
Chapter 60 Fear, Respect & Memories I


Silence ensued in the entire place with only the groans of the mercenary beneath Constantine's foot to serve as background noise.

The Conqueror evaluated the situation, this guy had more than ten people with him and the nasty bastard's foul mouth had been shut, there was no need to continue unnecessary violence, moreover, he gained an extra display of fear to stop anyone from trying to get funny with him and Zamira.

"I don't want any fight... this trash just happened to talk about someone he shouldn't." Constantine released his foot from the man's chest, he was still bleeding from several places just from the thrashing he got.

"You have as many balls as you have strength, boy... what's yer name?" The grumpy man spoke with a smirk, not releasing his weapon just yet much to Constantine's thrill.

"Constantine... and you?" He'd usually not bother asking, but his glare was fixed on that man, the only person that he believed was 'qualified'... the man had so many scars that he couldn't point out his true age based on his appearance, but he must be in his thirties for sure.

"Grave... never seen you here before, hope you get the rules quickly before your gallantry costs you your life..." With those words said, Grave led a group of at least ten people out of the building.

"Ugh." The mercenary that he thrashed like a doll cleaned the blood in his mouth and saved Constatine's face in his memory, but not a neutral face like the one he expected, no.

Constantine glared at him as if he was less than a corpse, 'try anything and see how I end you' that was the gaze he saved in his memory; staggering he left the place while everyone watched Constantine with a complicated sight.

He looked so weak, yet he was so strong.


"You're so strong, master!" The beauty's eyes were shining, she just saw him totally obliterate that man that she'd probably have to struggle to defeat.

"Not really... you just need to know when and where to hit, Zamira... the rest will move on its own, my physical strength shouldn't be superior to yours." He led her to the place where a shaking man awaited behind a counter, he imagined this is where they would be attended.

"C-Can I do anything for you, s-sir..." The receptionist was a man, rather muscular yet lacking compared to the rest, he had enjoyed the entire show and now faced the man himself.

"I want to know about quests made by alchemists..." He was straightforward.

"Yes, one moment please!" The man went back to look into some of his papers behind the counter while they waited, his gaze roamed the place only to notice furtive glances sent his way from all over, gossiping and even some challenging gazes.

'Looks like a beating wasn't enough... a single one never is anyway.'

"Sorry, it won't take me longer!" The man said again much to his bewilderment and annoyance.

"No need to yell, I don't like people that yell..."


"Master, are you upset?" Zamira asked, noticing his irritation, he wasn't like this before they came here.

"A little..." He confessed; it happened because his mother was mentioned.

After some moments, the man came back holding a folder.

"Sir, we only have a single quest from an alchemist, he wants twenty branches of a tree called 'Heaven Envision' according to him, it can be found in a secluded place in the Lindom Forest, many have tried it but none has succeded... last time was two months ago, the mercenary came back heavily injured but didn't manage to find the tree." The man resumed the task, helpful indeed.

"I will take this quest." He said, taking the sheet of paper from the man with a sigh, he'd like to have some information regarding this alchemist, but it seems the client's privacy couldn't be disclosed.

"Could I have your badge?" The man extended his hand and Constantine took out the badge he got from the guild.

At that moment, the entire place stopped dead and if before there was fear, now there was horror and apprehension.

The man gulped, "Sir, t-this is the guild's badge..." not only that but it is also a high-priority badge of the guild!

"Doesn't that work? I lost my mercenary badge" Constantine said, adding a slight growl just for the sake of it, Zamira was working hard to not laugh and uncover them in front of everybody.

"No, but... I can add you to the Town of Loup's registry straight away!"

"You're still yelling." He growled again.

"Sorry... we'd usually need a recommendation and your records, but... sir I can do it quickly for you for some... incentive."

"Are you extorting me?" Yet another growl, this time, hideous...


"Not at all! It is just a... hastening fee." The man didn't have a hair stupid.

"Very well, here... but in exchange, I need you to tell me what you know of this Alchemist~" Constantine tossed a silver coin and that was enough for the man to hasten the process, where there is corruption there is a way.

"We don't have much information about him, only that he doesn't live in the town of loup and rather to the North, he might not even be from the Empire overall or even a human."

"Got it."

Some moments passed in which the man was writing something on a sheet and afterwards, he came out with a badge similar to Zamira's but with his name instead of hers.


The table shook amidst his fist.

"WHO TOLD YOU MY NAME!?" Constantine wanted to tear some head apart, before Zamira could explain, the man lifted up both of his hands and shook his head repeatedly.

"I heard it a minute ago sir! you told your name to Sir Grave!"

"Is that so? hehe~ my bad then."

'He's a psychopath!' That became an unravelled truth in the receptionist's mind, he only hoped that he wouldn't have to attend this mercenary ever again.

"... H-Here, I have assigned this quest to you, the clearing reward given by our customer who also left this for those that accepted the quest, is a single gold coin, it is an extremely difficult quest, be careful." The man delivered a sheet of paper to him with shaking hands, there was a picture in it, the branch of a tree.

"Thank you, let's go Zamira... we're finished here..." Having finished his business- and having scared the heck out of the receptionist- Constantine decided to head back now since there was nothing else to see here.

"One moment, I want to ask something too." Zamira moved forward to talk to the receptionist.

"What can I do for you?"

"Do you have any information on an old man called Seledus? From the Guild?" She asked with a worried expression.

"Seledus... member of the guild's branch, the white lion...?" The recepcionist spoke right away, clearly, he knew the name.

"Yes, has there been any information related to him recently?"

"I am afraid we have no reports about him, the last one was a year ago" The man spoke with a sigh, if they had a report, selling that information would have been quite profitable, but there was nothing.

"I see, I am aware of that report... thank you."



They departed the organisation with Constantine sending some furtive glances towards Zamira who seemed to be rather dejected, that name he heard her pronounce before in the guild back when they were talking to Inkseth, apparently, he had been the manager of the shop before the gloomy-crow-idiot took the spot.

"Who is this Seledus, Zamira? You can refuse to answer." He inquired, allowing her to keep it to herself if she wanted.

"N-No, I wouldn't seal any secret away from you... He's an old man that has helped me a lot... he gave me a lot of advice after my parents passed away and I was in the streets." She revealed with sadness.

"When did your parents pass away?"

"I don't know... I remember to have woken up when I was in my ten years of age, in a house... the owner said that my parents passed away, I don't remember them. But I was forced to fend for myself from an early age... when I was about sixteen years old I met Mr Seledus, that was when I became a mercenary and went to the guild for the first time... he was there as the manager, the place Inkseth is keeping now. The first sword I got, I got it from him, he said I had potential..." Her memories resurfaced, ones that Constantine wasn't privy of, but some that seemed to rejoice in her soul.

"It must have been difficult for you." He led her to some bar nearby, it looked like she was opening up, this was a good moment to drink!

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