
Chapter 102 Contract

I leave a stunned Dina behind and leave the room.


Before heading outside where Eustace had supposedly arranged a bonfire, I go to the room were the two panthers were kept.

Entering the room, I find that Katherine had taken Lola outside as Rhys was alone in the room. He was playing with the ball of wool I had given him, seeing me he gets up and runs towards me.

I pat Rhys on the head trying to distract myself from unwanted thoughts, after a good amount of patting, I pick him up and carry him outside where I see a raging bonfire brighten the night sky.

Everybody except Max, who seemed to be in his own little world had gathered around Katherine who had Lola on her lap.

\'What kind of game are they playing ?\', I thought, curious.

The first person to notice me was Max, but instead of making fun of me like he usually does Max averts his gaze from me and ignores me.

\'Weird...;, I thought walking up to the others.

Finally taking notice of me, Lecia and Eric exchange glances but doesn\'t ask me anything which I appreciate since the others would be suspicious if they saw us chattering amongst ourselves.

" Adam....You won\'t believe what just happened !!", Emilia says after taking notice of me.

" What ?", I ask curious.

Instead of answering, Emilia points at Lola who sat proudly on Katherine\'s lap.

My eyes widen as realization strikes me, Lola looked a little more bigger now...but the biggest giveaway were her eyes....one was green while the other was blue....just like Katherine\'s eyes.

Katherine had made a contract with Lola...

A contract was an agreement between two parties that basically stated that they were one...kinda like marriage...two beings in a contract couldn\'t betray each other no matter what...so it\'s not like marriage [ fuck you, Richard.]

Animals adapted to mana could form a contract with anyone they thought was worthy and liked so the fact that Lola initiated and successfully formed a contract with Katherine meant that Lola trusted Katherine with her life.

I look at Rhys, who was busy trying to bite his own tail in my hands and sigh.


Katherine\'s POV


Katherine was feeling extremely proud of herself.

Why wouldn\'t she be proud ?

She had formed a contract with Lola just now and it was all so sudden, Katherine and the others were playing charades and Lola suddenly started glowing.

\' Adam\'s going to be so jealous....\', Katherine thought feeling giddy.

\'Where is he ?\', Katherine thought looking for Adam so she could brag about her achievement.

But Adam and Miss Domino were nowhere to be found, Katherine found it strange but she doesn\'t think twice about it.

" Adam....You won\'t believe what just happened !!"

Katherine looks up when she heard Emilia call out his name and her lips curved into a mischievous smile,

Katherine could see Rhys in Adam\'s hand and from the looks of it, Adam hadn\'t formed a contract with him yet.

\' I won !\', Katherine thought excited to have won a non-existent game.

" Why do you think Rhys hasn\'t formed a contract with you yet ?", Emilia asked patting Rhys on the head.

" Maybe Rhys thinks that Adam isn\'t worthy of his love..", Jennifer said laughing and hitting Adam on the back.

A bitter smile spread across Adam\'s face as he said,

" That might be true..."

Katherine\'s smile faded as she heard Adam.....

\' Is he that sad ?\'

Strangely enough, Adam looked like the saddest person in the world at that particular moment.


Adam\'s POV


" So....what happened ?", Eric asked anxiously.

" She wanted to talk about filling a form..", I say lying like a pro.

I mean...what else can I do at this point ?

Should I tell them that Dina\'s my mother from another life....that\'s ridiculous and there\'s also the fact that I don\'t want to tell them.

" What form ?", Lecia asked frowning...probably confused.

" A permit form.....for Rhys."

Seeing the confusion on their faces, I say,

" I know....I\'m confused too."


It took some time for them to accept my well thought out lie.

I kick them out of my room, after giving them enough time to digest the lie.

Before going to sleep, I decide to pack my bags, since we\'ll be going home tomorrow.

Throwing in a few clothes was all it took to finish the \'packing\' part, after which I decide to take a quick shower before finally falling into the comfort of the bed.

After fifteen minutes, I was all tucked in and ready to sleep.


Thirty minutes ago.


Lecia and Eric walk out of the room a little dazed.

They had even gotten ready to fight but it was all for nothing as the angel didn\'t do anything....\'wrong\'.

" He\'s lying....isn\'t he ?", Eric said shaking his head.

" Probably.....but if he says it\'s alright...it must be fine.", Lecia said with an eerie smile on her face.

Lecia was seething inside, she was sick of all the lies...for once she wanted Adam to just tell the truth....was that too hard ?

The only reason Lecia nor Eric confronted Adam about his obvious lie was because they knew his character very well.

Adam would just make up new lie and try to convince them otherwise, they were tired of asking him for answers...that\'s why they came to an important decision.

\' We\'ll get the truth out of you....somehow.\'

They hadn\'t decided how, but they were going to break apart the den of secrets that Adam had built up until now...

They were walking back to their respective room when-

" Lecia....do you have a minute ?"

The both of them turn around to find Max, who had an uncharacteristically serious expression on his face.

" What\'s up, Max ?",

" Well.....I was passing by Adam\'s room earlier....actually I was coming to call the both of you for the games....but I heard something weird...I think you should k-"


Max took a step back as both Lecia and Eric shout at them unable to wait any longer, if it was when the others were playing...

\' He heard their conversation !\', Lecia thought excited to have got her first clue.

" Well...it\'s really weird--------"

But as Max continued with his story, Lecia\'s excitement was replaced by shock....

" It doesn\'t make any sense.." Eric said frowning...

" I know...I thought you two might know something.", Max said concerned.

" Are you sure that you heard him refer to Dina as \'mother\' ?", Lecia asked wanting to be sure.

" Dina ?!", Max asked confused.


Lecia and Eric stare at each other with the same thought running through their mind,

\' We might have fucked up...\'


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