
Chapter 161 - One Hundred And Sixty-One: Clean Up

"What was what?" Answered Aetherin.

"I heard someone call out."

"Are you sure? I didn\'t hear a thing."

"I definitely heard someone shout. They were talking to a Theo… Come to mention it, I can smell human and something else. Are you sure they are all dead?"

"I\'m certain."

"You aren\'t trying to keep something from us, are you?"

"Of course, not. Why would I?"

"Then you won\'t mind us stepping inside for a moment, will you?"

"I don\'t see any reason for you to do so."

"I must insist."

The game was up. If they stepped inside, they would find out we were here. As Beth and I prepared for a confrontation we were stopped in our tracks by the sounds of a scuffle outside. We both glanced at each other as we each decided, if we would be better to head out to help or wait inside to see what was happening. A moment passed before I made my way out of the room towards the front door, Beth paused at first but then followed behind me. By the time we made it to the entrance it was already over.

In front of the house there was a scene of total carnage. Blood had been sprayed in every direction. I could just about make out three bodies strewn over the walkway, but they were so badly ripped apart I couldn\'t tell what species of demon they were from. I couldn\'t speak as I took it all in and turned to Aetherin. There wasn\'t a spot on her white dress, just a single smear on the side of her face that she wiped off with a smile as she looked at me.

"You didn\'t need to come to my aid." She said happily.

"I can see that! What happened?" I asked.

"They realised someone was here. I couldn\'t have them coming in and causing more trouble, so I had to deal with them quickly."


She definitely had dealt with them quickly. I was more than a little surprised by how brutally she had killed her own kind and just because they had stumbled across something she didn\'t want them to find out. I was glad that she was now on my side. As I stood there Beth tugged the side of my clothes.

"Is she okay?" She asked.

"She doesn\'t look hurt." I answered.

"That wasn\'t what I meant."

"I know."

"I wasn\'t about to let them in my house. There was always the small risk they might harm Theo or one of his friends." Aetherin said as she heard our conversation.

"Well at least we know she is loyal to you now." Said Beth, for the first time sounding like she believed it.

We both looked over the mess of bodies on the walkway again.

"I\'m afraid I may have complicated things for you, but don\'t worry I\'ll clean up this mess before anyone can see it." Aetherin said while moving to pick up the nearest body.

"Let me help you." I said stepping forward.

"No, you\'ll get yourself covered in blood and I\'m already dirty. I\'ll be fine. Please go back inside."

"Sure, if you say so…"

I wasn\'t sure how Aetherin was dirty already, she had barely a speck on her, and she was wearing a pristine white dress, but she already had a hold of two of the bodies like it was nothing. I left her to it. Beth and I watched on for a moment as Aetherin piled the bodies in the corner of the front garden. As she begun to slice them up into small pieces, we made our way back inside. We walked to the living room and sat on the sofa.

"Are you sure we were okay, to just leave her to deal with them alone?" Asked Beth.

"You don\'t think she\'s going to let someone find the bodies, do you?"

"No… But it\'s quite a nasty job to leave her to."

"I know, somehow she doesn\'t seem bothered by it though."

"That\'s surprising. To be honest, when I realised there was someone outside, I really thought she was going to turn us over to them. Especially when they asked to come inside. I didn\'t think she was going to do something like that to her own kind."

"I\'m not sure if they were vampires."

"They were undoubtedly demons of some sort. I suppose at least we know that they are out there patrolling. We might have to adjust our plans."

"We\'ll have to talk it over with the others when they wake."

As we spoke Aetherin reappeared in the living room.

"I think you might have to do more than readjust." She said as she stepped inside.

"How do you mean?" I asked.

"They were expected to report in. He said so himself, his boss was a stickler for the details. We can expect someone to come looking for them. I\'ve made sure that they won\'t find a single trace that they were here, but you will have to be long gone before the next group arrive. I\'m sorry, but the forces in this area are likely to be on high alert when they can\'t find them. This all my fault."

"It isn\'t your fault. We were in trouble from the moment that someone spotted our fight yesterday, we just didn\'t know it yet. If you\'d let them inside, we would\'ve had to fight them anyway. We\'d still be in this situation whatever happened."

"We might have to abandon the quest." Added Beth.

"I hope not, but let\'s see what the others say when they wake."

It had been light for a while now and as we spoke I could hear the sound of someone moving around upstairs. I didn\'t know if someone had heard the commotion or had just woken with morning light. Whatever it was they would soon be joining us. Thirty seconds later Serin and Altria rushed into the living room. They looked panicked.

"We need to get ready to move. Someone\'s outside!" Serin said as soon as she entered.

"Outside? Are you sure?" I asked.

"Yes. Celine sensed magic being used and woke us. We came down as soon as we dressed."

"We were outside just a moment ago there is no one there. Not anymore."

"You were?"

"Yeah. Where\'s Celine now?"

"I\'m here master!" She answered as she appeared from thin air.

"You sensed something outside?" I asked.

"Yes… But when I checked there was nothing there. Not a single sign."

"I thought as much."

"What do you mean?" Asked Serin clearly not understanding what was going on.

"We were going to tell you when you got up anyway. There was an incident outside not long ago. Someone spotted our fight with Aetherin earlier and a team was sent to investigate…"


"It\'s okay Aetherin dealt with them, but it could mean trouble for us."

The door to the living room opened.

"What could be trouble for us?" Liz asked as she stepped inside.

"There was an incident outside. Some demon soldiers saw our fight last night and came to investigate. Aetherin killed them, but once someone notices they\'re missing the forces in the area will be put on high alert." I explained.

"Oh, I see. That could be problematic for us. Are we still going to press ahead?" She asked.

"I thought we would discuss that when everyone woke up. What do you think Serin?" I asked.

Serin shrugged and sat down on the sofa. She let out a sigh as she thought.

"It\'s not something I want to decide for the group. I\'d like to hear what everyone else thinks before we make a decision. It\'s pretty clear that things are going to be even more dangerous than we planned. Tell me how you all feel about it." She said after thinking it over.

"I still want to continue. I want answers and if there\'s a chance we can make it, I don\'t want to give up yet." I answered.

"I want to continue too." Altria said without hesitation.

"Okay, that\'s two for continuing…" Serin said before turning to Beth.

"I\'d be lying if I said I didn\'t have concerns, but if the rest of you want to continue, then I\'m with you." Answered Beth.

"Thanks Beth… What about you Celine?" Asked Serin.

"If Master is going then I\'m going too!" She answered.

"Right, I should have guessed that would be your answer… Liz?"

"It was already going to be difficult, if there are forces actively looking out for us it\'s only going to be that much harder. That said, this isn\'t something that I want to give up on. I want to press on, but I have one condition." She answered.

"Okay, what is it?" Asked Serin.

"We take Aetherin with us."

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