
Chapter 84 Nip It In The Bud

Katherine looked dazed.

" How did you know ?", she asks her eyes fixed on the floor.

" Well....it was pretty obvious from the start...", I say with a small smile on my face.

" I.....this....no--", Katherine once again seemed to be struggling to speak.

Not wanting to drag this for more than necessary, I say,

" You don\'t have to say anything, Kathy."

She frowns a little at my use of her nickname but doesn\'t say anything.

"I had a lot of fun during the time I spend with you....and I think that counts for something....moreover this is all your dumbass grandfather\'s fault."

I thought she would lash out at that \'dumbass\' comment but instead she lets out small laugh,

I also join in the laughter after which we once again stare at the sky, only this time it kind of felt awkward.

I wanna go back...but I can\'t leave things like this...

I turn towards her and say,

"I look forward to meeting the real \'you\'."

Nope...the moment I said it out aloud I\'m aware of how cheesy I sound..

I rush out of the rooftop feeling embarrassed.


" I\'m sorry for all this, young man.....I had no idea thin-"

I interrupt Eustace who had come to visit with me with the others and say,

" It\'s fine, Mr. Eustace....it\'s not like you planned any of this...right ?"

"Yes....anyhow, how are you feeling now ?", Eustace asked looking at my body up and down,

I suppose now is a better time than any.

" About that...Mr.Eustace, I----"

I go on to explain how I had come in possession of the skills that I had and about the panthers as well.....my words weren\'t exactly the truth but hey...let\'s not hang on the small details.

The story was this, as I was coming out of the bathroom...I saw a man wearing a black cloak running towards the backstage of the stage. Feeling that something was amiss I follow the man into the backstage to find him in the middle of stealing the items for the auction. We fight, panther dies due to our fight...as it\'s dying wish asks me to take care of her children which I decide to do. I try to run away with the panthers but the man corners me in the bathroom and that\'s the last thing I could remember.

Also, I learned the skills mid-fight to get the upper hand since my opponent was too strong.

This was basically what happened....in a sense.

After hearing my side of the story, Eustace closes his eyes and massages his forehead with his hand as if he had a big headache which he technically did.

I mean, the man probably lost millions of of serja because of the incident.

" I know what I did was irresponsible...I\'m willing to pay for the things that I took, sir.", I say trying to end our little chat.

The old man annoys me for some reason.

" No...that would not sit right with, young man....you can keep the things that you have taken....including the panthers.", Eustace says.

I can almost feel the displeasure in his voice....

Is he trying to win my trust or something ?

Well, who cares ?

Either way....I\'ve hit jackpot !

I could do without the panthers though.

I look down at the panthers that had made themselves comfortable in my lap, well one had made it\'s comfortable while the other one kept trying to climb on top of me.

As Eustace and I continue our conversation, I forget about the panther and it succeeds to climb on my shoulder, just as I was about to place him on my lap once again, it bends it\'s head and starts...biting my nipple.

....No...it couldn\'t be.....

A pin-drop silence descends upon the room until Max starts laughing like a maniac.

" YOU\'RE THE MOMMY !!!", he wheezes out and everybody starts laughing, even Eustace had a small smile on his face.

Well...this isn\'t funny at all.....nobody can insult my manliness like this...

Eh...no..that tickles

"heheheheh", I giggle like a little girl.


I changed my mind....

I\'m gonna eat this nipple-sucker, I\'m gonna eat him real good....

Okay...that sounded more normal before I thought it.....


After calming down, we all talk for some time before Eustace excuses himself.

" I almost forgot....take this.", Eric says passing my school bag [?]

Seeing my confusion, Eric sighs and says,

" You have to study....the midterms begin in a week."

Oh.....right, there was that.

In the novel, nothing that special happened during the midterms. It was just an exam, in other words it was an filler arc.

But now that I\'m in the novel...I\'m gonna have to study....damn it...this would be so much easier with \'them\'.

I open my bags and arrange all my books on my hospital bed. I couldn\'t go home for a week since the doctors wanted to observe me, so I\'m gonna have to study in the hospital.

One of the panthers jump on my books and I frown,

\'This isn\'t going to work..\', I thought tired.

Taking care of one of them was possible but two was not possible.

" Lecia...you take one of them.", I say pointing at the panther that had sucked on nipple.

" Okay.", Lecia agrees readily, I knew that she adored animals.

As she tried to take it, it moves away and growls for the first time as if it was warning her to try catching her.

" It looks like it doesn\'t want to go with me...", Lecia says a little sad.

" I don\'t care who....somebody has to take one of them, I can\'t take care of two.", I say

Max, Emilia and Lecia take turns trying to separate them from but they refused to move.

I think they just didn\'t want to take care of them since it took a lot of work, they\'re three days old.... it\'s very easy to drag them away by force.

I look at Katherine who was shyly standing behind everyone,

" Why don\'t you give it a try, Kathy ?"

She once again frowns but steps forward to try her luck.

The nipple sucker refuses to move, like always but the other one strangely remains quiet...it comes upto me and rubs itself on me and then goes along with Katherine.

" YES !", Katherine screams in joy but calms down just as quickly when she notices that everyone in the room was staring at her.

Well....this is certainly interesting.


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