
Chapter 158

Li Murong’smeaning was very clear. He himself has no intention of investing in Lu Chen’s onlinecrowdfunding, but he must let Li Mubai work with Lu Chen to prevent him idlingaround all day and tarnish the reputation of the Li family.

Speaking ofwhich, it was Li Mubai who bumped into the door himself, otherwise Li Murongwouldn’t have found the right opportunity.

Didn’t youwant to help your friends? OK, then do some serious work!

Li Murong isa very strong-willed person. Now that he has made up his mind, it was uselessfor Li Murong to ask anyone for help, not to mention Su Daiwan also supportsher husband’s idea.

This made LuChen felt a little guilty.

Li Mubai wasdragged into the water by him, but he also thought there was nothing wrong withLi Murong’s approach.

Li Muba’spersonality is very good. He doesn’t have the extravagance and leisure ofchildren of rich families, but if he spends his money doing nothing at home inthis way, he will be abolished in the long run.

As a friend,Lu Chen is very happy to be able to co-operate with Li Mubai on the onlinecrowdfunding.

Because hecame up with this idea, first of all, to serve himself, and he had no intentionor energy and strength to make it bigger and stronger.

Li Mubai isdifferent. Looking at his big brother’s demeanor, if he supports it behind the scene,as long as he gets the creative protection certificate, it may become anotherIDphoto!

IDphoto is afamous photo-sharing website in the United States. The founder is a technicalotaku named Rodney. In 2010, he established this personal website at home in2010 and has always maintained and operated independently.

By 2013, thenumber of users of IDphoto soared to 30 million, and then it was acquired byWindows for $1 billion, becoming a legend in the IT industry!

Lu Chen wasfamiliar with IDphoto’s story. The inspiration of online crowdfunding hassomething to do with this legend. Although he has no extravagant hope ofbecoming Rodney, but getting a bucket of gold with crowdfunding is not a dream.

In additionto submitting an application for creative protection to Creative ProtectionOffice, Lu Chen also asked Lu Xi to submit the same registration documents to FSKin the United States and OKI in the European Union, which are currentlyawaiting review.

FSK is the USversion of the Creative Protection Office. The scope of protection of itsregulations covers Japan and South Korea.

Li Murongignored his brother’s cry, and he said to Lu Chen, “This is how thismatter is decided!”

“I’llsay the same thing. You two friends should discuss and solve the specific stockissue by yourselves. It is best to set up a new company specializing inoperation and management. I will let Mushi help you.”

Li Murongspecially explained: “Mushi is Mu Bai’s big sister, who just graduatedfrom Wharton School of Business this year.”

Wharton Schoolof Business?

Su Xuan’ssmile suddenly appeared in Lu Chen’s mind. Didn’t she go to Wharton School ofBusiness to study?

Li Murongcontinued: “As for creative protection, I’ll take care of it. You don’tneed to worry about anything. Choose a time to put the website online first. IfI can’t even handle it...”

He didn’tsay the rest. Lu Chen also fully understood the meaning.

If even LiMurong can’t handle it, don’t expect to get that important card.

And if hecan attain the certificate, then there is no problem for the crowdfundingwebsite to operate first - who will pay attention to a small website that hasjust been launched? On the Internet, it is unknown how many websites thatopened and closed every day!

Mostimportantly, Li Murong seems to be very confident about this, and it isestimated that it will not be very difficult to pass.

Lu Chen saidsincerely, “Thank you, Brother Li!”

The solutionproposed by Li Murong was undoubtedly the most suitable for Lu Chen. In thisway, he can be a hands-off owner. He wouldn’t need to worry about labor for theonline crowdfunding, and can always focus on his career.

Li Murong saidwith a faint smile, “it is I who want to thank you, letting my younger brotherhave a serious job to do.”

Lu Chen was speechless.

At this time,Su Daiwan asked softly, “Are you done talking about your business?”

Li Muronglooked at his wife in surprise and nodded: “We’re done.”

Su Daiwansmiled and said, “Then I have something to ask Lu Chen. Lu Chen, do youmind?”

Lu Chenhurriedly said, “I don’t mind, sister-in-law.”

Su Daiwanblinked and asked, “Lu Chen, do you have a girlfriend now?”

Li Murongsuddenly didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. He thought his wife had somethingimportant to ask Lu Chen.

But SuDaiwan obviously thinks that this question is very important, and she is veryserious.


Lu Chen felta little embarrassed, but still calmly replied, “Not at the moment.”

Su Daiwanasked, “Why not? For a handsome and talented boy like you, there must be alot of girls who take the initiative to pursue you. Is it that you are toodemanding? Or is it because you are an artist?”

There was aslight smile in her eyes.

Lu Chen wasunder a lot of pressure.

To be honest,even in the face of Li Murong just now, his pressure was not so great!

Afterthinking about it, Lu Chen honestly said, “Sister-in-law, I actually haveno plans of having a girlfriend for the time being. At present, I mainly focuson my career, and I want to make more money to help my family, so..."

Lu Chen isnot stupid. How could he not understand Su Daiwan’s intention to be amatchmaker for him?

But hereally didn’t have that in mind right now.

Li Murongsaid, “Un, men should give priority to their careers. If they have asuccessful career, why would they be afraid of not having a girlfriend.”

Su Daiwanglared at him angrily and continued to ask, “Listening to what you said,your family is not in a good situation?”

Afterwinning "Singing China" championship, Lu Chen’s family background has long beenexposed on the Internet, so he has nothing to hide and briefly told it to SuDaiwan.

Su Daiwanwas moved and sighed, “Aunt is really strong. If I have the chance, I’dlike to visit her.”

Li Murongalso nodded: “Keeping promises. Women are no worse than men. This moralcharacter can make a lot of people ashamed!”

Her husbanddied when the family is in difficult situation. And while she is having adifficult time maintaining their livelihoods, she still persists in repayingthe huge debt, keeping their promises and responsibility. This is not whatordinary people can do.

Su Daiwan’seyes softened. “Then you and your sister must have had a hard time.”

Lu Chensaid: “The previous years have been very hard, but this year is muchbetter. I have made a lot of money.”

He looked atLi Mubai and said, “Thanks to Mubai’s help.”

Li Mubaismiled and proudly puffed out his chest.

Su Daiwansmiled and said, “I know you have a good relationship, and I also know thatyou wrote a song for him called Li Bai, making him assume a false name to pickup a girl, right?”

Li Mubaiseemed like he was struck by lightning, and lost his voice,“Sister-in-law, how do you know that?”

He thoughtthat only he and Lu Chen knew about it.

Su Daiwanglanced at him - Don’t insult everyone’s IQ, will you?

Li Mubaiwilted again.

Su Daiwan knockedLi Mubai down a peg and asked Lu Chen, “I like your song very much. didyou write "You Who Sat Next To Me" to your first girlfriend?” (TN: Knockdown a peg – to reduce or damage someone’s ego or pride.)

Her eyessparkled with moving light and she looked very interested.

Lu Chen saidwith a wry smile, “Sort of.”

First loveis unforgettable, it is simple and pure love.

Some peoplewill fight for their first love to the end, some people have no choice but tosay goodbye, but all people will always remember their first love, because itis the most sincere feeling, and it doesn’t contain any distracting thoughts!

When Lu Chensang “You Who Sat Next To Me”, he often recalled his firstgirlfriend.

Su Daiwan saidwith a smile, “She is a fan of mine. Are you still in touch with her now?”

Lu Chenshook his head and said, “I haven’t been in touch for a long time. Shemoved to Hong Kong with her family in her second year of high school.”

Speaking of this,Lu Chen couldn’t help saying, “in fact, she prefers Taiwan and often saysshe wants to live in Taipei.”


Su Daiwanrepeated the word gently, with a touch of sadness in her eyes: “I haven’tbeen back for many years, but I often think of the rain in Taipei and the snowin Yangming Mountain.”

Lu Chen’sheart moved and said, “Sister-in-law, I came to visit you this time, but Ididn’t bring any gifts. I’ll give you a song.”

Su Daiwan’seyes suddenly lit up and said, “Okay! Okay!”

The radiancethat bloom on her face instantly dazzled Li Murong, Li Mubai and Lu Chen.

Li Murong respondedquickly, immediately holding Su Daiwan’s hand and glared at Li Mubai and LuChen.

This is yoursister-in-law, don’t think too much!

Su Daiwanstood up happily and said, “I haven’t sung in a long time...”

“LuChen, I’ll take this gift. Shall we go to the piano room and hear you sing itfirst? Can you play the piano?”

Lu Chenoriginally wanted to write the score after going back and then ask Li Mubai to giveit to her. But unexpectedly, Su Daiwan was so eager to hear it now.

Of course,it wasn’t good for him to spoil the other party’s fun, so he immediately nodded.

After all,it is a rich and powerful household. The villa where Li Mubai lives not onlyhas a separate tea room, but also a large piano room.

The pianoroom is right next to the tea room. The inside is very clean and tidy. On thefloor made of cherry wood, there is a magnificent black horizontal grand piano.

Lu Cheneasily distinguished the golden harp symbol imprinted on the big lid —Steinway.

Steinway isone of the most famous piano brands in the world, and the price isastonishingly expensive. So, Steinway usually appears in top orchestras and musicschools.

Millions ofunits, Lu Chen couldn’t afford it even when his family was at its best.

Su Daiwansmiled and said to Lu Chen, “When I lived here with your big brother, Iused to play the piano for him. I haven’t touched this piano for a longtime.”

She walkedto the front of the piano, reached out, and slid her hand over the keys.

Thewonderful sound of the piano floated out like running water.

Su Daiwan’sface was filled with memories and joy, as if she remembered many beautifulthings in the past.

Looking athis wife, Li Murong’s resolute face also became soft.

After awhile, Su Daiwan said, “Lu Chen, let’s listen to you now!”

Lu Chennodded and sat down on the piano bench.

He took adeep, long breath.


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