
Chapter 106 FIVE MONTHS (4)

" You were too harsh, father...", Victoria said glaring fiercely.

Belial avoids Victoria\'s gaze and sighs feeling exhausted.

Belial didn\'t know how to raise children, if not for his now dead wife, Araceous [son] would have would have become a mess.

Belial felt guilty for scaring his grandchild and he also felt a little proud that Tania had stood up to his anger....even though the words she uttered were very hurtful.



Tania\'s voice rang again and again inside his mind.

Shaking his head, Belial said,

" Let\'s go console her.."

Belial didn\'t miss the smirk that had sprouted on his daughter in law\'s face.

The both of them head towards the training hall, since they knew that Tania liked to go there when she was sad or had a lot on her mind.

Belial stopped just before entering the training hall as two clear voices could be heard from outside.


Belial and Victoria peep and watch the conversation between Tania and Adam unfold.

" My father\'s dead...I heard the elders talking about how you looked like him.....Aunty Aurora said.....she said that you could be my father\'s reincarnation.."

Both Belial\'s and Victoria\'s respective faces contorted in shock as they listened to Tania spill sensitive information. But their shock was replaced by concern as Tania abruptly burst into tears.

" Are you.....my father ?"

Hearing her daughter, Victoria\'s hurt broke into tiny little pieces....she always knew that Tania missed her father, but Tania always kept a happy face around her and Victoria knew that her daughter\'s happiness was a façade....yet she did nothing because she had no idea how to make her daughter happy.....

Victoria clearly knew that her husband was dead....she had made her peace with that but how could she tell her ten-year old daughter to move on from her father\'s death....so Victoria did nothing.

\'It\'s my fault..\', Victoria thought realizing that that reason that her daughter fainted was because she never helped her deal with her issues.

" Tiana....it doesn\'t matter if I\'m your father or not.....you have your mother and a grandfather who loves you very much...and I\'m sure that if your father was alive today...he would be very proud of you..."

Adam\'s answer brings Victoria back to reality.

Meanwhile Belial himself was feeling pretty down,

When Tania came back into his life, he made sure to give her all sorts of luxuries and toys, but he had never once asked her how she was feeling...

Belial had assumed that Tania was an happy innocent child....

\' How could I be so foolish ?\', Belial thought regret seeping in.

Belial had forgotten that Tania had grown up abused and alone in a cell somewhere in the human realm....no child would be \'happy\' after going through something like that...

" Cherish those around you while you still can..."

Adam\'s words hit Belial deep and precisely.....

Belial had forgotten to cherish his granddaughter...he took her for granted, he had forgotten that even though Tania was a child...she had been through a lot more than any adult he had ever know.

" But I\'m weak.....I have no talent with the sword....everyone here tells me I\'m doing good but I can see their disappointment...."

Belial was even more shocked to hear Tania\'s next words...

It was only now that Belial had realized that he had never told Tiana how proud he was of her.....he thought that his granddaughter already knew...

" Princess....you\'ve got it all wrong, just because your father used the sword doesn\'t mean that you have to do the same....you\'re different from him or your grandfather...instead of trying to imitate your father....carve out your own path."

Both Belial and Victoria was thankful that at least Adam knew the right thing to say, they were also a little ashamed that they couldn\'t do the same....but that was going to change from today.

That was the fateful day that both Victoria and Belial made the same decision,

They were going to cherish Tania more, so that she feels comfortable enough to talk with the both of them instead of making more walls between them.

Belial slightly opens the door to the training hall to get a better look at Adam and Tiana, his heart melted at the sight of Tian smiling while hugging Adam.

" Thank you...daddy !!"

Hearing Tania, Victoria who was also trying to get a good look at her daughter slipped and fell on top of Belial causing a chain reaction of him falling down with a loud \'thud\'.

Both Adam and a red-faced Tania turn around in surprise hearing the commotion.


Adam\'s POV


Well, this visit has been....very weird so far.

We caught Belial and Victoria red handed, they were eavesdropping on us !.

Tiana threw a huge fit and stormed out of the room, but I got the feeling that she just wanted to get away from me and I don\'t blame her.

It\'s my first time being called a \'daddy\' and I thought that my first time would go very differently.....heh.

Instead of being embarrassed, I strangely felt proud.

Being someone\'s father figure was a new experience to me.


Anyway, Belial told me to stay at the demon\'s castle for today since it was already this late, I was in one of the many guest rooms within the castle.

The guest room...well it didn\'t look like a guest room. It was way too extravagant, forget the room....even the bed felt different.

It was way too soft, as I wasn\'t used to sleeping on such a soft mattress sleep eluded me completely.


Just as I was about to burn the bed using [Hell Fire], a knock was heard from the other side.

I quickly jump out of the bed and open the door, I\'m surprised to see Victoria on the other side.

Victoria wore a simple nightgown, her hair which was usually braided was let loose, even in this simple attire...she looked beautiful.

\'Stop it\', I warn myself, shaking my head.

" Come in."

I let Victoria in and we sit beside each other on the bed, my heart was beating a little faster being so close to her.

" I just wanted to thank you for helping my daughter today.", Victoria says, smiling at me.

" It\'s no problem at all."

Victoria remains silent for awhile before she says,

" You know.....Tania really admires you...she\'s been asking about you ever since you helped us....we didn\'t mean for her to hear anything from that meeting....I apologize for all the trouble she caused today."

" It\'s all fine, Miss Victoria...you don\'t have to apologize to me."

We talk about this and that until Victoria goes away to her own room.


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