
Chapter 126 - Bargain

"You really are full of shit. You are the one taking care of the giants in Niflheim, and yet you still are a pussy. You do not dare claim that land to be rightfully yours, and you wait while some cowards who still do not dare face their brothers and fathers decide whether I get some land or not. Truly pathetic." Fenrir scoffed.

"Shut Up! Not everyone is endowed with the great strength that you are. I know that this rebellion will only be possible with the help of others. Power is power. No matter how far ahead I think, I will not be able to take care of Odin and Thor. I will never be able to take two realms all to myself. So why don't you take this complaint to the others of the rebellion, and they will sort it out for you." Utgard Loki shouted.

"Fine. I will do that later. But don't worry. Unlike you, if I reach an unfavorable position for myself, I will actually fight back, and force a good position. That is what real men do." Fenrir said loudly.

"Now who's bickering like kids? After the war is over, you will have a total of nine realms, and a few more. I hear only four gods who will possibly be stronger than Fenrir, and all of them already have a realm for themselves. Sure, they will occupy new ones, but all of that means that there are many left for the strong ones. Both of you will have your own realms, and no one will be able to say anything about it. This whole fight is pointless. And, Fenrir. Don't settle for something so cheap as Niflheim. Both of us know that you can do better. In fact, you can even do as good as Midgard itself. Don't sell yourself short." Lucas interjected.

"The human is right. I have to agree with him on this one. You will surely get a realm, and you will have ample to choose from. But for you to be qualified for them, you need to contribute as much. As long as you take down Asgard with me, that will be enough to guarantee one for ourselves." Utgard nodded.

"Good. When he says something that helps you out, all of a sudden, you are all goodie two shoes with him." Fenrir scoffed.

"Now is not the time, Fenrir. We have your brother to release now, do we not?" Lucas interrupted.

"That might be true, but leaving now is nothing short of a death sentence. Do you not know what the date is? The day? It has only been two weeks since the full moon. Now, the moon is slowly disappearing. In Valhalla, time flows differently. This is the worst time to make a move on Ouroborous. If I am most powerful and uncontrollable during the full moon, then Ouroborous is the same during the new moon. And the last thing I want is a huge serpent shifting around and moving the earth while I take off his shackles." Fenrir said.

"I was not aware of this limitation," Utgard said.

"Neither was I. I thought that only werewolves had this sort of thing with the moon." Lucas also said.

"I am his brother. I know him better than anyone else in the world. Better than that deadbeat father of mine who was never with us, and better than that sister who ran off at the call of the gods. I know him well enough to say that if I go there to release the chains now, then Lucas here is going to meet his demise, along with half of the world." Fenrir said.

"This is troubling then. How and when are we going to make this move? I do not know when we can move next. I was planning to make the attack happen next month. This will be far too time consuming right now." Utgard said.

"It will be my task to hand over Ouroborous to you by the next month. Give me two weeks, and I can bring him back. But it will take time. I will start with the preparations. For the preparations, I am going to need you to give me that pet cat of yours. Or rather, I am going to need that embodiment of the bastard so that I can ask him what the hell he has been up to for the last few months, and who is guarding him." Fenrir said.

"The cat? It is just here for namesake. He never said anything to me at all during his time here, and I even suspect that the fragment that the left here is not powerful enough to talk." Utgard said.

"It is powerful enough to talk alright. But that guy is just too lazy to put in the effort. Hand the cat over to me, and I will talk to him about what I will be doing. As for the man power problem, I am sure that you will be kind enough to give us a few people to help us out in this big quest that you gave me." Fenrir asked.

"You want more people? That will be difficult. I spoke to Heimdall, and getting just two people there was already astronomical. Getting a few more? I will not be able to put in that amount. And the moment he finds out that Asgard will be the first one hit? He will run away like a rat, and I will never be able to salvage all that money that I gave him."Utgard said.

"Why are you worried about gold, of all things? Let us just go to the one person who can give us an unlimited supply, and I even know a trick to make her cry. " Lucas grinned.

"What are you talking about? That is simply out of the question. Kidnapping Freyja? Are you mad? Odin might have left her for Frigg, but he will not sit tight if their god of virility is stolen from them. I already tried once. I sent over a giant to trick them into giving me the woman, but Loki foiled my plans that time. And now you are saying that instead of tricking them into giving you her hand, you want to steal her away? I don't have a death wish. I am not ready to face them yet." Utgard shook his head.

"Alright. If that doesn't work, then I will have no other choice but to use my contacts to get that armor ring that Odin locks away in his treasury. If we can get that, then we will have infinite riches. We just have to lock that in a time accelerator, and it will multiply itself." Lucas said.

"Your mortal husk has a really nice tendency to get suicidal. So far, all that I hear is that you want to piss of the Allfather, and you want to die fast. Are you an idiot? You want to steal his ex wife, and then you want to steal his treasures? What do you want to do next? Go f*ck one of his nine toys in Valhalla?" Utgard raised his voice.

"Don't say it like they are all impossible. I already did one of those three that you just said. But anyways, since you are trying to stay on the safe side like a coward, we will have to find another way of transport." Lucas sighed.


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