
Chapter 288 - Getting Annoying And Jealousy

Fin instantly smiled then turned to look at Bryana with an awkward expression. "Yes, ma'am."

"Eat with me because I already got it for you," Bryana exclaimed.

Fin nodded and immediately pulled out a chair to sit on. he sat in the chair directly opposite Bryana who smiled warmly at him, then stared at the serving of rice and a bowl of beef rib soup that Bryana had cooked for Dean.

"Eat it while it's warm. I just heated it," Bryana exclaimed.

fin nodded then began to scoop the soup and sip it. "Wow, that tastes good."

"Thank you if you like it. Coincidentally, it's my husband's favorite dish."Bryana smiled then started eating casually.

"You're good at cooking," Fin muttered.

"Not really. I just learned to cook since I married my husband. Previously, I focused on work," said Bryana.

Fin nodded in understanding then went back to eating. Sometimes he glanced at Bryana, who while eating looked elegant, classy and her friendly demeanor fascinated him.

"I just found out that Mr. Dean was previously a bodyguard, and Alex is your ex-husband," said Fin pretending not to know.

"He's just a bodyguard, but he's the best man after my father. And Alex... Alex is just part of my unpleasant past," Bryana said with a smile, remembering the sweet moment when she first met Dean.

"You love him even though he's just a bodyguard."

"That's not a problem for me. Most importantly he is loyal and loves me and the kids. status and wealth are not the determinants of a person's success in winning a partner's heart," said Bryana, then continued her eating activities.

"He's very lucky," said Fin with a small smile but envy ran through his heart.

"I'm the lucky one. Rarely is there a man like him, he even changed my life, which was down after my divorce from Alex," explained Bryana confidently, always proud of Dean, even though she was once abandoned.

"And Alex is a stupid guy who seems to be starting to regret his breakup with you," said Fin.

"Regret? How do you know he's regret?" Bryana asked, raising an eyebrow.

"When he fought with me at the shop where I work, it was because of a trivial matter caused by his wife. And now that he is here to approach your son, I think he wants to approach you too," Fin explained lyingly. He's so far-fetched.

"I don't care if he will regret it. because I've focused on my household with Dean," Bryana said sarcastically.

"Yeah. That's better because Alex isn't a very nice guy. I think his good attitude was just a sweetener."

"As cute as he is, I prefer my sincerely sweet husband. Alex is only good at acting," Bryana said then devoured the food that was only a mouthful. She immediately drank up to half a glass of mineral water, then got up from the chair, walked to the kitchen with her dirty plate and glass.

fin immediately finished his eating activity, then walked to the kitchen to follow Bryana while carrying his plate and glass. He seemed to take advantage of the opportunity to be close to the woman.

in the kitchen after washing her plates and glasses, Bryana switched to making special milk for breastfeeding mothers which she often drank so that Aidyn could get more nutrition. she realized that her premature son needed special attention, including giving him more vitamins and nutrition than any other baby.

Fin entered the kitchen, glanced at Bryana who was making milk. He immediately washed the dishes until finished and greeted her.

"Are you not too full after eating still drinking milk?" Fin asked, glancing at Bryana who was drinking milk.

Bryana sighed after finishing the glass of milk, then looked at Fin who was watching her. "This is special milk so that my premature baby can get more nutrition so that he can grow like a normal baby," she explained, somewhat awkwardly because it was a personal matter.

Fin nodded in understanding and said, "You do anything for your son. That's amazing. I hope one day I can get a wife who is like you."

"Ah yes, I hope so," said Bryana, realizing that Fin always praised her, even though he only paid attention as a good and humble employer. "Then I'll go to my room first."

fin nodded and let Bryana leave him. He felt very jealous imagining that this beautiful woman would sleep with Dean who was originally just a bodyguard. 'When the luck is with me. I want to have it!' he thought in frustration.

after going to the kitchen, Bryana turned to Aidyn's room. She entered and looked at his son who was sleeping so soundly in the crib while on the other bed his grandmother was sleeping so soundly too.

"Tonight you are with grandma because Mommy has to accompany dad," she said then leaned over to kiss Aidyn. After that, she closed the mosquito net curtain and rushed out of the room.

While climbing the stairs to her private room, Bryana met Dean who was about to come down. "Why are you awake?" She asked.

"I realized you weren't there. That's why I woke up," Dean replied languidly.

Bryana sighed then continued walking until she arrived upstairs right in front of Dean who was waiting for her. "I just go to the kitchen to eat, drink milk, then see Aidyn. Now let's go back to the room because you have to rest."

"Then, who did Aidyn sleep with?" asked Dean.

"He's with mom. Tonight I'm with you," Bryana replied then led Dean to enter the room. she was so concerned about her husband who was sick, that the figure in the living room was very upset to see him.

'I have to get it. She is the perfect wife, she must be mine, treat me as she treats her poor husband!' Fin thought about who was about to enter the room but saw Bryana walking with Dean into their room. His intention to seek attention always ends in jealousy and envy because Bryana always shows his love for Dean in front of him.


Arriving in the room, Bryana told Dean to lie down immediately. She also lay on her husband's left side, then embraced him from the side. "Now go to sleep. I'm not leaving again," she cried.

"I want you," Dean said, glancing at Bryana, who had made him want to make love from the moment she showered with him.

"Tomorrow if you're healed," Bryana said, wrapping her arms around Dean.

"I haven't satisfied you like you've satisfied me so much." Dean glanced at Bryana, then leaned his face up to kiss her lips.

"Don't worry. I'm already satisfied. I don't want to make you sick. So, we'll do it when your wound has healed," Bryana said patiently, hoping her husband could restrain himself. seeing his injured hand wrapped in bandages, made her cringe at the thought of the pain of the knife cut.

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