
Chapter 620: Difficult choice

Fortunately, the whale tv updated its own server a long time ago, increasing the bandwidth traffic, so despite the numerous bullets, it still does not affect the stability of the platform system.

Everyone is talking about it.

"Singing is really good, it’s a strength to sing."

"The four instructors have turned around, and the singing is of course good. It’s not worse than Chen Feier."

"I like songs very much, that is, people are not beautiful."

"This show is not to see who is growing, otherwise the chair is not white. I feel fair."

"It's so interesting. I don't know which mentor Anxin will choose."

"I think it should be Chen Feier. She said that she is a fan of Chen Feier."

"That's not necessarily"

The last turn was 6 mornings, 6 mornings and asked directly: "An Xin, do you know who you just sang this song?"

Do you still need to ask this question?

An Xin was also awkward, and then replied: "Yes, it is 6 morning teacher you write."

6 morning laughed: "Yes, then you want me to write a song for you too."

This time An Xin really stunned.

Because she did not know that 6 morning is serious, or joking out of the program effect.

Originally, An Xinxin decided to choose a mentor as Chen Feier, because she is a fan of Chen Feier, plus a woman is easy to get along with, and there are similarities in singing style, such as Liao Jia, which is not considered at all.

But it is too tempting to take out the conditions in the morning.

In the entire Chinese music scene, who does not know that 6 morning is now the most talented singer, and some even think that he is the most outstanding singer in the past ten years, the richness and quality of his works are second to none.

He not only writes for himself, but also writes songs for others, writing a red one, so despite the price of up to one million, there are still countless people rushing.

But now it is good to let 6 morning personally shoot, he is not bad at all.

Although An Xin is a very small singer at the bottom, for the 6 morning, this is also the bottom of the big star, she has a detailed understanding, so I understand the promise of the weight.

But is this true?

An Xin couldn't believe that such a big pie would fall on his head, so he stopped.

After all, it’s just a talent show. It’s not very serious to say it in the morning. Maybe it’s just a joke.

At this moment, the heart of Anxin is entangled and cannot be described in words.

The audience had applause, laughter, and a good voice.

Chen Feier turned around and said, "You are cheating."

Liao Jia agreed: "No, no, we must re-enact a rule, that is, 6 mornings can not use the works to the students, otherwise they will be deprived of his tutor qualification."

Everyone laughed and knew that Liao Jia was joking, but it was very interesting.

Shi Fang grinned and said: "I support Mayfair and Liao Ge."

6 morning helpless hand: "Where is this cheating? This is called fair competition. You have to know that we just have the right to choose. Now Anxin has the right to choose."

In the wm tv6 morning anchor room, the onlookers are happy to open the flowers and wait for the show.

"Ha ha ha, suddenly my morning is really bad."

"I am a poor person, 6 morning personally handwritten songs, so who can resist this condition?"

"Cheating, this is ** naked cheating"

"Change to me, then I definitely choose 6 morning, nothing to say."

"This is really a good show."

"I like"

The next moment, the camera lens was again aligned with An Xin, and the close-up of the frame made her hesitant and clear expression in front of all the audience.

The host of the scene, Cai Jie, stepped forward and asked An Xin: "So, please choose,"

When it was time to choose, I couldn’t continue to hesitate and hesitate. An Xin bit his teeth and seemed to make a difficult decision in the heart. Then he said, “I choose is”

Ad insertion.

Lying trough

At this moment, the country does not know how many viewers are screaming at the same time. This advertisement is too strong.

The whale tv anchor room is simply boiling against the sky.

"I am a Zhejiang Satellite TV, and I don't want to watch the show happily."

"Cursing this business to close tomorrow"

"Closed 1."

"The key moment is broken for you. It’s really anxious to die."

"Change the station and change the platform, don't read it"

Everyone screams that the first thing is to ask for money and not to face Zhedong Satellite TV, and secondly to insert advertisers.

The real initiator, but smiled in the TV station.

Tonight, Tian Tian stayed in the Zhedong Satellite TV Building and paid attention to the status of China's good voice. She was the TV station and had a personal relationship at home. Therefore, it is very convenient to enter and leave the TV station.

It is too important for Tian Tian to broadcast a good voice in China at night.

For this program, she has paid countless efforts and efforts, and also has a lot of human relationships, although the program creative copy is from 6 morning, several tutors are also 6 morning, but the program organization, recording, late, broadcast, no She can't work at all.

If it succeeds, if it fails, it is estimated that she will not be able to climb for a long time. It will be possible for the Star Factory to collapse after more than half a year.

Therefore, in the first minute of the good voice of China, Tian Tian is staring at the ratings data transmitted in real time. This is a privilege inside the TV station. Ordinary people want to know the ratings of a program or TV show, usually until the next day. Can be found in the public information on the network.

The sound of the Chinese voice was very good. At 8:00, the audience rating reached 1.o7.

Nowadays, the competition in the TV market is extremely fierce, and various variety shows are emerging one after another. The audience is already tired of all kinds of drafts, and it is really difficult for a new reality show to win high ratings.

It’s hard to break the first broadcast, and it’s worth celebrating.

But Tian Tian has no feelings about this data. The Chinese voice has been prepared for so long, the advertising investment is very big, the TV station is very supportive, and the four tutors are popular. Without such data, it is a failure, so it is not successful now. .

But after ten minutes, when the first advertising period appeared, her look finally changed.

The second is sent. To be continued. ,

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