
Chapter 42 The Death Of Adam Creed (1)

\'\' You lied ?\'\', I ask.. even though I knew the answer already.

\'\' Oh, is wittle Adam hurt.\'\', he replies back in an annoyingly high-pitched voice.

All that hard work... just taken away from me.

Granted, I didn\'t really work that hard for any of the skills that I had.

[ Author\'s Authority] was a skill I had from the start. I didn\'t even get to use it, not even once. I had planned to experiment with the skill but I didn\'t get the time since I was buried in schoolwork. I was already behind everyone by a month, so there was no other choice than to work hard.

[ Mana Disruptor] was just something that I got when I was looking for the ring of erasure.

[ Bloodlust] was a skill that came in as an added bonus.

But that didn\'t matter, because these skills were like my companions. They were with me from the start, plus they\'re also super useful.

I feel anger rising within me.

All may not be lost, there might be some way through which I can get my skills back but,

This bastard is going to pay.

From everything that he said in his long and boring monologue, two things were clear.

The first being that, he feels that all his murders are justified.

This was only reasonable, everybody\'s the protagonist in their own story and everything the protagonist does is justified, isn\'t it ?

The second thing that I understood was that.... he was batshit crazy.

Were the angels manipulating him in some way?

Like giving him small doses of fearko or something. I mean, how can someone\'s personality change so abruptly?

Of course, he could have been lying.. just like he was lying about his skills. He could have been an evil dude from the beginning and just got lucky when the angels \'chose\' him.

A hard slap breaks me from my thoughts.

\'\' Are you ignoring me ?\'\', Joe asks with a frown on his face.

Shit, I really should do something about my overthinking.

\'\' Look.. Joe, why don\'t we make a deal ?\'\', his eyebrows raise up and his annoying smirk reappears on his face when he hears me.

\'\' Interesting... what kind of deal ?\'\', he asks

\'\' Do you really trust , this \' Angel System\' ?.. I\'m almost completely sure that whoever made it is using you.\'\'

I was trying to distract him so that his grip on me would loosen. I mean there was no other use in trying to convince him that he\'s being tricked. He probably wouldn\'t even believe me. He\'s already addicted to the power it gives him.

\'\' So, what if it is...how can you help me ?\'\'

\'\' Trust me, I have connections all over the place. If you give me enough time... I will find out more about it.\'\', I say in my most believable tone of voice.

What\'s this ?

Joe really seems to be considering my proposition. Will this miraculously work ?

I could also feel his grip on me loosening slightly.

\'\' You know how you can help me ?\'\'

I nod my head eagerly at his question.

Just when I was going to break free, he clasps both his hands over my throat and says in a dumb voice,

\'\' You can help me by dying.\'\'

Oh, this isn\'t looking good for me.. but just how cringe can you possibly be bruh ?

The pressure exerted by his hands increase slowly, but steadily.

Shit, I don\'t feel so good.

\'\' Don\'t worry. I\'m giving you a painless death since you stood up for me.\'\', he whispers into my ears.

Painless death ?

This fucker thinks that strangulation is painless ?

Strangulation is a standard killing method, that for the record isn\'t painless. It has been used by a lot of people to kill others. But from the 20th Century it slowly started to become more famous as a kink. This was an insult to all the people who genuinely liked strangling people to death.

Something even more ironic was that almost fifty percent of the deaths that happened because of strangulation was because of sex games gone wrong.

Hehe that\'s funny.

I could feel myself blacking out.

Great. The last thought I have before dying is to lecture myself on the history of strangulation.

I try to fight him, but it wasn\'t working.

After sitting in that stupid theater for more than three hours, my body was too stiff and tired. I tried my best but it wasn\'t enough.

It was a good life...at least better than my last one, I\'ll miss Lecia but she\'ll do okay. She has Diane and Ken. Just because I died didn\'t mean that they would just abandon Lecia. They care about her... I could see it in their eyes that day.

In a way... this is good I suppose. With my death the plot won\'t get distorted anymore than it already has. But I still want to live..

This is something I don\'t usually do.. but let\'s pray to god. I mean who knows ?

Maybe I\'ll be saved if not, it\'s not like I\'m losing anything. Just as I was about to pray,

\' Screech\'

I hear the sound of something coming towards my direction.

Joe lets go of my neck and I open my eyes and take deep breaths.

Fuck yes !

I win, there is no god except me in this world.

Also fuck the plot.


I notice a shining arrow lodged in Joe\'s shoulder. Wasn\'t this h-

I turn around and see Eric standing a few feet away from us, a glowing bow in his right hand. Lecia was also there beside him... wait why\'s she running towards me ?

\'\' Ora Ora Ora Ora\'\', she screams while throwing her fists in the air randomly as she ran towards me.

Was that a fucking Jo-

I notice that Angela was also standing behind Eric.

Joe staggers back with the shining arrow still lodged in his shoulder. Lecia drags me back towards where the three of them were standing, away from Joe.

While doing so, she asks worriedly

\'\' Are you okay ?\'\'

I simply nod my head as my throat hurt, probably because Mr. Loverboy there squeezed it so hard.

They probably followed me here somehow.. well I\'m not complaining. The only reason I\'m alive right now is because of them.

I get up and run along with Lecia to stand behind Eric and Angela.

\'\' Heal him.\'\', Eric says to Angela with his eyes focused on Joe, who was trying to take the arrow out of his shoulder with a pained expression on his face.

Angela nods her head and walks over to me and puts her hand over my throat, soon her hands start to glow and I feel the pain on my throat lessen.

The reason, that I mentioned that Angela was a talented individual was because of this. She had a rare job, called \'healer\' that was true to it\'s name.

I stare at the green light that was coming out of her hands gratefully.

After almost five minutes of doing this with a tired expression on her face, she takes her hand away and says with a smile on her face,

\'\' You\'re all healed.\'\'

\'\' Thank you.\'\', I reply back.

I go stand beside Eric and Lecia.

\'\' Who are you ?\'\', Eric asks in a loud voice.

Joe who had finally managed to remove the arrow from his shoulder gives a pained smile and answers back in a voice that failed to mask the pain that he was feeling,

\'\' I\'m Joe Hopkins and I\'m go-\'\'

Eric turns towards me and asks in a loud voice interrupting Joe,

\'\' Who\'s Joe ?\'\'

Lecia and Angela also turn their heads towards me to hear my answer,

I think for a minute and answer back,

\'\' Joe Mama.\'\'

What ?


I saw an opportunity and I took it.


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