
Chapter 175 - One Hundred And Seventy-Five: Last Stop

She opened her eyes, rubbed the sleep from them, her ears twitching slightly. "Oh, Theo\'¦ Is it time for me to get up?"

I nodded and smiled. "Yeah, sorry."

She started to pull herself up. "It\'s okay, I\'ve slept enough."

"Did you see where Celine went?"

She shook her head. "No, she just vanished like usual."

"I see. I wonder if she slept\'¦ I call for her."

"Sure, I\'ll wake Liz up on my way."

"Thanks Altria."

I left Altria and walked a little way from where the others were still asleep and called for Celine.

"Yes master." She said yawning as she appeared in front of me.

I took a step back. "I was just getting you for your turn on watch with the others."


"You did sleep, didn\'t you?"

"Yes, I had a nice rest."

She didn\'t look to be overly tired.

"Good. I\'ve never asked before, but where do you go? You just disappear."

"Oh, I go to my space."

"Your space, hold on what\'s that?"

"I don\'t know how to describe it, but I can enter it from anywhere. I have a comfortable place to rest there."

"That sounds pretty convenient!" It was quite the surprise to me.

"It is! I can take things there, but that requires a lot of energy. Just entering by myself doesn\'t though."

"Couldn\'t you use that to travel without draining yourself?"

"Unfortunately, I can\'t." She shrugged. "I can travel to places from there just like when I transport myself, but it uses just as much energy. For some reason when I enter and leave from the same place it doesn\'t."

"Huh, well That explains where you disappear to."

"I\'ll show you it one day."

"I can go there too?"

"Yes, I could take you. If we went now, I would need to feed again though."

"Once we get out of here then\'¦ That reminds me, don\'t you need to feed anyway?"

"I can always feed\'¦" She smiled licking her lip for a moment. "But I don\'t need to not now. You should get back to sleep and rest for tonight."

"Are you sure? If you wanted to, it would be better for me to do it now while I have time to recover."

"I\'m fine master. Don\'t worry."

"Okay\'¦ If you\'re sure."

She was happily nodding like she was fine.

I couldn\'t tell if she really was okay, or just trying to stop me from worrying and saving my energy. It didn\'t seem like she was going to eat though. Celine and I went back to where the others were all still sat.

By this time Altria had woken Liz and they had both joined Aetherin and Beth near the centre of the camp. I sat down with Celine to talk with Liz and Altria before I tried to go back to sleep until the evening.

As I sat down Liz looked over to me and asked. "I assume it\'s been quiet?"

I shook my head. "Nothing to report. We didn\'t notice a thing. It was quiet for Serin and Aetherin too."

"That\'s good to hear. Have you sent Celine to investigate yet?"

"No, I was going to ask her when it gets dark, just Like Serin said before."

"You know if she went know and we found out it was unsafe to proceed we would have more time to retreat under the cover of darkness\'¦"

Liz was still eager to send Celine out there already.

"I\'d rather wait until it was dark. She can hide herself, but she\'s still going to be safer in the dark."

Hearing her name Celine chimed in happily. "I can check now if you need me to master."

"No, it\'s okay Celine, don\'t go anywhere until I ask you to."

"Yes master."

"Serin won\'t be happy if we start making decisions without consulting her."

Altria was listening and decided to speak up. "We\'re best to try and avoid drawing any attention to this place while it\'s light. We\'ve got cover her, but it isn\'t like we couldn\'t be spotted if someone was serous looking for us. So, I agree with Theo, let\'s just stick to the plan and wait until this evening before we make any moves." She gave me a nod as she finished.

"I\'ll leave it at that then." Liz said finally putting up her hands.

I had been a little worried when Liz had brought it up, that she might try and make Celine go once I went to bed. I was sure that Liz was one that wouldn\'t flinch from making her own moves if she felt like it.

With Altria taking the same watch, I felt better about leaving them. She wouldn\'t let her go ahead with it. I could trust Celine to do as I asked too. With that settled it was time for me to try and get some more sleep. Beth was already getting up ready to find her bed as it was.

"You should go back to sleep now Theo. We\'ll take the watch now." Altria said making a shooing motion.

"I\'m going. I\'ll see you all later."

I waited for Beth and the two of us headed back towards our beds. Then I remembered Aetherin, she still hadn\'t slept. I turned back.

"Aetherin, are you really not going to sleep?" I asked.

"I told you I don\'t require it." She replied.

"I\'d feel happier if you had a little rest\'¦"

"Very well, I\'ll join you if you insist."

It wasn\'t what I had meant, but if it meant she actually rested, then I suppose it was okay. She left the group, following Beth and me towards the sleeping area. I reached my sleeping gear and started removing my armour before I climbed into bed. Once I slipped under the covers, Aetherin started to undress next to my bed. I say undress, but this only involved her pulling the string at the top of her dress and the entire outfit falling to the ground. She was completely naked now. Beth had stopped what she was doing and was watching on silently. Aetherin climbed inside my bed alongside me, like it was the most natural thing in the world. Once inside she put her arms around me.

Seeing this Beth called over from her bed a little way behind us. "Just remember you\'re supposed to be getting some rest now Theo."

"We will." I shouted back.

"Wasn\'t this what you had in mind? I can move to my own bed if you wish." Aetherin asked.

"No, this is fine. We should try and sleep though."

"That was my intention."

I laid there quietly with Aetherin holding me. I closed my eyes and tried to fall asleep again, it proved to be a little more difficult than it had been earlier. I wasn\'t as tired as before, and trying to sleep in the afternoon sun, even if we were shaded by the trees, was just a little weird. Then there was the beautiful and naked girl pressed up against me. Falling asleep didn\'t feel like it was my body\'s highest priority right at this moment.

Beth was right though, we needed to rest and getting carried away here would only disturb, her and Serin who were trying to sleep nearby. Eventually, after what felt like quite some time, I fell asleep. The next time I opened my eyes, it was night.

Altria had come to wake us. "It\'s time Theo, you should get up." She said from nearby.

I shuffled up I my bed feeling the wooziness of waking. "I\'ll be right there."

Altria left and joined the others at the centre of our small camp. I looked around and it seemed that Serin and Beth were already up. I rolled over and was greeted by Aetherin\'s smile.

"Good night Theo."

I laughed. "I suppose it is." I said while pulling myself up.

We both quickly dressed and went to join the rest of the party. They were already discussing what our next move would be.

I sat down with the group and looked to Serin. "How are we going to do this then?"

"We were just discussing that\'¦ I still think our best option is to send Celine in first to scout things out. That is if she\'s willing to do so." Answered Serin.

"She would make the best choice to go, what do you think Celine?" I asked turning to her.

"I\'ll go if you ask me to master!" She replied.

"Thanks, but that wasn\'t what I meant. Do you think you can manage it safely?"

"We won\'t know what I might have to face until I check it out, but I can keep my presence hidden better than anyone else among us. I\'m glad that you\'re worried about me master, but you\'re forgetting something. Even if I am found out, it isn\'t as if I will be attacked. I\'m of the demon races and it isn\'t as if the area is off limits. If someone spots me, it will just take me a little longer to return. You don\'t need to worry."

She was right, even if she was spotted, they wouldn\'t instantly take her for an enemy. We had been thinking about this in the same way as if one of us were found out there.

"I sometimes forget that you aren\'t human\'¦ Will you check it out for us?"

"Of course, master!"

"Thanks\'¦ What should she be looking out for?" I asked looking over the rest of the party.

"Check the locations of any guards, the routes they patrol in the shrine and the surrounding area. If you could confirm the location of the divine artifact, that would save us time when head inside. Although it should be on the main buildings altar." Explained Liz.

"This might sound like a silly question, but if Celine finds out where it is, why doesn\'t she just bring it back with her?" I asked.

"No, I want to examine it in position first."

"Aren\'t we going to take it back with us anyway? We need it as evidence."

"Yes, but I don\'t know what will happen when it\'s taken out of position. We should leave that until we\'re ready to leave."


"Is that everything that you wanted her to find out?" Asked Serin.

"Yes." Answered Liz.

"Then, we should get ready too, so we\'re ready to move when Celine returns."

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