
Chapter 133 Prologue#2

I\'ve always known the truth.

Somewhere along the way, I just buried it deep inside because I didn\'t want to accept that I killed my mother.

I didn\'t try to hear her out.....I just finished her off as I do with all my enemies but was she ever my enemy?

[ Awww...you look sad.....how wonderful.]

I continue watching John as he met Cecile.....my wife.

I watch them fall in love.

I watch them fall apart as well.

But Cecile looked so lonely...was I that neglectful of her?

I never realized.....

[ Oh.....I love this part !], it exclaimed jumping around in excitement.

Knowing what was coming, I gaze down feeling tired.


John was feeling miserable.

Cecile was pushing fiercely for the divorce and he couldn\'t fight against her anymore, he had no means to do anything.

All his funds were drained due to the divorce and he was broke, not owning a single thing to his name.

Right now, he was going over to Claire\'s place to \'collect\' his things.


John rang the doorbell and waited for her to open the door.

It took her a few minutes to open the door, she wore an almost transparent nightgown.

Cecile looked surprised to see John.

" What are you doing here, John ?", she asked putting on a fake smile.

" You told me to come to pick my things up....", John said avoiding her eyes.

" Yeah....but not at midnight !", Cecile glared at John, tired of this.

Cecile could almost smell the alcohol off John, she was tired of his behavior and just wanted this to end but a small part of her did feel bad for him.

" Cecile.....I-"

" Babe, who\'s at the door ?", a voice came from behind Cecile.

John\'s eyes widen as a man who wore nothing but his underwear came and stood beside her, swinging his hand around her shoulder.

" Who\'s this ?", the man asked smiling at John.

" Richard....why don\'t you head back ?"

" You....already-- how could you ?", John asked tears rolling down his face.

Cecile whispered something to Richard, who after hearing her said,

" Oh...it\'s your asshole ex-husband."

Hearing Richard...something broke inside John.

" DAMN YOU !", John screamed as he pounced on Richard.



John continued to punch the man until Cecile tried to stop him.

" STOP IT !", she screamed trying to push John away.

John pushed her away and got off Richard only to get on top of Cecile.

" Urghhh", Cecile groaned as John clasped her throat.

The voices inside his head encouraged him to continue so that\'s exactly what he did.....

John could see Cecile slowly dying, even then his grip on her was never loosened.

" J-johnn--", Cecile whispered, pleading with John.

John suddenly let go of her throat, shocked to find the extent of the destruction he had done...

When he had gotten married, John had made a promise to himself.

But he had broken it tonight.

John had become his father...the person he hated the most in the world.


John looked down from the railing, the water greeted him with an ominous stillness.

The voices egged him on to jump but in the end, he couldn\'t do it.

\' I can\'t even kill myself properly....\'

John tried to get down but unfortunately slipped to his death.


Both Adam continue to watch as John slowly became \'Adam\'.

They watched as he befriended Lecia at the orphanage.

They watched as he killed Mark.

They watched as he killed the Creeds.

They watched as he killed Joe.

They watched as he got closer to the characters in his novel.

[ Look at you go..]

The memories continue to go on until Jennifer betrayed Adam.

Adam notice that Jennifer was tearing up when \'it\' had happened.

\' Why didn\'t I notice that before ?\'

- and just like that, they were back to the present.

The boss monster was a lot closer now, but Adam still had time.

Adam found that his body was back in his command, just as he was about to get up-

[ Are you going to run away now ?.....]

The voice made him stop.

[ Then again, I wouldn\'t be surprised because all you do is run.]

Adam sat on the ground and listened to the voice,

[ Everyone you love.......dies....you like it don\'t you ?....seeing them break apart like that...]

" N-no...I didn\'t want any of this.", Adam mumbled out weakly.

[ Stop pretending to be the good guy when you\'re not...you killed Jennifer\'s father out of petty and can you blame her for trying to kill you ?]

" I-"

[ Oh and there\'s Emilia, that poor little girl. She has no idea that she\'s laughing around with the murderer of her \'gammy\' and \'pop-pop\' does she ?.....you enjoy fooling her, don\'t you ?....kekekek]

[ -and of course, we can\'t forget about dear old Lecia.....back then, you knew what was happening to her right ?....there were so many signs and yet you ignored them all because you wanted her to be miserable....right ?]

" I didn\'t k-"

[ I can list so much more....but why bother when you\'re gonna kill them all.]


[ Oh....you can even kill your mother again....you\'re a lucky little murderer aren\'t you ?]

" I don\'t w-"

[ What ?...you don\'t want to kill anybody ?]

[ That might be true.....but you\'re going to kill again because you\'re addicted to seeing others suffer.....there is a way to prevent all that though...]

" How....?"

[ Kill yourself....everybody wins that way.]

" Kill myself?", Adam asked, dazed.

[ Yeah....think about it, you won\'t have to try so hard anymore and everybody you love will be able to live a long and happy life...]

" You\'re right...."

Adam looked at the sky which had darkened, the sky looked similar....it looked the same as the day he jumped off that bridge...

\' I wonder what happened to Cecile?\', Adam thought thinking of that night.

Even after their divorce, Adam had loved her.....so he wondered just how he could do something like that to her.....

\'Maybe.....it\'s better if it just ends here.\'

The boss monster had been warily circling Adam, but after realizing that he wasn\'t a threat...it stopped and inched closer to Adam.

Standing inches away from Adam, its saliva falls on Adam\'s face as it bared its very sharp teeth at him in a menacing growl.

Looking into the red eyes of the monster...Adam closed his eyes accepting his death.

\' I deserve this.\' was the last thought he had before the boss monster-

- sank its teeth into Adam.

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