
Chapter 147

But she hasalways hidden her pride in the deepest part of her heart and never revealed iteasily.

Because herfamily is very ordinary, if she shows pride on her face, it is unknown how muchtrouble it will cause.

TangQiaoqiao is also a very smart girl.

Sincesigning with EMI Company, she has been working very hard to learn and strivefor every opportunity. As long as it is a job arranged by the company, even ifit is hard and tiring, she will earnestly complete it.

But even so,it is still too difficult to stand out in a talented brokerage company. LiZhigao, the agent that the company arranged for her, has a good and honestpersonality, but he is not good at conspiring and can’t help her too much.

More often,Tang Qiaoqiao can only rely on herself.

So, when sheinadvertently knew that Zhang Qiong and Zhang Shuhui forced Wen Zhiyuan to giveup buying songs from Lu Chen, she resolutely pulled in Li Zhigao and applied tothe latter together.

She had topay for Lu Chen’s works out of her own pocket.

Because keenintuition told Tang Qiaoqiao that the opportunity that she has been waiting forhas come!

Under theinsistence of Tang Qiaoqiao, Wen Zhiyuan really agreed to her request andhelped her apply for a fund, and let her successfully get Lu Chen’s new work.

So Proud!

What a goodname. Although this song may not have too much connotation, and the melody isnot that unmatched. Perhaps it is just good to listen to, but after Tang QiaoQiao sang it again, she knew that this song was very suitable for her.

"And Ismile at you again and again, why haven’t you seen me ~"

On thesurface, this lyric describes the relationship between men and women, but isn’tthis not also a portrayal of her life experience?

TangQiaoqiao waited so hard for so long, and for the first time, the goddess of lucksmiled at her.

Her dream isto let her "restless heartbeat be heard all over the world!"

TangQiaoqiao held the microphone in her hand hard as if she had grasped the wholeworld.

And at thismoment, she can finally show in front of everyone a little bit of her pride!

The applausein the listening room continued and enthusiastically.

It can’t behelp. Song Xun has been applauding all this time. Who dares to be soindifferent and not follow him?

Even ZhangQiong had no choice but forced to endure and clap a few times.

Her facewith exquisite makeup was almost twisted, and she was gnashing her teeth inanger.

Song Xuntook two steps forward and reached out his hand to Lu Chen and said, "TeacherLu Chen, thank you for creating an excellent work for our company’s artist.It’s worth more than its price!"

His attitudewas not the same as before.

His previouspoliteness was purely out of courtesy and etiquette rather than genuine respect.

Now that LuChen has proven his strength, even the deputy general manager of the brokeragefirm has to be serious.

A good songcan make a newcomer famous!

Lu Chensmiled lightly, shook hands and said, "Chief Song is too polite. It is myresponsibility to provide good work."

Lu Chen’s attitudeof not being arrogant and impetuous made Song Xun secretly admire him and this strengthenedhis idea of establishing a long-term friendly and cooperative relationship withhim.

An excellentsongwriter in his prime. That’s a real gold mine!

Anyone whohas experienced the golden age of domestic pop music in the 1980s-1990s willunderstand this.

Song Xunsaid to Tang Qiaoqiao, who was next to him, "Your name is Tang Qiaoqiao,right? You sang this song very well. The company will fully reimburse the costof buying this song. I’ll give you a single first. If this will produce a goodresult, we can consider making an album."

Song Xunknew very well the twists and turns in the process of buying this song from LuChen.

Zhang Qiong losta handful of rice without stealing the chicken1, and thedeputy general manager was happy to see her make a fool of herself. He’s notafraid to expose her family’s ugliness.

Now that she’dbeen struck down, she has to be struck down hard enough, otherwise it wouldn’tbe effective. (TN: Effectively teaching her a lesson)

TangQiaoqiao was so happy that her heart almost jumped out. She quickly bowed and said:"Thank you, Chief Song, I will work hard!"

She wasstill too inexperienced to expect that the song she paid for, with thecorresponding rights and interest, would be shared. Song Xun took back thesebenefits without taking any risks, and just gave some small benefits.

Of course,from another point of view, without the support of the company, even if she couldget a good song, it would be very difficult for her to become famous. Now isnot the same as 10 or 20 years ago. Packaging, publicity and hype are the keynow.

Therefore,even if Tang Qiaoqiao knew that she had suffered a loss, she would not raiseany objection.

Song Xunnodded and then said to several of his subordinates, "Old Chen, discusswith Xingguo, the arrangement of this song will be put in Tianzhai Workshop, anddo it according to high standards. We must ensure the quality of this excellentwork!"

"OldWang, have your department quickly make a publicity plan according to thecharacteristics of Tang Qiaoqiao and the song."

"Andyou... you’re Tang Qiaoqiao’s agent, aren’t you? "

Beingcalled, Li Zhigao was simply flattered and stammered: "Yes... Yes, ChiefSong."

As someonewho started his career as an agent late in his life, his presence in EMI wastoo low. It was not easy for Song Xun to know that he was Tang Qiaoqiao’s agent.He can’t remember his name at all.

Song Xundidn’t care. He said: "Together with Tang Qiaoqiao, come to my office totalk about something."

Severaldepartment managers and executives looked at Li Zhigao with strange look,envious of the notion that "this guy got lucky".

They all knewLi Zhigao, and knew that the other party was synonymous to someone at thebottom of the company.

As a result,no one thought that his situation would change from bad to good in a shorttime.

The reasonwhy Song Xun called the two of them to go to his office must be to renegotiatethe contract, which means that the company should strongly support TangQiaoqiao!

If an agentwho is at the bottom meets a rising star, it is entirely possible to follow thechicken and dog to heaven. (TN: A metaphor for a person gaining momentum, andpeople who have a relationship with someone in power or have fame will alsodeveloped.)

Suchexamples are very common in the entertainment industry.

Song Xunalso told Wen Zhiyuan: "Old Wen, you entertained teacher Lu Chen well, youhave done very well this time."

A good jobshould be praised, and Song Xun has never been shy about publicly praising hissubordinates.

Even if hiswords might embarrass some people.

"Thankyou, Chief Song..."

Wen Zhiyuanfelt like he was Zhu Bajie who had eaten ginseng fruit, all of the 108 thousandpores in his body was clear.

He saidhurriedly, "You can rest assured!"

Of course,he wanted to hold Lu Chen, the great god who could give him a promotion andraise his salary, and did not need Song Xun to explain it at all.

Finished withissuing orders, Song Xun finally said to Lu Chen: "Teacher Lu Chen, I amreally sorry, I still have work arrangements, so I can’t accompany you here. Youare always welcome to come to our company to visit."

As the deputygeneral manager of EMI Brokerage Company, Song Xun certainly has his ownreserve. He would very much like to have a long-term cooperation with Lu Chen,but he will not be eager to offer the condition to Lu Chen immediately.

This willnot only make people look down on him, but also give Lu Chen the opportunity toask for a sky-high price.

Specificcooperation can be discussed slowly.

So, what hesaid was attractive, just merely attractive.

Lu Chensmiled and said, "Go ahead, Chief Song."

Song Xunleft with his team, and soon there were only two or three kittens left in the listeningroom. (TN: Kittens here means people with low position or compared to Song Xunin the company)

At thistime, Zhang Qiong came over and said to Lu Chen, "Teacher Lu Chen, I wantto talk to you about buying songs."

Zhang Qiong’sheart was filled with regret.

But what sheregretted was not that she missed Lu Chen’s song, but that she gave Wen Zhiyuana chance to turn around his bad situation to a good one and made her niece resentful,which was a complete mistake.

Therefore,Zhang Qiong wanted to make up for her mistake. She immediately decided to startwith Lu Chen.

As long as shecan get a good song from Lu Chen, then Zhang Shuhui will no longer blame her,and she can also recover the negative effects on her and not become to thelaughingstock in the company.

She evenhoped that the song Lu Chen sold to herself would be better and more excellentthan the "So Proud" song!

ZhangQiong’s mind turned quickly, and a look of self-confidence returned on her face.

However, LuChen didn’t reveal any interest or happiness as she thought.

He turned aroundand asked Wen Zhiyuan doubtfully, "This is?"

Previously,Wen Zhiyuan did not introduce Zhang Qiong to Lu Chen. How could he know who sheis?

However, WenZhiyuan’s face changed drastically, and Lu Chen noticed this out of the cornerof his eyes.

Seeing ZhangQiong unexpectedly ran over to intercept them, Wen Zhiyuan almost lost histemper.

Lu Chen’sinquiry instantly turned his mood around.

The directorof the brokerage department replied with a smile: "This is Ms. ZhangQiong, my agent."


Lu Chen indicatedthat he understood. He said to Zhang Qiong, "Ms. Zhang Qiong, if you wantto buy songs, then please discuss with Director Wen first. At present ourstudio is in business contact with Director Wen. Please excuse me."

Lu Chen isnot a fool. How can he not see Zhang Qiong and Wen Zhiyuan don’t deal with eachother?

As WenZhiyuan’s agent, she actually ignored her boss and went straight to him, whichwas very unruly.

This womanwas obviously proud. Although she spoke politely, she could not conceal herbossy habit.

Lu Chen didn’thave any favorable impression on her, and didn’t want to deal with her.

Therefore,he declined Zhang Qiong.

And while he’sat it, he also gave Wen Zhiyuan a big face!

Zhang Qiong wasimmediately shocked.

She didn’texpect that Lu Chen wouldn’t give her face and didn’t want to discuss with herat all.

Wen Zhiyuanalmost failed to not laugh out loud. When he saw Zhang Qiong repeatedly beingforced to yield, he was happy all over and quickly said to Lu Chen: "TeacherLu Chen, come to my office. I still have something to talk to you about."

The directorof EMI’s brokerage department was simply grateful to Lu Chen, who not onlypulled him back from the edge of the cliff, but also gave him a preciousopportunity.

As long ashe firmly held on to Lu Chen’s line, Wen Zhiyuan’s position in the company willbe as stable as Mount Tai.

So, what ifthere is someone behind Zhang Qiong?

Chief Songis watching!


Lu Chen agreedto follow Wen Zhiyuan. They left the listening room laughing and chatting.

Leavingbehind Zhang Qiong, who has a face of embarrassment, and Zhang Shuhui, who was sadand disappointed.


TN: Lost a handful of rice without stealing the chicken - This is a Chinese idiom which means "one has suffered but fails to do/get what one wants." This is also similar to the saying "go for wool and come home shorn" which means "many seek to better themselves or make themselves rich, but end by losing what they already have"

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