
Chapter 141 Bad Joke

I wake up to the sound of someone whispering beside me.

" Woah.....look at them."

" I know...they\'re cute aren\'t they ?"

Hearing their conversation made me feel uncomfortable, it took me a minute to recollect just what had happened to me.

That\'s right.....Some random wolfman attacked me and I tried to fight back but then I just fainted out of nowhere. Before I blacked out, the last thing I remember was trying to use the [Hell Fire] skill.

That\'s obviously not a coincidence, something is wrong with my skill, but that wasn\'t possible since skills didn\'t just stop working out of nowhere. I need to understand what\'s going on with my body soon.....it\'s a good thing that I\'m in Leora.

Before moving forward with my plan, I need to identify what exactly is going on with me...if not I might be in a little bit of a pickle.

Anyway, before doing all that I need to get up and deal with these people.

They\'re clearly strong, a weak person wouldn\'t attack someone in broad daylight. If they are what I think they are...I might have lucked out.

I open my eyes only to be startled by the face of a beastwoman.

She was way too close...

" I knew it!.....he\'s awake Nyad."

Hearing her, the wolfman who had attacked me earlier burst into the room we were in, he held a bowl in his hands and was using a whisk. It looked like he was whipping up some eggs.

" Oh...."

That was all that the man, Nyad managed to mutter out.

Instead of being angry with both of them, I was fascinated.

Apart from Rhys and Lola, I haven\'t interacted with any other beastpeople so I couldn\'t help but be fascinated.

Animals capable of utilizing mana had three main forms or evolutions.

The first was their base form, in this form they were unable to talk but were able to use a very limited amount of mana.

The second form was achieved when they successfully made a contract or became efficient in using mana. In the second form, they were able to use a lot more mana and could talk more.

The last and final form was the form in which everything changed.

Their body would resemble humans much more and they would be able to control much more mana. The final form also came in with a bonus.

Animals have lived their entire lives being one with nature, so they could tap into the power of nature, doing so temporarily unlocks their final form called \'natura\'.

Animals are also given the choice to reject their evolution.

The three of us stare at each other in silence until the man grunts something and heads back into what I think is the kitchen.

" I\'m sorry about him.....he means well."

I nod my head and ask the woman before me,

" Where am I ?"

" Well....you\'re in our room."

"Hmmm", I say taking a look around.

" I\'m Nephyr by the way and the brute is Nyad.", the woman adds cheerfully.

I try to get up but Nephyr stops me and points at my lap with a slight smile playing around her face,

" He\'s a cute one..."

I found Rhys sleeping peacefully on my lap, I had failed to notice him earlier because of Nephyr\'s presence.

" We owe you an apology...We\'re s-"

" You don\'t owe me anything.....that guy does though.", I say pointing towards the kitchen where Nyad had disappeared to.

" Haha....that\'s true.", Nephyr says awkwardly scratching her head.

We stay silent as the sound of Rhys snoring slightly slowly passed through the room like a wave.

" Why did he attack me in the first place ?", I ask already having an idea.

" Well because of him...", Nephyr\'s fingers were once again pointed at Rhys.

" That\'s it? , I know that it isn\'t normal for him to be contracted at such a young age but that isn\'t enough reason to assault me...."

Nephyr had a strange look on her face as she explained,

" That isn\'t it.....we have a good sense of smell and that young child is....part human."

Oh....it\'s just as I thought.

" Nyad attacked you under the assumption that you had something to do with his birth, but when we saw how he tried to protect you.....we thought that there might be more to the story."

Rhys tried to protect me?

That makes me feel strangely good.

" I see...", I answer back in a good mood.


" Could you tell us his story?", Nephyr asked, her eyes strangely sparkling.

" Sure.", I answer back without a second thought.

I mean, I have no reason to hide anything.

" Let\'s go somewhere else...I don\'t want to disturb him.", Nephyr says standing up.

I gently leave Rhys on the bed and start to follow her.


As Nephyr opened the room, we were greeted by Nyad who had clearly been eavesdropping on us, he was trying his best to act like he wasn\'t though.

Both Nephyr and I ignore him and she leads me to another room where we make ourselves comfortable, Nyad also entered the room and stood in a corner, leaning on the wall.

After making sure that both of them were paying attention, I began narrating the story of how Rhys and I met....and his past as well.


\' BOOM\'

A hole the size of a fist had appeared after I had finished my story.

" FUCK THEM ALL !", Nyad screamed, his face was flushed and his veins seemed to want to break out.

Nephyr had a horrified expression on her face that pretty much summed up her feelings.

" I\'m sorry to say this Mr.Nyad, but all humans aren\'t bad."

Hearing me, Nyad seemed to want to scream but after seeing all the bandages on my body, his expression softened.

" You\'re right.....you\'re not half bad for a human, kid. I liked the part where you burned that bastard....."

" He\'s right....you\'re a good kid, Adam.", Nephyr added in still looking sick.

Oh...this atmosphere is bumming me out.

I need to do something to lighten this shit up.....

" You\'re right.....I\'m pretty great aren\'t I ?"

Dead silence was the end product that I received for my poor joke [?] until Nephyr chuckled and Nyad also chuckled a bit.

Great...they\'re giving me a pity laugh, but I suppose that\'s what you call progress.


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