
Chapter 2 - Two: I Really Should've Guessed That Would Happen

She suddenly sat up, taking me by surprise and throwing me of balance. The next thing I knew I was laid on my back and she was beginning to climb on me, my hands fallen to my sides in the process.

"N-No, don\'t stop that." She said pulling my hands to her hips as she did so.

By this point I had lost all rational thought as the blood was redirected from my brain and just did as I was instructed. Sure, there was a bit of a draining sensation from using the skill, but it was nothing to worry about, it just felt like a little bit of exertion. I wasn\'t going to let it ruin this delightful turn of events. It seemed that she wasn\'t going to let herself be distracted either. She had now completely mounted me and had begun rubbing herself back and forth on my lower half.

She pulled down her top, letting her breasts fall out and oh, my it was some sight. She had a more than ample chest and the word pert didn\'t do them justice. I couldn\'t quite grasp the physics behind how they held themselves like that. She leant forward leaning on my chest as she did so. She then tore my t-shirt with a surprising show of strength as she sat back up, all the while still swinging her hips. Next, she moved to my trousers, undoing the buttons, and pulling them down along with my underwear with considerable dexterity.

I was ready for what came next and so was she, quickly climbing on top of me, inserting it into herself in one fluid movement. She was so wet I slid right into her as she let out the loudest moan yet, it was almost as if she was already there. I could tell just how excited she was the moment I was inside, her inner walls were convulsing. It felt, it felt really good. I was already starting to worry about how long I could last with things feeling this good. She started swinging her hips again, my hands gripping her firm behind as she went. Then it hit me, I could tell I was getting too drained. It had to be the skill. I panicked slightly and not thinking clearly, I just tried to lift my hands from her body, but I couldn\'t. She was holding my hands in place and I no longer had the strength to resist her. There must have been some other way to stop it, but I couldn\'t think. Before I knew it, I felt I was slipping away, then things went blank.

I\'m not sure for how long, but it seemed as if quite some had time passed before I felt my sense of self again. Just like earlier I squinted as I tried to open my eyes in the bright sunlight. As I did the memories from before started to come flooding back to me.

"Did I just imagine all of that?" I asked myself.

I really felt like I must have fallen asleep somewhere and had some strange dreams… Then I noticed the soft and warm sensation under my head. It was unusually comfortable.

"Oh, you\'re awake!" A familiar voice called out from above me.

I looked up to see the same woman from earlier looking down at me. She was giving me a warm smile, but I could still sense concern in her voice.

"Yeah I am." I answered her, still a little fuzzy headed.

I then realised exactly where I was lying. My head was laid on her thighs, I was using them as a lap pillow.

"Look." She started. "I\'m so, so sorry about what happened earlier. I should never have let it go on so long. You using the heal for that long could have been seriously dangerous at your level."

Her face was still a little flush with colour from earlier.

"Oh, no, it\'s fine honestly. I\'m totally okay and you looked like you really needed it. I\'m just glad that I could help you out."

"I still should have known better."

"Well I\'m fine, we both got a little carried away, but none of us are hurt, that\'s the main thing."

"I suppose…"

I sat up from the lap pillow.

"Look, um, sorry what is your name?"

"It\'s Lillia."

"Hi Lillia, my name\'s Theo by the way. Um would you mind explaining a few things for me? My mind is a little cloudy."

"No not at all Theo. I would have done so earlier if we weren\'t so up against it! I really am sorry."

"Honestly, it\'s fine, please don\'t apologise. I think I heard you say a few things, I could have been confused, but you mentioned that a summoning drew that Ogres attention?"

"Yes, it was drawn me when I summoned you to this world."

"Hold on, that was real?" I asked a little shocked.


I thought back to the last thing I remembered before waking up here for the first time. I was walking down the street when I had a sharp pain in my chest. I thought I was dying; everything went blank and then there was a bright light that I followed. When I opened my eyes, I was here with Lillia…

"So that\'s what that was."

"It was."

"But how?"

"I used the ancient spell handed down for generations to summon a hero to fight the demon lord."

"Hold on hero? Demon lord!?"

"Yes, you\'re a hero summoned here to fight the demon lord."

"You want me to fight the demon lord?"

"Yes." She answered smiling her warm inviting smile at me.

I wasn\'t quite sure I was liking this current turn of events, but thinking about it, this was all starting to sound strangely familiar.

"There\'s a demon lord?"

"Yes. They appeared here about sixty years ago, bringing destruction to our land, birthing many monsters, and destroying most of the men."

"Destroying the men?"

"Yes, many women have been killed, but nearly all of the men have been destroyed by the demon lord."

The distinction was a little odd, but I didn\'t think to question it.

"So, you summoned me to kill them?"

"Yes, exactly. We summon the heroes in the hopes of ending the demon lord\'s reign."

"You mean there\'s been more than one hero?"

"There has been and there is more than one here right now, but none of them have been successful in tackling the demon king."

"But you\'re expecting me to be able to?"

"Yes, I have very high hopes for you!" Her smile was now very warm and very inviting.

"I\'m not sure if I…"

"Not yet, you will need to grow your strength first, but I really think that you could be the one."

Looking at her and remembering what happened earlier I was still struggling to concentrate properly. I had to shake my head to stop myself being drawn in by the look in her eyes. It wasn\'t quite working, so I stood up and took in a deep breath. Lillia stood up with me looking slightly concerned.

"Is everything okay?" She asked softly.

"Yeah… I was just thinking, shouldn\'t we head back to the nearest town before it gets dark?"

Lillia looked as if she had suddenly remembered something important.

"Yes, you\'re right. We should head back into town, there\'s a lot to do after a successful summons."

"Right, well lead the way."

She took me by the hand and started walking. We went a few steps before she stopped turning to me.

"Theo do you think we could…"

"Think we could what?"

"Oh, it\'s nothing… We should really head back, and you definitely need to recuperate from earlier before we do anything else.

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