
Chapter 126 The Hunt Begins (1)

" Please head to the front when your name is called.", Dina says in her usual monotonous voice.

We had gone through the gate assigned to us and had reached our exam site, it was a forest but that wasn\'t the important part.

The important part was right in front of me, the portal which led to the F-rank dungeon. Dina was probably going to divide us into different groups now since this was a group exercise.

The test was simple enough, we had to survive in the dungeon for a minimum of thirty minutes.....I plan on staying for much longer since I want to make sure that I can get amazing results as I\'m already pretty sure that I might have failed the theoretical part of the finals.

" Adam Creed and Jennifer Asher.", Dina calls me out breaking me away from my thoughts.

I\'m with Jennifer....she isn\'t particularly strong but she\'ll do just fine.

I wave at her and run upto stand beside her.

" Are you nervous ?", I ask her as Dina continued calling names out.

" Hmmmmm....just a little bit.", she replied smiling at me.

After another minute, Dina clears her throat to get our attention,

" Now that you\'ve all been divided into different groups....it\'s time to brief you on the dungeon. This is a basic F-rank dungeon and as I\'m sure you\'re all aware....F-rank dungeons are fairly simple. There\'s a whole lot of monsters and a boss monster that rules over them, once the boss is killed the rest of them slowly die out....but please don\'t engage the boss monster.....you\'re not ready to face \'it\'. The species of monster that reside within this particular dungeon is Wolfia, a wolf like monster, the bracelet will record the number of monsters you kill and you will be awarded extra points based on this....does anyone have any questions ?"

Katherine raised her hand immediately.

" Do you have any advice for us ?", Katherine asked eagerly.

Dina thought for a moment before saying,

" Well...just don\'t underestimate these things....they maybe F-rank but you\'re invading them on their turf and a monster is the strongest within it\'s domain."

After answering Katherine\'s question, Dina answers a few more questions from other students until-

" Now that you\'re all clear on your objective...it\'s time to start the test."

Dina stands before the portal and called out each group and handed them a pair of bracelets and a stone that glowed in a light shade of blue.

That was of course....the return stone and it\'s bracelets.

After some time, it was finally our turn.

Dina hands the stone and a bracelet to Jennifer and ties the other bracelet tightly around my wrist.

" Be safe.", she says quietly.

I obviously ignore her and enter the portal.....completely ready to ace this stupid test.


Lecia walked through the forest with her partner beside her,

" it\'s a little spooky isn\'t it ?", Max said sticking close to Lecia.

" Yeah....", Lecia replied moving forward.

Max and Lecia had been paired together by pure luck.

An awkward atmosphere hung around the both of them.

It was only natural as they hadn\'t spoken to each other since Adam had found out about them.

Max knew that they\'re relationship wasn\'t something exclusive and she would obviously choose her family over him....but it still hurt him a little bit.

Their \'relationship\' started a month ago, a particular night the both of them continued training in the common training hall until it was just the two of them and.....it just happened.

Of course....they hadn\'t done \'it\' yet and truth be told Max was glad they hadn\'t crossed that line, he didn\'t feel ready and Lecia too seemed disinterested in the concept of sex.....it was almost like she was afraid of it.

The both of them had some pretty intense make out sessions but that was about it.

" So...how have you been ?", Lecia whispered quietly, tiptoeing around the dark forest.

" I\'ve been good.", Max said keeping up with her.


" Hey.....listen, you\'re a great guy but I don\'t think \'we\' work...."

" I agree....", Max said....internally wiping away tears.

" You do ?", Lecia stopped to look back at him....surprised.


The both of them continue on, but Max didn\'t feel good.

Max liked Lecia a lot...she was beautiful even more so after getting to know her. When he was with her....he felt comfortable...safe and he didn\'t want her to go away....at least not like this.

" Wait....", Max said halting his steps.

" Hmm ?", Lecia enquired turning around to face him.

" I...don\'t want it to end like this."

Hearing him, Lecia looked a little sad,

" Look....I\'m sorr-" Lecia begins only to be interrupted by Max.

" Please....just listen to me, you\'re right....\'we\' were wrong...very wrong, I rushed because I was afraid that you would hate seeing the real me...but I was wrong. I want us to have another chance....a proper chance to do things right.....I don\'t want us to end like this."

Lecia looked hesitant but seeing how genuine Max was, she says \'yes\' without thinking.

Hearing her, his face brightens up in an instant.


" I\'m Max Reynolds.....it\'s nice to meet you."

Lecia smiled hearing him and answered back,

" I\'m Lecia Creed....it\'s nice to meet you as well."

The both of them shook their hands and that was their second beginning.


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