
Chapter 124 Let The Finals Begin !

Nothing out of the ordinary happened the past two days, I haven\'t seen Dina or Alvah for which I\'m glad.

I used the remaining days to catch up on most of my subjects and now it was finally time to use all that crammed-up knowledge in my brain.


The bell rang clearly signifying that exams had officially begun.

" You can start now.", our exam invigilator says prompting us to start writing. Before getting into my paper, I observe how the others were faring,

Lecia was thoroughly reading the paper while Katherine had already started writing. I found Eric and Max staring at me.....they must be bored too.

I give Eric a thumps up and flip Max off before looking back to my own paper.

The questions were all hard.....really hard.

\'Oh well....here we go.\', I thought finally starting to write.


The exam was way harder than I had expected.

I think there\'s a small chance that I might actually fail.

" I think I\'m going to fail....", Emilia says looking bummed out.

We were having lunch on the rooftop as per usual.

" Me too...I can\'t believe we\'re going to have to write another one today.", says Lecia sighing, looking completely defeated.

She was right, we had to write another exam after lunch.

The school seems to be in a hurry to finish the theory part of the finals.

Anyway, the practical test will begin immediately after all the exams are over and that will take just two days.

In the novel, the first years had a tournament style competition as the practical part but it\'s been changed now, I know all this because of Laurine.

Apparently, the school thinks that the current first years have a tendency to...well die very easily. In just one year, more than two students and a teacher were dead and almost everybody knew that these deaths were connected.....in other words, it was plain murder and the killer was still at large.

The school wanted to make their students stronger and their solution was to make them experience something....\'real\'.

I still don\'t know what exactly the management is thinking but since there isn\'t anything I can do against them, I\'ve decided to just go along with the flow. It\'s a good thing Laurine informed me of the revised practical test....if I went in unprepared my life could have been endangered.

Since Laurine told me ages ago, I\'ve had plenty of time to prepare myself. I wasn\'t just fooling around these past five months....

" How\'d you do on the exam ?", Eric asked breaking me away from my thoughts.

"Meh.", I reply back....silently praying that I pass the stupid exam.


It\'s the second day of exams and I\'ve just finished the last exam.....meaning that the theoretical part is officially over now.

I head out of the classroom after handing my paper to the invigilator.

I seriously think I\'m going to fail.

I\'ve skipped a butt-load of questions because of my lack of knowledge.

Urghhh....I\'m so dumb.

I should have prepared better.....

It\'s going to be alright because I can compensate for all the failed papers by acing the practical test.

" How was it ?", Lecia asks beckoning me to her

I\'m greeted by the others outside....well most of them, Katherine was still writing her paper.

" It was...alright."

"That bad huh ?", Lecia answers back seeing through my act.

We chat while waiting for Katherine to come out but she never does.


She doesn\'t come out even after the bell signifying the end of exams rang.

" What\'s taking her so long ?", Max asked impatiently.

"Let\'s go check it out.", I say hearing the voice of someone arguing within the classroom.

Entering the classroom, I\'m surprised to find Katherine arguing with the invigilator.

" I JUST NEED FIVE MORE MINUTES.", Katherine screamed tugging at her paper which the invigilator was trying to snatch away.

" You have no more time...please return your paper, young lady.", the invigilator says keeping her calm even after Katherine\'s little outburst.

Now that I think about it....Katherine looked a little haggard.

She didn\'t look like she had slept in ages.....her eyes had sunken and dark circles enveloped them.....her hair was unkempt and messy. I didn\'t notice it earlier since I was too caught up in my own world....but is Katherine alright ?

The exams might be stressing her out.

Before the situation could escalate any further, I head over to intervene.

" I\'m sorry.....my friend is just a little tired.", I say dragging Katherine away.

The invigilator sighs and nods her head before going on her way.

" Wait....I hav-", Katherine began to argue but-

" Shhhhhh.", I say raising my finger against her lips.


" What was that all about ?", Lecia asked as we came out of the classroom.

I let go of Katherine and instead of answering Lecia\'s question....she glared at me.

I back away as she starts moving towards me with her fingers pointed up at me,

" YOU HAD NO RIGHT !.....I could have finished that if I just had a little more time..."

" I\'m sorry.", I say not wanting to agitate her even further.

I should have thought about her \'past\' before I acted....that was thoughtless of me. since I understood where her anger came from...I feel kind of bad for interfering...but her paper would have torn otherwise.

" I----", Katherine stuttered finally snapping out of her anger....I think.

" I\'m going back to my room.", she says before leaving in a hurry.


We silently watch her retreating figure.

" What was that all about ?", Eric asked to no one in particular.

" I think I should go check on her.", Emilia says following Katherine.

Katherine better sort out whatever she\'s going through today, if she takes part in the practical test in that state...there\'s a high chance that she could die.


Night was slowly approaching and I was out instead of sleeping comfortably in my room.

I was taking Rhys on his daily walk.

" Mommy.....po-po.", Rhys says in a child like voice that befitted his age.

po-po mean that he has to take a shit.

" Go ahead then.", I say taking off his leash.

Rhys proceeds to do his business in the grass of the park inside the school grounds. I would usually see Katherine around the park but I doubt I\'ll see her toda-

" Adam !"

Just as I was thinking about her, Katherine\'s familiar voice reached my ears. I turn around to find her sitting at our usual spot with Lola on her lap. After making sure that Rhys was done, the both of us head towards them.

" H-hey....", Katherine says, her face was flushed and she didn\'t or couldn\'t look me in the eye.

" Hey.", I answer back taking a seat next to her.

" Hello, father." Lola said in a deep voice.

" Oh...hello there.", I say weakly smiling.

Lola had started addressing me as \'father\' and I was uncomfortable with it but telling her to stop would make me seem heartless....wouldn\'t it.

That\'s the only reason why I let her be.....I don\'t enjoy it or anything...yeah.

" I\'m s-sorry about today.", Katherine says aggressively petting Lola.

" It\'s alright....forget that, are you alright ?"


" You look terrible...", I edge her on to say something but she still remained silent.


After a considerable amount of time, Katherine finally says,

" I can\'t sleep..."

" Why not ?"

" I don\'t know..."

" Is it because of the exams ?"

" I don\'t know..."


I feel like we\'re going in circles here.

Letting out a cough, I say,

" I know it\'s tough but you don\'t have to be so stressed...."

" You don\'t understand.....I have to be perfect....I can\'t bring shame to the Colleen name..."

" Yeah.....you\'re right. I don\'t understand what you\'re going through...but I hope you\'ll be easier on yourself....since you\'re already pretty amazin-", I stop speaking as I feel her head leaning on my shoulder.

" Katherine ?", I ask confused but all I got in response was-


Katherine had fallen asleep.

Wow.....am I that boring ?

I chuckle seeing her sleep so peacefully after she had just proclaimed that she couldn\'t sleep.

\'She must have been tired....\', I thought letting Rhys on my lap.

Rhys took a minute to get comfortable and soon started snoring away just like Katherine, Lola too had somehow fallen asleep.

Feeling their warmth.....I felt strange, it\'s been a while since I\'ve felt so.....warm.

I sit there for a very long time.


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