
Chapter 219 - Endless Battle

With playful yet scary voices the evil spirits chased one furball after the other, cornering them before Zero came smashing in, leaving only mangled clots of blood behind

Ika on the other hand left nothing at all, burning it all in one go, perhaps the ashes were the only clue to the creature ever existing

"Are these things endless or what"

Ellis spoke as she slashed apart yet another foe, they were honestly extremely weak for creatures that were capable of producing such scary aura constructs

"We are inside their land, and the invasion from other parts was rendered usless like ours allowing them to keep the high numbers, in fact they should have even leveled up somewhat"

"Still, wouldn't there be someone like Master who could see through their stealth?"

YuJu shook his head but explained not the reason why there wasn't, he might have if it was only Ellis who was connected to him directly through the soul but there were others around, not to mention they were in enemy territory

"My Lord, I have found something like a dome in the distance"

Reported Zeroo cutting off any further questions from Ellis

"A dome? Let me check it out"

Covering them in a cloud of his aura for safety he entred stealth and went alone toward the dome

It took about ten minutes for him to reach said dome, its outer appearance reminded him of insect nests for some reason making him doubt those sneaky fellows resided here

With a lot of time on his hands he decided ot was worth exploring

YuJu looked for an entrance but found none at all, the entire dome was closed from all parts

'Perhaphs it's not a nest after all?'

Giving it some extra thought he placed his hand on it to see what it was made of


There was nothing wrong with the texture but he could somewhat feel a ting of aura coming into touch with his palm

'Could it be that this is also one of their tricks?'

If they put so much time into making this then there must be something worthwhile inside

'How do I get in without breaking it apart though'

Aura constructs worked just like real physical objects, if he wanted to break in then he had to physically tear it apart which would definitely alert its maker for sure


His mind spun in ways to infiltrate it, the process felt nostalgic, memories surfaced of days where he racked his brains to sneak into the upper floors of Hortus, the Elven Sanctuary, and even the Everlasting Hot Springs

'That last one was troublesome, had to do the entire thing blindfolded'

His thoughts strayed for a bit but it helped him recall a certain redhead who alwayse broke her clothes at the begining as she learned to use her aura

'Her aura huh....maybe I can synthesize this aura constructs into her aura?'

That sounded plausable, after giving it a second thought however YuJu realized this might tamper with it causing him to dump the idea to the back of his mind

'It's no diffenet from braking the construct anyway'

With no way to get in stealthily he decided to leave the place and went back toward his small group


Along his return came a rawr from the sky, thunderbolts following quickly toward the cloud of smoke hiding his folowers

"Dragons already? They are improving too quickly"

Sensing his approach the four came out of hiding, unscathed as the blots missed entirely with the blind aim

"Master, that looks to be a dragon"

"Yes, I think I've figured that already"

"Should we engage my Lord? My spirits can try and disorient it allowing Anput to lift us to the sky on the shadow dragon"

To this YuJu merely shook his head

"It dosnt matter how many times you take it down your not really doing anything, to begin with all that you see is an illusion, real aura constructs need high upkeep"

"But do we not feel when we strike them?"

"Recall the dead forest that casted illusion on you and Ika?"


"It's like that, illusion grounds are tricky since if you can't release yourself from them then your senses will be tricked no matter what you believe the illusion to be"

That indeed sounded very tricky, were they not standing targets of they fell into any illusion then?

"Illusion grounds have constrains, that's for later though, right now we need to find and kill all those little beasts helping to cast the illusion, with every one of them struck down the illusion becomes less tangible"

It sounded dumb to fight the little ones and ignore the big baddie still striking bolts of thunder every now and then, they trusted YuJu's knowledge however, much more than their own, and thus followed up on his orders immediately

'Anput, send your little flyer to occupy its flashy cousin'


With fire and darkness her shadow arose into a winged dragon, flying up to challenge that fake cousin of its

A battle of flame and lightning thus started in the sky, every now and then two figures were illuminated by flashing thunder or bright explosives, tangled in a hot mess in a bid to claw the other out

"Awuwu! awuwu! awuwu!"

Anput raised her arms to the air and swung them about while cheering her first follower on, a very cute show for anyone but YuJu who could hear her thoughts

'Bite his face! Burn his wings! Go Jasper!'

Alas the cheering did little to help the losing Jasper, fake as the enemy may be it was still supported by the energy of thousands allowing it to rend the sky asunder with bolt after bolt, soon enough clawing poor Jasper's head off

'Aww, again, try again!'

Unfazed Anput howled to the sky once more, allowing the falling shadow to regenerate a new head and fly back up with renewed vigor

Caught by suprise the dragon had no time to escape the incoming firebreath, injured heavily and unable to fight to its full power

Even so it was more powerful than the smaller shadow dragon, striking its chest through with mighty thunder after another bout


A look of suprise took over the beasts face the next second though when it's supposedly dead foe shot a fire ball straight onto its mouth, blowing it to bits

Victorious, the shadow dragon roared up silently, getting struck down the next second by lightning the same way its enemy died

"....it's like I am watching two cockroches fight"

One was supported by Anput's humongous supply of dark energy from the burial crystal while the other had thousands of little furballs feeding it just as much

"We win this fight"

That part was assured, sure their dragon was weaker but the other fellow couldn't get past it to finish off Anput, meanwhile it's own supporters were dying one after the other, cutting its energy supply off slowly but surely

"This experiment is a success, with lacking numbers too many dangerous beasts cannot be made, given the ability to spot the only real creatures humans can eck out a slow victory hence the ability to level up their members"

That was the basis for all this process, he needed to figure the enemy out and make methods to allow humans the most efficient way of dealing with them

"Alright, enough wasting time"

Now that he had an idea YuJu joined the fray, quadrupling the kill per second count all on his own

Weaker and weaker grew the enemy dragon, from being the dominant one to fighting on equal grounds up until being dominated by the much smaller dragon, vanquished until the furballs saw no use of conjuring it again and ran for their lives

"Haaah...haaah, they sure know how to roll away fast"

"We secured victory and dented their numbers quite the bit, perhaphs a few more battles and we could clear away a path to the heart of their formation"

Optimistic about their eventual victory Ellis assured the tired Ika

"Indeed, at this pace it should take a couple of years to find our way through into the main grounds"

YuJu also shared her optimism, even giving out a generous estimate

"....We aren't really taking that long are we?"

YuJu merely smiled back

"....No, seriously"

Ellis bore as serious of a face as she could, if she had to chase around rolling firballs while fighting illusions for a couple of years, no, even just a couple of months she might go crazy

"Hehe, don't worry, we won't be groping in the dark, but it will take a while, this world is half as big as earth and these Aura beasts, or so they are called, also ruled it as humans ruled our planet, meaning their numbers is too large to think of killing them all with only humanity to help"

His actions of striking their illusion grounds down will be benefitting other races more than theirs, sadly there was nothing to be done about it, the cake was never meant to be his alone

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