
Chapter 587 - Bad News

Chapter 587 - Bad News

Newest Chapter For Highest Tier (July 2021)


Archdemon Empress Luna


Just a few seconds of awareness made her head ached even worse.

Luna let out a shrill moan from the throbbing pain that seized her thoughts, making it hard to form a coherent one.

It felt like someone had hammered a large iron nail at the top of her skull.

"My baby!"? Luna screamed the moment she regained consciousness, thrashing around her bed like a fish on land.

Honestly, Luna had no idea what happened after Apollyon's mother had pushed her to the stairs except for the scarlet gushing out of her legs.

Leo was the only one she cared about right now.

She hadn't even opened her eyes yet.

She did in a panic and got up from the safe cocoon of her bed all of a sudden, making her see green and dark spots overshadow their luxurious chamber in Vinca Inn.

Closing her eyes, she whimpered. "Ah."

It wasn't easy to turn her head to the side, or it might send her world spinning.

Nevertheless, Luna knew that Apollyon was right beside her, seated on his chair in silence as he waited for her to be ready.

Her husband didn't need to speak.

His domineering presence will always make himself known that he was in the room.

It didn't help that he was her mate.

Of course, she knew that!

Now, it wouldn't take long before Apollyon shouts at her for putting herself at risk, demanding an explanation from her during her private meeting with Princess Ourania.

She inhaled and exhaled short, fast breaths.

"Baby? What happened to the baby, Luna?" Apollyon let out a deep growl as he squeezed her limp and cold fingers gently as if he was providing her with strength. "Is everything alright? Does your stomach hurt?"

"The baby isn't dead, right? Apollyon?" Luna's voice was high as it wavered in desperation.

A sheen of sweat clustered on her cheeks, chin and her forehead.

Her chest felt sore as if she just survived multiple stabs. "it's still there? I didn't lose her?"

"I could still hear her heartbeat as she moved around." He replied angrily, not at her but at the thought of losing their heiress.

Luna could feel his large hand stroking her baby bump in a loving caress. "Lie back against the pillows, beloved, and don't move. I should scold you, but I don't want to cause you any distress when you are still recovering."

She swallowed hard when another wave of pain hit her.

All of her muscles bunched up and tensed from the last memory she had before darkness consumed her mind.

A piercing light of clarity shone through the murky depths of her mental bruises, making her grind her teeth from this scorching anger, growing, threatening to consume her from the inside and out. But, she still mustered to rein this savage, destructive emotion with cold and calculating intensity as she faced it head-on without fear and took control of it— to concentrate it into a single goal and plan for her revenge.

She wouldn't let this emotion die out.

It will continue to burn embers to fuel her schemes against Apollyon's mother for harming her baby.

Painful tears stung her eyes as they blurred her vision.

What did Luna do to deserve this?

Why did that woman attempt to kill her and the baby?

Was it because of her jealousy?

Was it because she couldn't stand seeing Luna happy and in love with his son just because she was miserable with King Gwythyr?

Would she ruin her just because Luna's feelings were reciprocated by the? Vampire King—the last descendant of the Selcis bloodline whom she believed were all wife murderers?

She recalled? Princess Ourania had pushed her from the stairs after getting here lost in the Summer Castle on purpose.

Luna clutched the thick, warm blankets covering her sore, tender form.

As she exhaled a sharp breath, regret and guilt were like tidal waves from the shore washing her to the great oceans.

It was quite a long journey to get to the women's parlour, and they walked alone with no one in sight

. Yet, her hairs on her skin stood on its end, and her senses remained vigilant.

Her intuition whispered a soft warning she didn't catch.

At that time, Luna can't tell that Princess Ourania's companionship was pleasant, but it was enough to let her guard down for a bit when they descended to the last stairs.

It was a mistake that her back faced Apollyon's mother, making her vulnerable to surprise attacks.

"Apollyon." Luna sobbed. "I am sorry. I messed up."

"What happened? during? your discussion with Princess Ourania?"

As she wiped the teardrops staining her cheeks, Luna wasn't prepared to answer her husband's pointed questions.

She knew? Apollyon might put all the blame on her for wanting to talk to his mother alone.

There was no time to tell Apollyon about the grand schemes she formulated that morning about the dynamics between his mother, the God Hephaestus and Sapphire.

She would rather not.

Her mate might stop her and ruin her ploy with another plan he had in mind.

Apollyon was a stubborn and strong-willed? Vampire King.

He was also a brilliant commander and tactician when it came to warfare as long as it wouldn't involve his emotions or loved ones.

Apollyon can become irrational. He was also uncompromising when it came to her safety which he should be--considering what had occurred with her and his mother.

She wouldn't be surprised if he refused any propositions from her.

Her husband insisted on coming along, but she still refused his presence, promising that she would be safe, and he trusted her with all his heart even if he was against it.

But Luna betrayed that trust by putting herself and their baby in danger.

"Luna. You are still? mine, aren't you?"? Apollyon's voice broke, and his face seemed to crumple, "You are still my wife?"


"I demand an assurance from you, beloved."

Surprised at his strict baritone, Luna hesitated before answering him."Yes. I am your wife."

"Lilith had taken over you, Luna."

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