
Chapter 7 - Seven: Gathering Gear And New Faces

"Thanks, I don\'t think I\'d fancy that." I wasn\'t sure if she was being serious or if it was a sign.

To my slight disappointment we didn\'t head through the market area, Lillia made a beeline for the weaponry and armoury shops. The first place we went to was the armourers.

"Good morning Lillia." The shop keeper called out as he noticed us enter.

"Morning Bert."

"You got a new summons there?" He asked eyeing me up a little.

"Yeah, this is Theo."

"Nice to meet you Theo." He said giving me his hand.

"You too Bert."

"So how can I help you both this morning?" Bert asked.

"I need to have Theo kitted out." Lillia answered him.

"I see… Did you have anything specific in mind?

"I\'m afraid it\'s only going to have to be the basic stuff as he hasn\'t yet earned any coin, so it will be going on my expenses."

"Hmm… I think I have just the set and seeing as it\'s you Lillia I think I can give you a small discount."

"Thank you, Bert!"

"If you two would like to follow me."

Bert led us to the back of the shop where there was a selection of what looked to be beginners leather armour sets hanging on the wall.

"I think this should fit him nicely, let me go and see if I can find him a new shirt and perhaps some new trousers too." Bert said looking at my partially torn shirt. "One moment."

Bert disappeared into the back room of the shop for a few minutes before returning with a shirt and pair of trousers.

"Here you go, these look to be in your size." He said passing them to me. "They look thin and they are surprisingly abrasion resistant, but they don\'t hold the heat."

"Thank you." I said taking the items.

"And now for the rest."

Bert pulled one of the closest sets of armour from where it hung on the wall. It consisted of a basic helmet, a cuirass that had attachable articulated pauldrons, a tasset skirt, some bracers and a pair of greaves with articulated knee protection. Once he had it all down, he led me to the changing room.

"Now you go and see how that all fits and I\'ll go and find you some suitable footwear. What size feet do you have?"

"Size nine?" Unsure if the sizes here were the same.

"Ah good, I think I have something in stock. I\'ll be right back."

As he left, I went into the changing room to try on the equipment. The long-sleeved t-shirt did seem lightweight, even if it was slightly padded. The trousers were light too, but they did seem to have a sturdy feel. I put on all the gear that he gave me and was quite surprised just how lightweight the whole set up was. I was expecting it to be a little difficult to move in all this getup, but it didn\'t seem to be a problem at all. I didn\'t even feel hot with the whole set on. Once fully dressed I stepped out of the changing room where both Lillia and Bert were stood waiting for me.

"Oh my! You do now really look the part." Lillia let out a little excitedly.


"Yes, it suits you."


"How does it feel?" Asked Bert.

"It feels really light and very easy to move in!"

"Good, that means it\'s a good fit for you."

I had to admit it, Bert had a particularly good eye for sizing.

"Here try these on." Bert said passing me a sturdy looking pair of boots.

I did as he asked and slid them on. They were a perfect fit and really comfortable. This guy knew his stuff.

"These are great. Thanks!"

"Don\'t mention it. Come to the front desk and we\'ll settle things up.

Lillia and I followed him to the front desk and waited while he totted everything up on the mechanical till.

"Hmm… That will be five coins."

"Five coins! I can\'t give you so little." Lillia answered almost a bit flustered.

"No that\'s all I\'ll take from you. Just remember to come to me for repairs and upgrades."

"Well if you insist." Lillia answered producing the coins from her purse.

Bert took the coins and placed them into the till.

"Oh, that reminds me you\'ll be needing these too."

Bert leant under the counter for a moment before reappearing with a scabbard attached to a belt and a leather pouch.

"Ah yes I will. How much is that?" I asked him.

"It\'s on the house."

"But I couldn\'t…"

"Nonsense! Just promise me that you look after Lillia while you\'re out there."

"You have my word that I won\'t let any harm come to her, if it\'s within in my power to stop it."

"Good that\'s what I wanted hear." He said passing me the items.

I strapped the belt around my waist and placed my sword into the scabbard, then attached the leather pouch.

"Now you really area all set. Stay safe out there both of you and I hope to see you again soon."

"Thank you ever so much!" I answered.

We both said our goodbyes to Bert and left the shop. Stepping out into the busy street again I started to feel a little self-conscious wearing a full suit of armour. No one was paying me any attention, and this was probably much more normal attire for here than what I had been wearing before, but I just couldn\'t help it. I decided I could at least get away without wearing the helmet around the town, so I took it off and attached it to my belt for now.

Lillia took my hand once more and started leading me towards the next shop. This turned out to be a potion shop. A bell rang as we entered, and the shop owner stepped round the corner to greet us. The woman that greeted us turned out to be someone that looked like a witch of some sort except she was wearing a dark purple dress that accentuated her curves, which were all in the right places by the way and was very low cut with the usual witch like hat. However, she definitely didn\'t have the kind of body or face that imagination brings up when you think of a witch.

"Good morning!" She called out in a very alluring voice. "Oh, it\'s you Lillia and who is this?" She asked giving me an inviting look.

"Morning Liz. This is Theo, my new summons."

"Another summons already? I did kind of like your last one, but I can\'t say that I disapprove of this one." She answered looking me up and down with a smile. "So how can I help you today?"

"We\'re just stopping by for some supplies before we head out." Lillia answered her.

"What do you need?"

"Just a few mana potions, some stamina restore and some basic heals. Four of each should do us for now."

"Just give me a few minutes and I\'ll have them all prepared for you." Liz answered disappearing into the back of her shop.

It wasn\'t long before Liz returned with an armful of the potions that Lillia had requested.

"Here you go." She said handing them over to her.

"Thanks. How much do I owe you?"

"Two coins please."

"Here you go." Lillia said handing them over.

Lillia divided the potions up between us, two of each type and we both stashed them away in our equipment pouches.

"So, where are you both headed?" Liz asked.

"We just have a few more things to do in town and then were heading out to the training grounds."

"Oh, I see. Well do be careful and I hope to see you again soon. Don\'t be a stranger Theo, feel free to pop in any time." She added smiling once again.

"Hmpf. Bye Liz." Replied Lillia before taking me by the hand and almost pulling me out of the shop.

I briefly waved at Liz before we went the door.

"So where to now?" I asked Lillia.

"Now we go to get your sword appraised by the master swordsmith."

"It needs appraising?"

"Yes. The weapons that come with the summons can vary wildly and I would like to know what sort of quality it is before we decide to tackle any monsters. I don\'t want it breaking if we get into a scuffle."

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