
Chapter 883 The Autumn Queen's Son



Princess Sapphire of the Summer Courts


"Weren't you really aware that he was your son? Didn't his golden eyes and his resemblance to Uriel gave him away?"

Princess Sapphire's eyes went round and she almost snorted at that absurd statement.

Was this some kind of sick, twisted joke?

Like, who exactly was he talking about?

Did he mean that Ravin, the Archdemon of Gluttony and the Prince of the 1st Circle of Hell, was the Autumn Queen's long lost son?

How could that be possible?

Was that actually true or had the Marquis gone insane?

Well, Ravin was the only golden-eyed Archdemon she recognized so far.

Frowning, Princess Sapphire turned her head to look at the Queen's reaction and she looked stunned.

"Wh-What do you mean?!" Queen Morgan shouted in both disbelief and outrage.

The Marquis jutted his chin and smirked, "You're acting dumb, Merle. Perhaps, you couldn't accept the fact that your son had turned an Archdemon."

Princess Sapphire had heard Beelzebub addressed the Autumn Queen as Merle multiple times as if they knew each other before he disguised himself as a member of the Cadre.

These Ancient Faeries who had existed before and during the Great War seemed to have recognized a lot of these Fallen Archangels in the past.

If Queen Morgan had a son who turned into demon in that era, then had she fornicated with a Fallen?

Now, Princess Sapphire was confused.

Then, why didn't the Archangels destroyed her as well?

Any living creatures in the Material Realm were forbidden to love angels who were tasked to watch over their Highest God's creation.

Beelzebub had dropped yet another revelation and no one in that gathering was ready for it.

Not even the Queen of the Autumn Courts.


Finally, Queen Morgan had exposed the weapons she had been hiding all this time. Princess Sapphire prayed that those two obsidian swords she had pulled frrom the ancient scabbard forming an 'X' behind her back could destroy Beelzebub. Unfortunately, the dagger that Jora had used against Ravin only wounded the Archdemon Prince. His wounds had healed fast, inflicting no significant damage at all.


Queen Morgan of the Autumn Courts


"Satan and Lucifer destroyed Archangel Uriel in Hell as a punishment for revealing their plans to the Archangels. Your beloved also took your child with him to die so that both of them will go to Hell and leave you behind. It was the only thing he could do to keep you safe from Archdemons, Archangels and the Fae. They accepted their fates and sacrificed themselves for you." Beelzebub said.

She gasped in shock when she finally heard the painful truth behind her lover's and her son's disappearance.

So, these Archdemons were aware that her husband betrayed them in favor of the Highest God.

In the end, her beloved was brave enough to consciously choose the light despite the evil darkness eating him from the inside and out.

All she ever wanted in that moment was to curl up into a ball and cry her heart out but she was determined to keep her grief inside.

Queen Morgan had to remain strong for her people.

"Like me, I think he might be trapped in the eighth and ninth circle of Hell but I haven't seen him there. I am lucky to have stumbled upon a portal here in the Autumn Courts."

A few demons who were reduced into dark energies after being sent to the eighth and ninth circles of Hell felt lucky enough to stumble across portals in the Autumn Courts.

It was true that the Autumn Courts had lots of random portals here and there because their Kingdom was closely connected to the Underworld which was close to Hell in itself.

Honestly, Queen Morgan wouldn't be surprised if all these portals connecting Hell to this Material Realm had increased its numbers.

In addition to that, the Divine Creator had chosen to move the Garden of the Four Seasons at their territory, just near the boundary between the Unseelie Courts, without her knowledge.

The Autumn Kingdom was literally the eye of the storm and she couldn't do anything but accept the inevitable.

"The Demon King didn't spare your son. His physical vessel in this Realm was reduced to ashes and he became a demon before he could grow into a giant to become a part of Lucifer's army. New fledglings had a primal desire to possess and terrorize all living creatures and Ravin had done exactly that. But, he was too young to remember the atrocities he had committed to the kind you tried so hard to defend. You gave birth to him, Merle. You do realize that you unwittingly killed your own people, right?"

Until now, I couldn't believe that the son I had lost thousands of years ago really did become a demon at that time.' Queen Morgan thought weakly. 'Ravin. The Archdemon of Gluttony is my son all along. That's why I thought he closely resembled Uriel.'

"The Archangels had descended from the Heavens to wipe out Fallen Angels and Demons in this world, trapping all of the demonic spirits inside a box and dumping them all in Hell." Beelzebub began.

Archangel Uriel had told her about His Creator's plans to establish Hell and imprison Gregoris and Fallen Angels like him who dared to rebel against His reign.

Powerful demons can only stay in the Material Realm if they had been summoned by priestesses and dark witches.

Your son, Uriel and I were captured by these Archangels and sent us all to Hell. Lucifer adopted your son and treated him as one of his, making him the new Archdemon of Gluttony at such a young age. The tournaments to fight over territories in Hell didn't exist back then. Like Uriel, Lucifer casted me aside to the deepest pits of Hell when he thought I had done something to betray him! "He bellowed as his pale face reddened with wrath. "It's so unfair how he favored Ravin, a traitor's son, rather than me who stayed by his side from the beginning until the end of the rebellion he led and it turned out to be a f*cking failure! Ravin didn't do anything to deserve to be an Archdemon Prince and I am here to take my revenge."

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