
Chapter 156 Death Flag (2)

It has been some time since the both of us were thrown into this poorly maintained cell, Max had told me all about how he had reached his current predicament.

Just like me, Max had been mistaken as the enemy and was almost executed but thankfully Max was able to convince them that he meant no harm, he informed them he was a student from Unity who was trying to save the lion cub. Of course, they didn\'t fully believe him, but the lions decided to postpone his execution since his story checked out.

They sent a letter to Unity wanting to confirm the truth, Max was let out and was allowed to freely explore the village under the watchful eye of an observer, a lioness named, \'Henna\'. Henna was a kind person contrary to the other people within the village, so she got along well with Max.

But their blossoming friendship wasn\'t meant to be as Max witnessed Henna\'s death the very next day. It was a night like any other, Max had just walked away for a minute but by the time he had returned, it was too late.

A dagger had been used to make a hole in her chest and looking down on her was a wolf wearing a lion mask, the killer held Henna\'s weakly beating heart within their hands.

Max tried to stop the killer but he was helpless as he had been bound with mana restraints since the beastpeople didn\'t completely trust him. Max screamed and shouted for help but the killer escaped.

Trying to somehow mend the horrible situation, Max bent down to inspect Henna\'s body. It was at this exact moment that \'help\' arrived. But instead of listening to Max, the lions drew up their own conclusions and arrested Max.

"- it was so scary, they wouldn\'t listen to me no matter how much I tried to explain...", Max says ending his long and tiring narration.

It was tiring to hear him explain since I already knew all that had happened.

" What about you ?", Max asked, his eyes sparkling," Did you infiltrate inside this place to save me?"


I explain in detail and make max understand that I would never come to save him in a million years.

" So, that\'s how you came here....."

We sat in silence for the next few minutes.

" What are we going to do ?", Max asked breaking the silence.

" I don\'t know."

" We need to come up with a plan...."


An hour later,


Max had come up with a lot of stupid ideas.

I listened patiently and kept my cool.

It was getting tiring listening to Max go on and on, I was almost reaching my breaking point. It was at this exact moment that the door to the cell swung open. I almost hugged the guard who came inside out of pure relief.

" Please f-follow me, the chief is c-calling for you.", the guard says, a little rattled by my antics.

Both Max and I exchange a knowing glance and follow the guard dutifully, we could have easily ran away but I could sense that wasn\'t a good idea and since Leo sent only a single guard....that could only mean that he doesn\'t see us as threats.

That\'s good.

The guard led us to a door,

" He\'s waiting for you inside.", the guard said before getting out of our way.

I open the door and move inside, Max follows behind me.

The room looked quite....normal, a bookshelf filled with tons of books stood towering at the side and a fan was spinning atop us with a \'whir\', in the middle of the room a table had been arranged.

" You\'re finally here....", Leo says standing up along with Augustus who was also in the room.

" Have a seat.....we have a lot to discuss.", Augustus says sitting back down on his chair.

All of us follow his example and do the same, for a while there was quiet until-

" So, we\'ve investigated a bit and you\'re both.....not guilty.", Leo says refusing to meet my gaze.

Max lets out a sigh of relief, I remain calm since I had expected this outcome.

Of course, we aren\'t the killers. These bastards just want this to end so they blamed the first person they suspected.


Stupid fuckers.


For every curse word, I uttered in my mind, Leo winced as if he could read my m-

" A-anyway, we got letters from Unity stating that you\'re both students there so it\'s not possible for you to be the culprits...we also got a letter from a woman named Lecia."

Leo took out two letters and passed them to Max and me, My eyes narrowed unconsciously as I saw Max eagerly opening his letter.

I open my letter slowly and read through its contents,

To sum it up, Lecia scolded me for the better half of the letter, she told me that I was careless and was always getting myself in trouble. After that she started questioning me about my condition, she asked if I was getting proper food, and so on. At the end of the letter, she said that she and the others were waiting for us, eagerly.

I put the letter down, a slight smile unwillingly formed on my face.

Max also seemed to have enjoyed reading his letter as a stupid grin was visible on his face,

" What did she write you ?"

" Well...a lot of things, but primarily to keep you safe.", Max says smiling at me.


As if I need protection, I\'m probably the strongest within our little merry group.

" Ahem, anyway there\'s still something w-"


Leo frowned hearing the knock on the door, before sighing and saying,

" Come in."

The door opened and revealed Lydia along with Georna trudging along behind her, I raise my brows upon seeing the new company,

" What are they doing here ?". I ask Leo who had gotten up and offered his seat to Georna.

I moved to the edge of my chair and opened up some space for Lydia on my chair, she sat down next to me with a weird look on her face.

" Well.....I just wanted to why this elder lied to us ?....."

Leo stared down at both Lydia and Georna intensely, Georna scoffed at his action,

" Stop using your stupid skill on me boy."

Leo didn\'t retort in any manner, he just shifted his gaze to Lydia who had started to sweat profusely.

" W-what skill ?", Max asked confused.

" This cub can read minds.", Georna says drinking a cup of tea.

" That was mine.", Leo says glaring at Georna.

Georna gave a little \'hmph\' and continued to drink Leo\'s tea.

Leo shook his head in defeat and went back to staring at Lydia.

" H-he can read minds !?", Max asked surprised.

I nod my head and continue to observe Leo in action, it was faint but Leo\'s hazel brown eyes were slightly glowing in a golden hue.

" Why did your grandmother lie ?", Leo asked Lydia in a rather cold tone.

" Me don\'t knww.", Lydia says closing her eyes.

Me don\'t knww ?

What the hell does that mean?

Leo continued to stare at Lydia for a long time until-

" Ahh...just stop thinking about carrots !"

Lydia nods her head and Leo\'s eyes stop glowing,

" It doesn\'t matter, either way, these two are innocent.", Leo says doing a dynamic facepalm.

" I knew it !!", Lydia says jumping up, which resulted in me falling on the floor with a loud \'thud\'.

" ....Sorry...", she said calming down.

After a few minutes, we were all once again seated properly and Leo continued on,

" These two are innocent but....we can\'t let you two just leave like that."

" Why not ?", Lydia asked, worried.

" The beastpeople are in a state of panic right now, people are feeling unsafe. We can\'t just say that we made a mistake and just move on... there are already talks going on about our incompetency...if we just let you two go....then that would be bad for our....image.", Leo says, his face slightly red from embarrassment.

" This is just pathetic.", Georna said glaring at Leo.

" You don\'t have to tell me that...I already know."

" Luna would be disappointed in yo-", but before Georna could complete her insult an intense pressure fell upon the room.

" Know your limits...Miss Georna."

An awkward silence settled around the room as the pressure quickly disappeared.

" A-anyway, we had an idea to salvage this situation. We\'re going to make you do the \'trial of truth\'."

" What is that ?", Max asked eager to get out of this dangerous village.

" It\'s a form of punishment where the accused are made to fight each other and the one who wins the match is the innocent one, we believe the gods helped him survive. But you two wouldn\'t have to fight.....all you have to do is to forfeit the match and then you\'ll be taken away. The people might think that we killed you but....we\'ll just let you go."

" Great....which one of us has to forfeit the match ?", Max asked looking excited.

" You\'re both going to have to forfeit, it won\'t work with just one person giving up. The trial can only be stopped if both of you give up."

Max nods along with Augustus\'s words, the both of them tell us more about the trial and how we were to prepare for it.


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