
Chapter 35 The End Arrives Without Warning (2)

The movie felt boring to me.. but Lecia seemed to like it, she was almost in tears at the end, and so was Angela.

Well, they didn\'t actually cry like Eric...

He tried to hide his tears, but I saw it.

Maybe he\'s trying to hide them since the idea that, \' men don\'t cry\' has been hammered into him.

I take a look at my watch and see that three hours had passed since the start of the movie.

Three hours!

What a huge waste of time...

But I can\'t really complain as I\'m the one that suggested we watch it.

All four of us get out of the theatre together.

I turn towards Eric,

\'\' Well this has been great... I\'ll see you on Monday the-\'\', I get interrupted by Lecia who grabs hold of my shoulder and says,

\'\' Why don\'t you join us for dinner ?\'\'

Eric thinks for a moment before nodding his head.

What ?

Don\'t I have a say in any of this ?

I don\'t even have the strength left to argue, so I just let out a deep sigh and give up.

After the movie, we had planned to eat outside.

The sky was slowly taking a dark shade, indicating that night wasn\'t that far away.

We reach the restaurant where I had reserved for two, but I had to pay extra now to include Eric and his pet gorilla.

We ordered dishes that I didn\'t even know existed, it was all very posh and fancy.

During dinner, I introduce Lecia as my elder sister to Eric.

Lecia interrogates Eric about my school life and talks to Angela in the manner that adults talk to little children, you know like.. their voice gets all high pitched and they have this weird smile on their face.

If I have a child one day and someone talks to it like that then I\'ll be calling the cops.

All in all, dinner went surprisingly well.


The four people sitting in one of the tables at the restaurant were holding their bellies as they had eaten way too much.

They get out of the restaurant.

\'\' Well, goodbye then.\'\', Adam says

\'\' What about dessert ?\'\', a small voice enquires

All three of them turn towards Angela.

Lecia starts laughing...

\'\' We can\'t forget dessert, can we ?", Lecia pats Angela\'s head while saying this.

Adam looks like he wants to kill himself.

\'\' I know a place.\'\', Eric says quietly.

Just like that, their parting was delayed yet again.


It was almost 9:00 pm and the streets were almost empty.

The four of them reached the ice cream parlor, just before it closed.

Adam had to pay extra so that the shop owner wouldn\'t close the parlor.

Adam got strawberry ice cream

Lecia got chocolate.

Eric got cotton candy-flavored ice cream.

Angela got all of these in a cone, there were three scoops of ice cream stacked on top of each other, It was funny seeing her try to devour it.

Suddenly Adam gets up, surprising everyone.

He has a blank expression on his face...

\'\' I\'ll come back in a bit..\'\', saying this he leaves the shop confusing everyone inside.


Adam walks on a deserted street and finally enters a back alley. He reaches the end of the back alley and turns around and says in the lowest voice possible.

\'\' I know you\'re there.... come out now or die.\'\'

At his words, a person appears out of thin air and smiles at him.

A glare forms on Adam\'s face as he sees a vaguely familiar face.


Something felt wrong from the moment, I got out of the move theatre....

It felt as if someone was watching me..

At first, I rubbed it of as my imagination, but as more time passed...the more I was convinced that someone was following us.

I stare at the ice cream, which was starting to melt.

\'I have to know for sure.\'

Thinking this, I make up a lousy excuse and head out of the ice cream parlor and start walking down the almost empty streets, lit by streetlights. I head towards a back alley and turn around and say in a low voice,

\'\' I know you\'re there.... come out or die.\'\'

God, I hope someone is there... or else this would just be embarrassing.

For a minute, nothing happens.

Then, a person just appears out of thin air.

The boy had a smirk on his face.

He looked vaguely familiar....

Do I know him ?

\'\' I\'m sorry in advance for this, but I have no choic-\'\', the guy just starts yapping all of a sudden as if he hadn\'t just appeared out of thin air.

\'\' Who the hell are you ?\'\'

He looks a little hurt at my words.

\'\' You don\'t remember me ?\'\'

\'\' I don\'t.\'\'

\'\' Well, I suppose it\'s better that way... my name is Joe, Joe Hopkins and I\'m th-\'\'

Wait... isn\'t he that guy ?

\'\' I know you!\'\', I say while clapping my hands once.

\'\' You\'re that naked kid, aren\'t you ?\'\', I ask him.

He\'s that kid that was being bullied by Stephan and Jeremy, his name was Joe, huh?

A frown becomes plastered on Joe\'s face as he hears my words.

Oops, that must be a spore spot for him.

\'\' I\'m sorry, what were you saying again ?\'\'

Joe once again has that smug grin on his face.

\'\' I\'m the one that killed both Leslie and Jeremy..... now I\'m going to kill you as well.\'\'

I see.

What ?!

That\'s not possible.


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