
Chapter 63 Old Is Gold...Or Is It ?

Eric\'s gone.

This obviously doesn\'t happen in the novel, nor does the proposal.

I\'m worried, if somehow the angels manage to trick him, I mean the chance is low as Eric hasn\'t really done anything to be noticed but still the question remains,

What If ?

" Just where did he go ?", Jennifer asked strangely worried.

Yup, Jennifer and her twin brother, Jacob also joined us in our search for Eric. It\'s kind of strange isn\'t it ?

" Why are you helping us ?", I ask not wanting to think too much.

" What ?!", she asks back confused.

Everybody else in the room quiets down to listen in on our conversation.

Real subtle, guys..

" I mean, I didn\'t even know you till yesterday...so it\'s strange is all I\'m saying.."

Do I sound like an asshole ?, well forgive me but I kind of am one.

I smile in response to Jennifer\'s glare,

" My brother idolizes you, because you beat up Stephan.... Stephan bullied him a lot and I beat up Abigail because she was an irritating bitch, I didn\'t do it for you and don\'t think I\'m doing this because I\'m interested in you, you self centered shit."

Wow. For some reason she feels even more beautiful now....

" C\'mon Jacob, we\'ll look for him on our own.", saying this the duo leaves my room.

As soon as they Max starts laughing at me,

" Wow...just wow.", he said while clapping.

I\'m starting to dislike Max a bit.

" Forget them, where the hell is Eric.... what if he was kidnapped ?", Emilia says horrified.

" You\'re right.", I answer back.

" Who would do such a thing ?", Katherine asks worried.

" Well, his family."

Everyone inside the room becomes shocked as they hear my words.


Eric waited for his grandfather in the dining hall.

He had hoped that his grandfather wouldn\'t have heard about the \'incident\' but it seems that it was already too late.

" Calm down, bro.", Angela reassured him but they both clearly knew what was going to happen.

Eric was going to be punished like usual, usually he was either beaten with a whip or a stick but his grandfather was an unpredictable man.

Eric gulped feeling nervous, crazily enough the first thought he had was to think on how Adam would react in his situation. On that note, yesterday\'s conversation came to his mind.

Eric had no idea if Adam was lying or not, but somehow..maybe it was the way he said it... it felt as if he was telling the truth. Eric realized that he didn\'t know anything about Adam....

Killing a stranger and killing your own mother was two very different things, Eric couldn\'t help but think how much pain Adam had to go through to reach where he was now...

Even though he still hated Adam, he had a strange newfound respect for him.

The door opens while Eric thought this and an muscular old man enters the dining hall, he was wearing a branded suit and all the hair on his body had grayed but strangely enough his body was brimming with life, his cold blue eyes stayed focused on Eric who couldn\'t even look the man in the eye.

Seeing the cowardice of his grandson, a small smirk plays around the old man\'s lips and he says,

" You\'ve been busy."

" Yes, grand-", Eric starts

" Who said I was talking to you ?"

Eric goes silent as his grandfather continues on,

" Your teachers told me that you increased your rank, good job honeypie. But if you become too busy and can\'t even make time to talk with grandfather.. then this old man will be heartbroken.", he laughs as he says this.

" Y-yes, Grandfather.", Angela says looking nervous and hesitant.

They continue on their conversation as if Eric didn\'t exist while he sat beside them biting his lips to stop himself from crying.

Eric didn\'t even know why he was so emotional anymore, it\'s always been like this. When he was young Eric thought his grandfather would acknowledge him if he was strong enough and he trained and trained, one day while training he hurt himself.

He had to be admitted to a hospital for a week, on the last day his grandfather visited him. At first he was excited... he thought maybe, just maybe his grandfather would acknowledge him...and he did, just not the way Eric thought he would.

" Don\'t be such a nuisance."

That was all he said and that was all that needed to be said.

The next week, Eric watched as his grandfather pamper Angela on her birthday, when their eyes met he had the same smirk he did now...to Eric the message his grandfather was trying to put across was pretty clear.

No matter what he did, he would never be good enough.

All his life he\'s hated his grandfather\'s stupid smirk....it was like a remainder just for him. Soon enough it changed to everybody, he didn\'t like seeing anyone smiling, smirking or anything of that sort. It became so worse that he began to hate smiling as well.

Eric\'s grandfather wasn\'t always like this, he used to cherish Eric as well but it all changed that day... that day which Eric couldn\'t forget no matter how hard he tried too.

Eric grew up hating Angela, he would bully, hurt her when no one was looking.... he knew it wasn\'t her fault but he did it anyway. But she never once complained to anybody. Eric knew that he\'s wronged a lot of people... and he was glad that he could at least start to make amends.. especially with his sister.

\' I have to try to be better.\', Eric reminds himself.

Servants holding trays of food arrive and place them before Angela and Grandfather..

Eric waited for his food to arrive but it never did.

Angela tried to pass him some but seeing her grandfather\'s glare she changes her mind.

Eric waits for his grandfather to finish his meal.


After about an hour,

Eric\'s grandfather and Angela finish their lunch and start dessert. Eric\'s stomach was letting out small growls like a little kitten now and then which embarrassed him unbearably.

After another fifteen minutes the both of them finish up and wash up.

Eric\'s grandfather throws an envelope on the dining table.

Eric opens it and stutter out,

" W-what\'s this ?"

His grandfather flashes that smirk of his and says,

" You\'ve been expelled."

Eric couldn\'t say anything...he kept his mouth shut and eyes closed, he wasn\'t afraid... he was angry but he knew that anger wouldn\'t help him, the only option left was to plead.

Just as he was about to do just that, a knock resound throughout the expansive dining room.

" Come in.", grandfather says loudly.

A butler came in and proclaims,

" You have a visitor, sir."

" Who is it ?"

" He didn\'t say, but he did say to bring the young master as well."

Eric\'s Grandfather frowns at the arrival of an unannounced guest, moreover the guest was ordering him around !

But everybody in the room was curious as to who exactly this mysterious guest was, so all of them including Angela head to the where the guest was.


Eric\'s mouth hung open and refused to close, Angela had a similar reaction as well.

Eric\'s Grandfather stared at the strange youth in front of him,

He was sitting relaxed with one leg on top of the other, his pitch black hair and red eyes seemed ominous.

Eric\'s grandfather observes the people standing behind the boy, a man and a woman. They looked like assistants.

" Who are and what do you want ?", as Eric\'s grandfather couldn\'t recognize him, it convinced him that the child in front of him was a nobody, so he wanted to quickly get this over with.

The boy appears disappointed hearing the old man\'s words and says,

" I\'m disappointed that my own father in law doesn\'t recognize me, I\'m Eric\'s \'lover\' and I\'m here to bring my \'lover\' back."

" WHAT ?!"

Seeing the old man\'s adverse reaction, Adam Creed ironically has a smirk on his face.

He raises both his hands and rests them on the side of his cushion and says in a mocking tone,

" You shouldn\'t get so agitated father, think of your health."

While saying this...the smirk remains on his face, it didn\'t seem like it was going anywhere anytime soon.

But strangely enough, Eric didn\'t mind this smirk all too much.


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