
Chapter 117 115 - More Gates

The rest of the week seemed to go on in the same fashion as the first day of closing gates. They'd go close to the gates, return to the hotel, Milo would send his report and then spend the rest of the night watching TV with Alucard. As they closed the remaining two C ranked gates Milo had leveled up 5 times, and Alucard had jumped all the way to level 7. Milo chose to allow him to help more inside the gates, as now that he knew he could level up he wanted to start on his growth ASAP.

Milo was now at level 41, his growth in the real gates was much faster than the simulated gates, as real beasts netted him more experience. Along with this, whenever Alucard killed an enemy he got the full amount of experience he'd get from killing a beast. This was different from when teammates killed beasts as he'd only get a small amount. It also seemed that Alucard only received experience from beasts he dealt the final blow to. This was unlucky, as Milo couldn't grind out kills to raise Alucard's level, the little snake had to kill the beasts himself. Fortunately Alucard was much stronger than he looked, making leveling not too difficult. Because of this, Milo would weaken beasts up to the point of death and allowed Alucard to finish them off, which was why he had grown so quickly.

Unlike Milo's own level ups, Alucard's worked a little differently. Instead of adding a point to each statistic, 3 free stat points would be earned that Milo could then designate to whichever stat he wanted. Because of this, Alucard acquired less points total per level up than Milo, but Milo would be able to choose which stat to raise each time. Milo also found that like himself, the magic power stat couldn't be increased using free stat points; he guessed that Alucard would have to absorb an essence core's power to increase it just like him, something he'd have to test after getting his cut of the loot for this week. After leveling up to level 7, Alucard's status screen had progressed nicely so far.

[Stats] [Tutorials] [Tames] [Plunder]


Name: Alucard

Species: Crimson Wing Spiny Viper

Level: 7


Wings of Strife: contact with a Crimson Wing Spiny Viper's fallen feathers causes the target to lose magic power

Scale Shot: A Crimson Wing Spiny Viper is able to shoot off its spiny scales at opponents to deal damage. The spines must regrow before it can be reused.

Stupefy: Crimson Wing Spiny Vipers can stun opponents who look them in the eye (locked until level 10)

Vampiric Drain: Crimson Wing Spiny Vipers are able to drain the life force of the target using their fangs, adding the targets life to their own(locked until level 20)

Crimson Domain: Designated Targets within the radius of the Crimson Wing Spiny Viper are slowly drained of their magic power(locked until level 30)


Free Stat Points: [0]

Strength: [10]

Agility: [15]

Intelligence: [20]

Stamina: [12]

Constitution: [5]

Magic Power: [15]


Milo thought increasing Alucard's intelligence would allow him to better communicate with Milo and would also allow them to coordinate better. He also upped his stamina so he didn't get worn out as much. Strength was an obvious need, as it'd allow Alucard to be stronger in combat, and lastly he boosted Agility a little more to increase his speed a bit more.

With the increase of the Intelligence stat, like Milo guessed, Alucard had started to talk in more complete sentences, and less of the childish one word sentences he originally used. After watching the medieval drama that Milo had been putting on the TV for him, he also had developed a habit of calling Milo "master." While it wasn't what Milo had planned for, it wasn't annoying, so Milo chose to leave him be on the subject.

The last major change since leveling up, Alucard had visibly gotten bigger as well. When he first hatched, he was only 16 inches long but after leveling up, he had grown to 24 inches. The snake's wings had also grown in size with his larger pair now spanning 18 inches, this growth most likely was tied to him leveling up. At the moment, Alucard was smooth as well, this was due to him having used his Scale Shot skill in the last gate they closed. Milo learned that the spiky scales he shot off regrew in 48 hours after he used it for the first time, which meant the skill would be ready to use for their last remaining gate they were set to close. The B ranked gate.

With the B ranked gatecrash being the next day, the team was fully focused on resting for the day, differing from the partying they had done on their previous days resting. Since it was their first B ranked gate, there was a bit of tension when they met in the lobby the day of. They had been training for it, but jumping from a C ranked gate to a B ranked gate was a much larger jump in difficulty than it sounded. Because of this, rather than focusing on allowing Alucard to level up, Milo would finish his kills and not leave them for his beast to finish off.

Arriving at the gate, the team disembarked the vehicles and went to put on their equipment. Milo simply extracted his armor from his dimensional storage earring and within a split second he was decked out in his magical equipment, with his weapon of choice in hand. Since training so hard with Mikael, he could be considered an intermediate swordsman. He still required quite a bit of training, but was confident he'd learn more and progress further in no time with Mikael's help. The gate this time was located on a pier, at the end of the pier, an orange vortex of magical energy could be seen, swirling and undulating as the group finished up on their final checks of their equipment.

Once their final checks were done, the team entered the gate, stepping through the dimensional door to exterminate the beasts held within. When the team entered, they checked to make sure everyone was ready to go before diving deeper into the gate's interior. As they got deeper they came across the first set of beasts they'd be killing in the gate. The creatures were the same beasts that attacked him in the rift that caused him to awaken the system almost a full year ago, Blackfang Direwolves. This brought back memories of that fateful day in the alley where he was being beaten by Danny Li and his goon friends. But Milo was no longer the weakling he was then, and he was planning on taking out his anger from almost dying that day on the beasts in front of him.

As soon as the pack of wolves noticed they had visitors they charged in, Milo chose to show off a bit and killed 5 of them in an instant shooting ice spikes through their skulls. This brought the remaining total of wolves to 7, down from the 12 that were originally alive. The team then charged in after Milo barrage and within 10 minutes the wolves were down for the count. The Blackfang Direwolves were quite fragile, but were very fast and dealt quite a bit of damage due to their claws and fangs. Because of this, Milo stayed at range and shot ice spears at them, and used the whip mode of his sword to keep them at bay.

After dispatching the first group of beasts, the team received healing from their supports before pushing deeper into the gate. The beasts they were facing were of the unique rank, and all of them resembled predatory mammals of some kind. Aside from the wolves, the other beasts they had faced were massive bears that had a sort of protective layer of fat covering their body. This armor like layer of blubber seemed to be hardened by magical energy making them much more damage resistant. Like the wolves they packed quite a punch but they were quite slow, trading speed for durability. The number of bears in each group of beasts was also less than those in the wolf packs.

Alucard was having trouble killing the beasts, and instead chose to keep Milo updated on the situation his teammates were in, flying up above the group to get an aerial view. He occasionally would use his Wings of Strife skill on the bears, as it would weaken their armor like layer of fat by draining the magic energy from them. Aside from this, he chose to stay out of the fray.

Overall, the gate was going very well, due to their healers, the team was in great condition after each battle and any injuries they sustained while fighting the beasts would be healed before they moved on to the next area of the gate. Eventually the team came to their toughest fight so far, a group of beasts made up of 2 of the bear like beasts and 7 direwolves. With both types of beasts being there, the tanks would be tied up distracting the bears, meaning that Milo and the dealers would be left to deal with the wolves in the meantime. Milo chose to fight at range in order to better protect the supports against the faster, more agile direwolves. After summoning some ice spears, he was able to dispatch 3 of the wolves while the twins dealt with one each. Ken, the team's brawler was trading blows with the remaining two keeping them distracted and away from the backline. Milo pulled the aggro of one, while the twins pulled the aggro of the other to allow Ken to go assist the shield tanks who were tied up with the bears.

Milo shoved 3 ice spears through the wolf he had pulled off Ken, and turned his attention to the bears that were attacking the front line. Alucard flew overhead dropping feathers on the two bears to weaken their defense which allowed Milo to send a spear through the torso of one of them. The bear he speared roared in pain, he then charged in with Ghoul's Bane in sword mode and slashed at the beast's torso leaving a cut and drawing blood. He did this again to the other bear before activating the sword's active skill, causing the bears to receive increased damage. Once this was done, the fight went on smoothly from there, resulting in all the beasts being killed.

After being healed of their injuries, the team pushed forward until they reached the boss of the gate.

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