
Chapter 16 - Results Are Up

anyways, if I get more of them, I would maybe throw in an extra chapter. thnx

Ping! A sound came from the computer. Lucas stopped whatever he was doing and slid back to the desk. He started typing furiously and scrolling through all the tests. He was completely focused on the screen for now.

"So, did he do anything to you?"

"Did he do anything to me? The bastard literally put in like twenty different poisons in me, and I didn't even notice!", Lucas raged. He got up and threw the glass vase next to him onto the ground in fury. "

"You didn't notice that you were poisoned? Lucas, are you growing old and weary like I am?", Fenrir jested.


"Shut up. Well then, looks like the next month is going to be all about recovery. We aren't moving from this place until I am back at tip top shape. Sorry Fenrir, but you are going to have to keep your curiosity in your pants.', Lucas said as he got up and moved to the far end of the laboratory. He opened what seemed like the refrigeration complex, and took a few vials of red and green liquids.

"These are the antidotes?", Fenrir asked.

"Kind of. I have way too many poisons in my body. Treating them all at once would put me in a weaker state than now. Even those pups from Michael's pack would be able to kill me then. I need to slowly build up my strength."

"That sounds to me like we are going to be spending a month cooped up here doing nothing.", Fenrir whined.

"Doing nothing? Humans have gone a long way to have multiple sources of... entertainment while being alone. You have not even seen the beginning of it.", Lucas laughed as he loaded the liquids onto a syringe. He shook it a few times and gave the shot to himself.

Ahhh! Lucas shouted in pain. Green veins started spreading from the point of the injection to the rest of the body. The green veins went all the way up to his neck and stayed there for more than ten minutes. After that, the veins slowly faded back to his skin.

"Fifty years later, and there is still no better way to get that into the body.", Lucas sighed.

"Well then. What are we going to do next? You said a little a day.", Fenrir asked Lucas.

"Now? Now we are going to play fifa.", Lucas grinned as he went to the living room and hopped onto the couch. He took a remote from the table next to the couch and turned it on. In front of him, however, was no t v. No, in front of his was a home theatre. The entire wall just turned on as the lights around them dimmed automatically.

"Interesting. I did not know that a TV would become so big. I thought that you had to use a projector for this.", Fenrir commented.

"Technology has gone a long way, Fenrir. A long way. Don't worry. I will show you around after the whole thing is over. I am as bored as you are.", Lucas said as he took an x-box controller from the table next to him.

He started playing the game, and Fenrir was commenting on how he was blown away in shock about how the game was running. After a while though, Lucas suddenly stopped playing the game. The controller dropped from his hand, and he started coughing out blood. The blood that was coming out was not red, but black.

"Good! I was wondering where the poison was going to go, looks like it just acted a little late.", Fenrir laughed.

"And you didn't care to tell me your little hypothesis?", Lucas asked, gasping for air.

"Don't worry, you are going to be all right.", Fenrir laughed.

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