
Chapter 172 Time For Change (2)

The room was lit by a dim lamp, insects buzzed around the room going about their blood-sucking business while Adam fed Lydia dinner, it had been two days since they had arrived at the village of the green people, Hor.


Lydia swallowed the slimy green substance with her brows crinkled, the taste of the food here was rather….’ vibrant’. Lydia’s hand obviously hadn’t healed, they were planning to use a potion they had brought with them from Lydia’s village.

They were hesitant to do so since they didn’t have that many potions, which cost a ton, but the situation called for it.


Lydia stared at Adam as he fed her food, he had remained silent all this time. She had thought he would gloat about how he was right but it seems that he was more mature than Lydia thought.

‘ I suppose I do owe him an apology…’


Suppressing her pride, Lydia started,

“ I should have listened to you…..you were right…I-”

“ I’m sorry…what ?”Adam answered back, bringing his ear closer to her face.

“ I said I’m sorr-”

“ I’m sorry but you’re gonna have to speak up, I can’t hear you.”



“ Why are you sorry ?”Adam asked, smirking to Lydia\'s annoyance.

“ You were righ-”

“ That’s right…I told you to dump the old dude….I soo told you sooo.”

‘Ah there he is…’, Lydia thought, sighing.

For the next thirty minutes, Adam continued to gloat over her, and after finishing her food they were now talking about their plans.

“ So, we’re heading out tomorrow then ?”Lydia asked, taking a beaker from her sub-space. It was filled with a silver liquid.

Adam nodded, silently watching as Lydia poured the liquid on her hand, as soon as the liquid came in contact with her skin, it began to sizzle and burn her skin.

“ AHHHH-”, Lydia silently endured the immense pain as the healing potion did its trick. Beads of sweat trickled down from her forehead as she endured and endured, just as she was about to lose consciousness from the pain, she felt a hand comforting her.

Lydia opened her eyes to find Adam holding her hand tightly, at that moment she felt so very useless .... Throughout this whole thing, she had been nothing but a burden.

‘No more….I’m not useless.’

Fighting against her pain, she stayed awake for what seemed like an eternity, but after the process was completed her hand was as good as new,

She was healed.


“ How are you feeling now ?”, I asked as they followed their guide.

“ Strol nein aoryw.”, the guide said, he was leading us to the village of the Gom tribe where Luna was residing.


Hearing the guide, I nod my head and we increase our pace.

“ We’re close….”, I said in reply to Lydia’s questioning gaze.


Some time passed, and we walked quickly and silently until Lydia asked a rather troubling question.

“ Hey…..how do you know their language ?”


I stared at her and she stared right back.


Did she just realize that I can speak with these people?

Woah, when I’m next to her I feel like I’m the smartest person in the world…

“ I’m just really smart.”, I said walking past her.


“ WHA DOW AKRU JDAK !”, the guide screamed at the top of his lungs proclaiming our arrival, we had arrived at the Gom’s village, Gor.

Two guards came out and conversed with our guide, I tried to keep up with them but that didn’t really work out. So, I went back and stood beside Lydia,

“ So….are you excited about meeting your mother who abandoned you all those years back ?”


Lydia looked at me as if I was weird,


Was I insensitive?

I’m pretty much used to mothers leaving me that I just don’t understand the need to overcomplicate it with feelings….mothers just leave, it’s as simple as that.

“ Abu myre aofhsi.”, the guide said, giving us a thumbs up.

It worked out fine it seems.

It’s a little suspicious though….everything seems to be going too well…

As we entered the village of the Goms, the guide spoke non-stop but I didn’t understand a word as usual.


The Goms were morphologically similar to the green people, they had only one difference, they were blue.

We settled into a room they provided for us, and the guide explained everything clearly to us.

Luna had arrived here a long time ago, she closed herself in a cave here. If the Goms were ever in serious trouble she would help out. These people were crazy about her…to them, she was god and their god’s daughter and friend was a welcome guest.

The guide advised us to rest for today and approach Luna tomorrow. I was in a hurry but decided to listen to his advice but someone else wasn’t so willing…

“ I said….I want to go in now.”Lydia said, scowling.

I remained silent.

“ Why can’t we just go in now ?”Lydia whined again.

The only reason I had decided against entering the cave was because night fell, entering during the day felt more comfortable even if it didn’t make a difference. To be completely honest…I’m scared.

I\'m way out of my league here.

“ Let’s just go now…”


“ Okay.”, I say getting up from my bed.

“ What ?!”Lydia asked, looking blank.

I smiled widely, Lydia was right….there was no need to push the inevitable. There is no room for fear here.

“ Let’s go in now.”


I stared at the huge boulder that blocked the entrance to the cave.

“ Are you sure we shouldn’t inform them about going in ?”Lydia asked, also staring at the boulder.

I shook my head and moved forward,

“ Forget about the extras and just help me move this oversized rock.”

“ Huh ?”Lydia asked, confused, but she helped me nonetheless.

I felt a little bad for referring to these nice people as ‘extras’ but that was what they were….in the novel at least.

With much effort, we pushed aside the boulder.

Staring into the abyss inside the cave, I smiled at Lydia and moved aside to make way for her.

“ Ladies first.”, I said ushering her in.

Lydia scoffed and entered the cave with me just behind her.


Somewhere inside the cave at the same time,

A woman was meditating with her legs crossed, she did not move aside from breathing in and out deeply once in a while. She had an aura of purity, she seemed to be in another world altogether…one where there was no evil or filth,

A world where only she resided.

A world where there was no good or evil, just her.

Slowly, her eyes opened revealing deep blue irises.

She could feel the boulder being pushed aside, it seemed like she had some guests.

She closed her eyes, unbothered by their presence.


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