
Chapter 129 Karmic Retribution

The atmosphere surrounding the Asher household was grim.

Gloria Asher, Jennifer\'s mother had gone into her room after being informed that her husband had gone missing and she hadn\'t come out till now. Jennifer was very worried about her mother, she tried to bring her out countless times but her efforts were to no avail since her mother refused to come out.

" Here you go...", Jennifer said placing a plate filled with store-bought food in front of her brother.

Jennifer prayed that her mother would come out soon....but she was more worried about her brother. Jennifer knew very well that he wasn\'t as mentally strong as her mother and her, but all she could do for now was be there for him.

Jennifer hadn\'t accepted her father\'s disappearance, she kept thinking that he would come back soon but now she knew better. There was something unusual about her father\'s disappearance but right now her family was more important.

She needed her mother back to her normal self before investigating her father\'s disappearance.

" Eat...before the food goes cold.", Jennifer said watching Jacob playing around with the food, his face sullen.

The Asher twins eat their lunch in silence, the both of them weren\'t exactly in a mood to talk.

Just as they were about to finish their lunch, they hear the door to their mother\'s door open slowly.

" You\'re eating ?!", Gloria asked glaring at her children.

" Mom !....", Jennifer got up quickly but before she could take another step-

" You\'re eating comfortably while you\'re father is....suffering all alone...", Gloria slowly walked towards her children.

It was only now that Jennifer noticed how unsettling her mother looked.

Gloria\'s eyes were red as if she hadn\'t slept in ages, her hair was all ruffled in different directions as if she had been pulling her hair out by force and Jennifer could see that her right hand was bleeding slightly.

" Are you oka-", Jennifer began but-


Gloria slapped her before she could complete speaking.

" You ungrateful children.....you\'re enjoying yourselves after your father was murdered !".

Jennifer backed away from her mother in shock and fear, Jennifer had never seen her mother act like this before.

" W-what are you talking a-about ?", Jacob asked standing in front of Jennifer as if he was protecting her.

Gloria shifted her attention to Jacob, Jacob didn\'t know why his mother was behaving like this but he wasn\'t going to let her act like this to his sister..not after how she took care of him all this time.

It was his turn to protect her now.

" Geoffrey didn\'t run away....he was killed.....do you understand me, son ?.... YOU\'RE FATHER WAS KILLED !", Gloria screamed tears flowing down her eyes.

" Mother....calm down.", Jacob said moving forward to console his mother.


Jennifer watched in horror as her mother proceeded to hit Jacob without rest.

Jennifer couldn\'t move...

\' Why is this happening ?\'

Just a week ago, her family was perfectly happy....just how could everything fall apart so easily?

Jennifer soon learned the reason why.....

Gloria explained to her children that the Creeds, whom their father worked for had adopted a strange child that was hiding his strength, the Creeds were trying to bring some truth to the light and had given her father the job of observing the boy.

Gloria thought a lot about it and there was only one answer to Geoffrey\'s disappearance.....the boy had killed her husband and the Creeds were covering up his death.

" You have to kill the boy....", Gloria said holding Jacob\'s hand tightly.

" K-kill ?", Jacob said, fear evident in his eyes.

The boy was going to enroll at Unity, in Gloria\'s eyes it was the perfect plan.

" If that boy lives....then your father\'s soul will never get peace....so you have to avenge your father.", Gloria said gently caressing her son\'s face.

" I--ca-", Jacob stuttered out, scared.

" I\'ll do it.", Jennifer pushed past Jacob and said facing her mother head-on.

Jennifer had passed the entrance exam for Starlight, but she wasn\'t planning on taking it.....she was going to enroll at Unity and kill that boy..... she wanted to protect her brother from committing murder but a small part of her did want.....revenge.

" What\'s that boy\'s name ?"

" Adam Creed.", Gloria replied with a smile on her face.


The present


Adam\'s POV


[ Did you kill Geoffrey Asher ?]

My mind goes blank as I answer her question in a trance,




It takes me a minute to remember who Geoffrey exactly was, he was the butler I choked to death.....so he was Jennifer\'s father ?

Damn it all, I have the worst luck ever....

" Jennifer.....let\'s just calm down and talk hmmm ?", I say hoping to stop her.

Jennifer was going to betray me from the beginning, I should have looked into her background instead of just pushing her around as an \'extra\'.

" I don\'t have anything to say....to you.", Jennifer said closing her eyes and bringing the dagger down on my face.

\'This is it....huh ?\', I close my eyes, bracing for the pain to hit me...but it never does.

I open my eyes to find the dagger piercing the ground beside my head.

Breathing out a sigh of relief, I say,

" Jennifer.....I may be a killer but you aren\'t...your father wouldn\'t want this....so let\'s just stop...I\'ll confess...you don\'t have to do this..."

" I think we both know that you\'re lying...but you\'re right, I\'m not a killer.", Jennifer says getting up and dusting away the dirt on her.

Alright.....it seems that I\'ll make it out of here alive for no-

" Hey.....what are you doing ?", I ask Jennifer, who had picked the fallen dagger and was closing in on me once again.

Instead of answering my question, she bends forward once again but this time she does start using the knife on me....she\'s trying to cut my hand...?


I continued to scream as Jennifer proceeded to cut off my hand.

The pain is unbearable and I can feel death\'s shadow being cast upon me.

After removing my hand from my body, Jennifer proceeds to throw my hand far away and walks into the depths of the forest and comes back with a lot of monster corpses in her hand, she continues to walk over to the entrance of the cave where the boss monster resided.

Dropping the corpses in front of the cave, she says,

" I\'m not a murderer...but I wonder if the boss has a problem with killing you?", Jennifer said turning around with a bitter expression on her face.

" I\'ll see you in hell....Adam.", saying this she crushed the stone in her hand leaving me behind.

My bracelet was on my hand that was cut off....so she wants to make it look like this boss monster killed me.....the smell of blood will probably draw the boss monster out any second now.

\'Fuck....\', I thought not because of my very imminent death.....but because of the pain that I felt.

I hate pain.....shit.....shit.....am I going to die like this ?


I cursed my body that wouldn\'t budge no matter what.

[Uffff....looks like we\'re in trouble.]


" Who said that ?", I look around confused and surprised.

[ I\'m hurt.....you don\'t know me after all we\'ve been through. >_<]

" R-reveal yourself.....", I say feeling myself lose consciousness.

I\'ve lost a ton of blood....it\'s a miracle that I\'m still conscious at all.

[ I\'m right next to you.....I\'ve always been right next to you.]

I turn around and find the owner of the voice,

" Y-you...how ?", I ask seeing \'me\'.

Not Adam....but John.....somehow I can see him standing right next to me...

[ Yo.], John said looking down at me.


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