
Chapter 106

“Longlive Lu Fei!”

“That’sawesome. The anchor sang well. Chen Fei’er scores beautifully!”

“I loveLu Fei so much, and I also love Chen Fei’er!”

“Do youthink it is possible for our anchor to be together with Chen Fei’er? She was verytouched.”

“Aboveposter, wake up! Stop dreaming. Get up and move the bricks. What are youtalking about in your sleep?”

“Haha, that’sa good idea, but can you be realistic? Chen Fei’er is 30+! ”

“I declarethat from now on, I am a fan of Chen Fei’er!”

“Thereis no suspense in the top 16!”


Li Feiyu, thehost of the live broadcast, had already screamed to the point of hoarseness andexhaustion and laughed until his mouth split open.

Although hequit his job at a 4S store a few days ago, although he has just arrived at LuChen’s studio, although he is busy running every day, and although he has towork overtime in the evening...

But he hasfallen deeply in love with this passionate and energetic job!

Let the fishballs come more vigorously!

Let the aircraftcarrier rewarded by the local tyrants crush me!

On one ofthe floors of A8 Building in Blue Sky Creative Park, ghostly crying and wolfhowling were heard.

The hard-workingovertime dogs in the same building felt a chill in their bodies when they heardit.

It must bethat the air condition is too low!


ForgetWorries Bar.

On the bigTV screen on the stage, Lin Zhijie just gave Lu Chen his score.

10 points!

The same asChen Fei’er, 10 points, the highest score!

The bar wasimmediately filled with joy. Many guests applauded and whistled loudly.

Otherspatted the table and shouted loudly, “Drinks, drinks!”

They allknew Lu Chen, and knew that he is a sincere and handsome young man. Everyonefelt that it was a pity that Lu Chen didn’t continue to perform in the ForgetWorries Bar, but they were all glad to see him go to the wider world.

And now LuChen was really in the spotlight. Appearing In front of hundreds of millions ofTV viewers.

A new starin the singing world is rising.

Then theycan proudly say to others - You see this talented and handsome guy, I’veordered his songs, had drinks with him, and talked to him about music.

They arehonored!

Chen Jianhaostood in the bar and announced loudly, “The next drink will be on me!”

The cheersgrew louder.

Tonight,Forget Worries Bar is destined to be sleepless!

David, thebartender, shook his head and asked, “Boss, Boss Lu is just taking part inthe knockout stage. There are a lot more competition to come. If he won, areyou going to treat all the guests?”

Chen Jianhaowas stunned, then laughed, reached out and patted the bartender on theshoulder.

“Youdon’t understand.”


Beijing NormalUniversity Girls’ Dormitory.

Ye Zitonglooked nervously at the screen of her laptop. Her white teeth were biting herred lips, her left hand was on the touchpad of the computer, and her right handcould not help grabbing the sheet, as if she would shout out at any time.

Chen Fei’ergave Lu Chen 10 points, and Lin Zhijie also gave Lu Chen 10 points. What about thenext one?

The next onewas Zhen Zhen.

The editor-in-chiefof Pop Music magazine gave Lu Chen a score of... 9 points!

Only 9points?

Obviously,it was already a very high score, but Ye Zitong was very disappointed, and evensee Zhen Zhen a bit not pleasing to the eye.

Why did youonly give 9 points?

Zhen Zhencommented: “You’ve written this song very well and sang it very well. It’sjust that there’s a lack of depth in feeling. That’s why I gave you 9 points. Ihope you will continue to work hard and make further efforts!”

Lu Chensmiled and bowed, “Thank you, Teacher Zhen Zhen!”

Seeing sucha scene, Ye Zitong could not help but sulk and close the screen.

But after onlythree seconds, she reopened it.

She hasn’tseen Tan Hong’s score yet!

Tan Hongwill give Lu Chen 10 points, Ye Zitong is absolutely sure!



In DongpingDistrict of Binhai City, Lu Xue jumped up from the sofa and shouted delightedly.

“Mom,Tan Hong also gave big brother 10 points!”

Fang Yunsmiled, but her eyes were fixed on the TV screen, looking at her son who isbowing to the judges.

Her son, whoshe worries about day and night, has really grown up and matured. Not only didhe earned a lot of money, but also appeared on TV, enjoying the joy and honorof success.

Fang Yun didn’tknow that Lu Chen actually had such talent. His future achievements willdefinitely surpass his father’s!

Thinking ofLu Qingsheng, Fang Yun’s eyes were filled with tears.

Old Lu, youwho are in heaven, do you know that your son is so promising?

He’s goingto be a star!

Fang Yunsmiled with tears of joy in her eyes.


Chen Fei’er10 points, Lin Zhijie 10 points, Zhen Zhen 9 points, Tan Hong 10 points!

All fourjudges have given their scores, and they gave a total score of 39 for Lu Chen’s“You Who Sat Next To Me.”


This meansthat Lu Chen got 39% of the judges’ 40% proportion. One can say that he isalmost in an unassailable position.

Unless heloses badly in the voting process for both the live audience and the off-siteaudience.

But how isthat possible?

Now theaudience need not say more. The applause just now was so warm. From this, itcould be said that his supporters are by no means in a minority.

As for theoff-site audience vote, [Whale TV]’s hundreds of thousands of fans are unableto bear their thirst and hunger! (TN: They can’t wait anymore.)

So, Lu Chenis guaranteed to have a place in the top 16 seats!

With fullconfidence, he went back to the backstage.

In the top16 of 32, the list of winners will not be announced until the end of the competition,so even if Lu Chen was the first to appear, he can’t leave. He has to stayuntil the end of the show.

The othercontestants in the big lounge in the backstage looked at Lu Chen, who hadreturned victorious, with envy and jealousy.

They’ve clearlyseen Lu Chen’s performance.

For mostpeople, the judges’ score of 39 points is simply too high to surpass.

Not even ifthey do it together!

With thishonor and qualification, it can be determined that Lu Chen basically have aposition in the top 10 in the Beijing Singing District.

Yes, the top10, not the top 16!

“SeniorLu...” (TN: As in an upperclassman)

A beautifulgirl greeted him and sincerely congratulated him: “Congratulations, thesong was really good.”

Lu Chensmiled and said, “Thank you, too. You also cheered for me.”

The other partyis Mu Xiaochu, whom Lu Chen met in the preliminary round. A young femalestudent from the Institute of Foreign Languages.

She passedthe preliminary and quarter-finals, and also got a place in the top 32 toparticipate in tonight’s top 16.

At thistime, a staff rushed over.

He whispered,“Mr. Lu Chen. Is it convenient for you now? A director of our program groupwould like to see you.”

A directorof the program group “Singing China” is looking for him?

Lu Chen was somewhatsurprised.

He calmlynodded to Mu Xiaochu and then said to the staff, “No problem.”

“That’sgood, please come with me.”

Led by thestaff, Lu Chen left the backstage of the studio.

Through the windingcorridor, they arrived at an office.

There werealready several people in the room. Seeing Lu Chen come in, they all stood upone after another.

The staffintroduced them to Lu Chen: “This is the music director of our programgroup, Director Gu Rui!”

Gu Rui is a well-manneredmiddle-aged man in his 40s. He is tall and thin with black-rimmed glasses. He hasa musician’s demeanor. Several others in the office are also members of theprogram group.

After LuChen sat down, Gu Rui himself poured him a cup of tea.

The music director went straight to the point, he said bluntly, “Lu Chen, I represent the program group. I would like to ask if you are willing to transfer the copyright of the song you sang last time to our Beijing Satellite TV?”

“We will use the song "Life On A String" as the promotional theme song of "Singing China", and it will also be used in the competition of the singing districts1!”

I see!

Gu Rui’srequest didn’t surprised Lu Chen.

As early as theend of the audition, he prepared the song “Life on A String” forhimself. The goal is to aim at the theme of “Singing China”, whichwas highlighted directly in the qualifying round.

What reallysurprised Lu Chen was the fact that Beijing Satellite TV took two weeks to lookfor him.

He thoughtthe other party would negotiate with him as soon as possible.

Of course,on the surface, Lu Chen was still quiet. He smiled and said, “There’s noproblem at all. I’m glad my song was chosen by the program!”

Gu Rui wasobviously relieved and said, “Let’s talk about the terms of copyrighttransfer now.”

To hissurprise, Lu Chen hesitated for a moment. "Director Gu, here’s the thing. I’dbe happy to transfer the copyright of this song to you, but the specific termsand conditions will have to be discussed by my agent.”


Gu Rui askedin surprise, “Do you have an agent?”

In theinformation he had on Lu Chen, it didn’t mention that Lu Chen has his ownagent.

Now thingsbecame troublesome!

Gu Ruioriginally wanted to borrow the name of the program group to easily take thecopyright of “Life On A String”.

But theresult was that Lu Chen actually took out his magic weapon “Agent”!

He suddenlyfelt that he might have underestimated the handsome young man in front of him.

Lu Chen sawall the changes in Gu Rui’s demeanor and said with a smile, “Director Gu,you can rest assured, I don’t think my agent will put forward any outrageousterms. After all, the influence of "Singing China" is so great.”

Lu Chen istrying to make a name for himself with the help of “Singing China”.Of course, he will not mention excessive terms.

In fact,even free authorization can be given to the other party, but some principlesstill have to adhere to.

Otherwise,it is easy to be treated as a soft persimmon!

At thistime, the role of an agent has been greatly emphasized.

Gu Rui couldnot help but ask, “When can your agent come and talk to us?”

Lu Chengrinned, “How about next Monday?”


TN: Not sure about this, I think the competition of singing district is the competition between the top 10s in the 7 districts.1


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