
Chapter 165 Absolute Strength

The world was not a fair place, the rich get richer and the poor become poorer, and the strong completely dominated the weak. To survive in this hardened world, we must be strong or give in to the strong.

Humans were at the very top of the food chain, we were the mightiest among the others…until mana began seeping into this world resulting in every being gaining self-consciousness, mana helped every organism evolve at an astonishing rate.

This all led to the birth of the mana beasts, animals adapted to mana.

Humans had to grudgingly accept the fact that they were no longer the strongest, they couldn’t accept this at first but after witnessing ‘her’ might…they could no longer act blind to the truth.

After all…every being kneels before absolute strength.


I couldn’t sleep.

Sleep was always a luxury in my previous life as well, I was also running on sleeping pills so, I had to reserve some for the coming journey. Ever since coming here, things have been going surprisingly well…too well.

I got rid of a nuisance [Max]

I met up with Lydia Caerus just like I wanted, I wasn’t planning on meeting her in a prison cell but in the end, it all worked out well. Maybe Max’s luck rubbed off on me or something…

Initially, I had a whole different plan for befriending her but it seems that wasn’t necessary, I was excited to meet her but even more excited to meet her mother, Luna Careus.

I was also treated for whatever was going on within my body, I did hope that shaman treatment would be effective but also did have certain…countermeasures if Georna couldn’t fix me, but now….all of that was unnecessary since I was healed.

Everything was going so well for the first time since I came into this world and tomorrow both me and Lydia were going to set out to confront Luna Caerus who had conveinentantly banished herself into a dungeon.

If everything goes well, by the time I leave this place…I’ll be much stronger.

A smile creeps up on my face as I think about the future. I didn’t expect much coming into this place but…it’s not bad and Lydia…she’s a good kid.

It’s weird, before coming here…all the beastpeople here were just ‘characters’ to me but now that I’ve interacted with a lot of them…they all feel so real.

Why did I come into this world?

Did someone send me here..?

What is my purpose in this world?

Many questions that had been troubling me since I came into this world struck me again all at once, but once again I had no answers.

‘It doesn’t matter..’

It doesn’t matter how I got here, I’m here now and I’m gonna live however I want…and this life…won’t be like my last life….I’m no longer going to be a loser…yeah..it’s as I promised myself when I first came into this world-

I closed my eyes, the smile still plastered over my face.

-I’m going to be a winner.


“ Wake up, Adam.”

I open my eyes, hearing Lydia’s voice. She was standing beside me staring at me with her ocean blue eyes, her black fur surrounding her eyes was wet indicating that she was crying, but I ignored this and got up stretching my body.

Lydia’s been having a rough week.

First, all those kids were kidnapped, then she finds out that her mother is still alive and kicking, but somehow I could feel that she was going to be alright. The resolve in her eyes was no joke.

“ Let’s go eat breakfast,” Lydia said walking out of the room, I followed behind her to find Georna waiting for us with warm food presented beautifully on the rather small dining table. The smell of the food wafted into my nose, making me take a big gulp of saliva.

I’m hungry.

We enjoyed a silent breakfast, I could feel some tension between Georna and Lydia, they still haven’t made up….well not like I care about their relationship.

Yesterday, after a ton of discussion the two chiefs permitted us to go after Luna, a decision that Georna was against. She argued but in the end, her voice was not taken into consideration. Leo and Augustus didn’t seem to think that we would succeed but to them, a chance was a chance, no matter how improbable it was.

Lydia got up silently with her plate in hand and walked away seemingly finished with breakfast. I could see Georna watching her back with bitterness vivid in her wizened eyes. As soon as Lydia was out of the room, Georna’s gaze fell on me. I averted my eyes, feeling uncomfortable.

“ Are you two still hell-bent on going ?”Georna asked, taking a spoonful of soup and blowing on it.

Here we go…

She’s going to beg me to not take Lydia with me….

“ Yes….I’m sorry.”, I answered, my gaze fixed on my bowl.

Georna remained silent for a moment before a bitter grin broke through her aged face,

“ You have nothing to be sorry for…I knew that this day would come sooner or later, I suppose it’s good that she at least has you to keep her company.”

The grin didn’t fade away from her face, but her blue eyes exuded a slight bloodlust as she said,

“ I don’t know what your end goal is…I couldn’t care less..but if something were to happen to her..I’ll personally make sure to r-”

“ Hey, hey..calm down, you don’t have to worry about that…I won’t do anything to hurt your granddaughter or you..”

Hearing me, Georna closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

“ Could you tell me a little more about the dungeon Miss Luna entered ?”, I asked, desperate to change the topic.

Yesterday, after deciding that we would bring Luna Caerus back, we were told about the dungeon where she had made her home. It was an S- ranked dungeon, meaning that it was extremely difficult to clear. The terrain was not known, but the climate was extremely cold. Since none of those who had ventured into the dungeon came back, the information on the dungeon was limited.

Nobody knew about the requirements to close the dungeon or what kind of foes lay within, going inside such a dungeon was basically suicide. But unlike most people, I knew a lot more about this little dungeon so the both of us were going to be fine.

“ I know nothing more than what was said yesterday.”, Georna said bringing me back from my many thoughts.

“ I see…”

“ But I’ll tell you this one thing…if you meet my daughter, don’t ever try to fight her..”

I raised my brows, perplexed,

“ Why not ?”

Georna took a sip of her soup and gulped it down before she solemnly said,

“ If you fight her….you’ll die without even realizing what hit you.”


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