
Chapter 1360: A Vicious Beating

“Elder brother, are my ears deceiving me?”

“They’re not.”

“Is there something wrong with his head?”


“Haha, he really is seeking his own doom!”

“That’s right!”

For a moment, killing intent surged.

Outside Magnetic Field mountain, Ruan Yaozhu’s eyes lit up again, filled with delight. She looked at Le Tian with a smile as if she was saying, You see, I wasn’t wrong.

Ren Aoyou smiled. “Junior brother Le, you’ve already lost one of these two gambles.”

By now, goodness and wickedness had been determined. Unless their sense of morality was twisted and they were being irrational, no one could say that was not an act of goodness. Everyone present possessed status. They obviously would not do something like that for a gamble.

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Pi Yangqiu smiled. “And you’ll be losing the second gamble very soon. Two Soul Nascence cultivators aren’t easy to deal with.”

Le Tian scratched his head. “It makes no sense. Why’s this kid gone mad again?”

“This is being ready to help others for a just cause. How can you call that going mad?” Ruan Yaozhu became slightly worried for Li Qingshan again. “Senior brother Le, we should head over to the other side of the mountain.”

“No hurry. He’s not going to die any time soon. Even if he does die, he deserves it. Being a good person comes with a price!”

Le Tian’s words led to more displeasure from Ruan Yaozhu. She sighed. “Yeah, you often have to pay a price for being a good person. Hopefully, you can be safe and sound.”

Li Qingshan did call himself the hero king, but it really was not an act of justice this time. He had actually gone mad, as he was in a very bad mood right now. The Qilin Transformation was far too hard to please. This did not work, that did not work. It was even more difficult to handle than the Phoenix Transformation back then.

Otherwise, he would have never bothered sticking his nose in the business of others. Cultivators were not those small beggars on the streets. If they ventured outside and took risks, then they had to be prepared to be killed, let alone just being robbed. That crybaby was not worth him lending a hand either.

It was all because he felt pent up inside. The two brothers became a ready target for him to vent on. He walked over without saying a word.

“Kill him!”

The dark-skinned fiend drew a heavy, black dragon-headed cane from behind him. Suddenly, it lit up with scarlet light, turning the dark cavern bright-red. Within the deep dragon’s cry, it sprayed out with roaring flames that surged towards Li Qingshan.

The fair-skinned gentleman swung his arm, and a folding fan fell out of his sleeve. He opened it with a swish. The profound glyphs on there all lit up, and he swung it violently. Fierce winds rose up, feeding the fire and sweeping up the flames into a fire tornado that filled the entire cavern, whistling over.

The moment the two of them struck, they would combine their full strength together.

There was nowhere for Li Qingshan to dodge. He was swallowed by the fire tornado instantly.

The two brothers smiled coldly. You’re really asking to die. In Magnetic Field mountain, you don’t even have the most basic protection from true qi. You’ll be turned into a roast pig instantly. Even your soul nascence can’t escape!

Su Tong originally wanted to leave the mountain during the chaos, but she was forced back by the heat waves. The cultivators behind her were even worse off, basically scrambling away with their hair singed. Even the rocks in the cave turned red from the heat, melting into lava.

“It’s impossible. Even without the influence from Magnetic Field mountain, the cultivators who’ve cast down the formation possess an absolute geographic advantage. Coupled with their advantage in numbers, it’s impossible for Li Qingshan to win. He’s probably dead already!”

The flames turned the Map of All-seeing and All-hearing red. They could not see what was going on in the mountain.

Ruan Yaozhu immediately became nervous. Would good people really end up unrewarded?

Ren Aoyou and Pi Yangqiu instead relaxed. With Li Qingshan’s death, Le Tian’s loss was certain, but they also felt a tinge of pity and doubt. A man like that would actually perish in a place like this? However, they saw Le Tian standing to one side with the same smile as before.

“Oi, Le Tian, your dark horse is almost out of the game!”

Le Tian said, “You don’t need to be like that. I’m bold enough to bet that he definitely won’t die here!”

Ruan Yaozhu said in surprise, “Why?”

“Because certain people are always able to win gamble after gamble, such as me. Do you think this is all luck?”

“Should be enough, big brother!” The fair-skinned gentleman swung his fan vigorously.

“Keep burning him!” The dark-skinned fiend powered the dragon-headed cane as hard as he could. For some reason, he felt rather uneasy inside.

“He’s probably been reduced to ash already… Ah!!”

As soon as the fair-skinned gentleman showed a slight smile, he suddenly paled in fright.

With a bellow, Li Qingshan leapt out from the wind and flames. He was bright red from the heat, but he was unscathed. His strong and muscly body seemed to be forged from bronze. He pushed down the fair-skinned gentleman like a scarlet tiger of flames.

“Vortex Protection!”

As soon as the fair-skinned gentleman yelled out those two words, he ate a punch to the face. If it were not for the vortex that weakened the attack, his head would have been punched in already, but even with that, he was frightened out of his wits.

Li Qingshan was about to follow up with a second punch when a whistle rang out from behind his head. He extended his hand and caught the dragon-headed cane without even looking back, tugging it forcefully. “Get over here!”

The dark-skinned fiend lost control and stumbled forwards. Li Qingshan grabbed his throat firmly, leaving his face filled with shock.

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The fair-skinned gentleman unleashed his powers urgently, but before he could use a single technique, he suffered a kick to the stomach. It made his organs heave and surge, almost even making him vomit up gall.

The dark-skinned fiend was about to power the dragon-headed cane in a counterattack when he was smashed over the head, leaving him dizzy and seeing stars.

Li Qingshan punched and kicked, basically like he was beating up a sand bag. He viciously beat up whoever that tried to resist, giving them a thorough thrashing.

“Of all the things you do, you rob people! Huh? Who’s the one with something wrong with his head? Who’s seeking their own doom?”

He beat up the brothers until they howled out painfully, actually as powerless as mortals.

“Spare me, fellow! Spare me!”

The fair-skinned young man called out again and again. Of course, by now, his face was already swollen, with a great big handprint stretched over his cheek. Li Qingshan sure was vicious, giving the pretty face special treatment.

The dark-skinned fiend had a little more backbone in comparison. He asked in surprise, “H- how’re you fine!?”

“You still ask?”

With a swing of his hand, he gave him another smack with the cane. They were already close to the exit of the mountain, so the influence on the small world from the magnetic field was no longer as powerful.

If regular Soul Nascence cultivators endured a strike like that under these circumstances, it would obviously be certain death, but he still possessed a bloodline of the demonic and divine after all. The tiger demon controlled wind, while the phoenix controlled fire, so his resistance was out of this world. He simply charged over and took them on forcefully. Once he got close, the two brothers were not even as great as earth fiend beasts. After all, at least earth fiend beasts did not know pain and did not have any vital points, much less be frightened out of their wits.

It was not because they were cowards. Instead, it was because even Soul Nascence cultivators could not escape once their bodies were destroyed in Magnetic Field mountain. That would only lead to death.

As a result, Li Qingshan stopped restraining them in any particular way towards the end. After realising that Li Qingshan had no intentions of killing them, they just lay on the ground and endured the beating, afraid that any resistance they showed would instead incite Li Qingshan’s murderousness.

Li Qingshan did not want to kill anyone, but he was a very vengeful person, so how could he let them off so easily. He grabbed one of them in each hand and smashed them around madly like a child throwing a tantrum at some toys.

As he beat them, he asked, “I am winning you over by virtue. Let me ask you, have you been won over?”

“I beg you, stop beating us. You’ve won us over. You’ve won us over, alright?”

The spectators were all dumbfounded. The two brothers that had become so swollen with arrogance were being beaten up in their own Magnetic Field Formation of the Earth Fiend, either howling out or begging for mercy.

If it were not for the red-hot rocks that still demonstrated the power of the fire tornado from earlier, they basically wondered whether these two brothers were fake Soul Nascence cultivators or not.

Su Tong blinked her eyes. In other words, he really had ventured into the centre of the mountain and collected all the magnetic ferrum by killing earth fiend beasts. They were all at the third heavenly tribulation, so why was the difference so great?

Le Tian clapped his hands. “What’d I say? What’d I say?”

Pi Yangqiu said, “Just where did this kid emerge from?! Even our first senior brother back then would not be able to remain unscatched under this situation with the same cultivation!”

Ren Aoyou furrowed his brows firmly before suddenly smiling and shaking his head. “I’ve lost this round! But at least I’ve helped junior sister Ruan win a round!”

Ruan Yaozhu said, “No, I haven’t…”

Ren Aoyou swung his hand. “Say no more. If I said you’ve won, then you’ve won.”

Pi Yangqiu smiled. “Junior sister Ruan, just accept it. It’s better for you to win than this kid Le Tian to win. Let’s see just how he’ll brag in the future. When it comes to understanding people, you are still superior at the end of the day!”

“Hmph, you can stop with the modesty!” Leng Yuan suddenly said, “The one I chose hasn’t even taken action yet!”

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