Patrick. Well, I\'ll make up some excuse for that. Right now Geoffrey was probably coming to inform me that the Creeds would be joining me for breakfast.

As expected the door to the gym swung open and Geoffrey walks in,

\'\' The Madam and sir will be joining you for breakfast today, young master.\'\'

I smile and nod at him.


After finishing up at the gym. I go to my room and take a nice relaxing bath. After bathing, I wear the suit that had been given to me when I went to meet the chairwoman the first time.

After that, I head towards the kitchen.

The kitchen was bustling with people walking and doing various jobs.

A man wearing a chef\'s hat beckons me towards him while saying,

\'\' Young Master, what are you doing here ?\'\'

I smile at him and say innocently, \'\' I wanted some water, Head Chef Jamie.\'\'

During the days that I spend here, I had gotten close with the kitchen staff, especially Head Chef Jamie, he was currently arranging egg sandwiches on three different plates, I try to take the nearest sandwich next to me but Jamie slaps my hand away saying,

\'\' That\'s for the madam, remember I told you to look for the engravings on the plate, This one is yours.\'\', he points towards a plate at the end.

\'\' If you want, you can take a bite from that.\'\'

\'\' Nah, I\'m not hungry.. but could you get me that water ?\'\'

Jamie looks annoyed but agrees to get the water for me because I\'m basically his boss.

While he\'s gone, I take out two red blobs from my pocket, they weren\'t moving right now because I had commanded them to stay still, I put one of the Ascaris inside the sandwich on the plate with a \'D\' engraved on it and another within the sandwich on the plate with a \'K\' engraved on it.

Jamie comes back with a glass of water just at that moment and gives it to me with a frown on his face.

\'\' You should probably go to the dining hall, young master. The madam and sir are waiting for you.\'\', He warns me.

I take the glass of water and drink it in one gulp and give the cup back to Jamie.

\'\' Bye, then.\'\', I say before going back to the dining hall.


Diane and Ken were waiting for Adam in the dining hall.

\'\' He\'s late.\'\', Ken comments.

Diane remains silent and closes her eyes.


The door to the dining room opens and Adam comes inside.

\'\' I\'m sorry, I took a long bath.\'\', his voice was clear and precise, he was wearing the suit that he had worn the day he met the both of them.

\'\' Why are you wearing a suit ?\'\'

\'\' I wanted to look formal.\'\'

Both Diane and Ken make startled expressions when they hear this.

\'\' Why ?\'\'

\'\' Before I tell you that, could Geoffrey have breakfast with us as well ?\'\'

They both raise their eyebrows at my suggestion but relent to it nonetheless.

Diane rings a bell and Geoffrey appears in a second,

\'\' You\'ll be eating with us today, Geoffrey.\'\'

\'\' Ye- huh ?\'\'

Like that, the huge dining table got one more occupant.

Geoffrey sits next to Adam.

The three of them look at Adam expectantly. But before he can say a word the door to the dining hall opens once again and several people walk in carrying trays that were covered with one of those fancy lids.

Each member on the table gets a tray, which was opened for them. Inside was the most delicious-looking egg sandwich in the world.

When you hear the word egg sandwich, you think about a piece of egg between two slices of bread, that\'s because you\'re a peasant. To the ultra-rich like the Creeds, a simple egg sandwich tasted like heaven... if heaven had a taste. The bread was grilled just right, the cheese that was put inside the egg had burst from within, pickles and salted french fries were added to the mix as well. The sauce inside the sandwich was made from scratch in the Creed\'s kitchen.

It was the best egg sandwich in the whole fucking world.

After the waiters finish serving the food, they leave without a word closing the door behind them.

\'\' Let\'s eat then.\'\', I smile at all three of them and say cheerfully.

\'\' We want to know who was with you last night.\'\', Ken says impatiently.

\'\' I\'ll tell you after we finish eating.\'\', I say with my gaze at the egg sandwich.

\'\' No, you\'ll tell u-\'\', before Ken can finish speaking Diane puts a hand on his shoulder. She shakes her head and starts eating her sandwich.

Grunting something Dr. Ken starts eating his egg sandwich as well.


Everybody has completely eaten their sandwiches and was now looking at Adam.

\'\' Adam, tell us what happened yesterday .\'\'

Diane asks him tenderly, masking her annoyance at his bratty behavior.

Adam takes a deep breath and start\'s speaking in a monotonous tone,

\'\' I met her at the orphanage... she\'s one of the orphans there... we\'re in love, we always have been..... She came over to the house because... I called her and...… we had....sex...….I\'m really sorry..... that I lied..... to all of you... I understand if you hate me now.

\'\' We don\'t hate you, sweetie,\'\' Diane says with a smile on her face.

\'\' Why are you speaking so slow ?\'\', Ken asks

\'\' Oh, that... to distract you, ya moron.\'\'

Adam\'s reply shocks everyone sitting at the table.

\'\' Distract us from what ?\'\', Diane asks

Her heart was beating fast... abnormally fast. Something was wrong.

Instead of answering her question, Adam stands up from his seat and walks toward both of them. While walking, he says,

\'\' I have a confession to make... I killed Mark.\'\'

Adam reaches the Creeds and hugs them from behind and whispers into their ears,

\'\' Now, I\'m going to kill you both too.\'\'

\'\' Wha-\'\', Diane starts to speak but couldn\'t... she couldn\'t breathe. It felt like her head would explode.

The same was happening to Dr. Ken as well.

Their eyes redden, and the both of them start squirming around but Adam holds them still. They cough out blood, which falls on Adam\'s face.

\'\' It was fun while it lasted..\'\'

With these parting words, Adam lets go of the both of them and their bodies slump back on the chair, seemingly dead.

Geoffrey was paralyzed due to fear.

Adam smiles at Geoffrey with blood flowing down from his forehead.


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