
Chapter 18 - NOT A HUMAN (2)

The atmosphere that had been tense for a long time was growing tenser even more after Blue asking an unpredictable question. The room went so quiet you could hear a pin drop. The tension was palpable. It felt like you could cut the air with a knife.

Blue, who had been sitting quietly on the sofa before, now standing in front of Kris. Her blue eyes glared at Kris's brown eyes which still looked calm like nothing happened.

"You're human, Blue. Why did you think that you are not human? You misinterpreted what I said," the man tried to explain.

But, Blue did not buy the explanation. Her blue eyes narrowed sharply to the taller man. "You think I'm stupid, huh? I can clearly interpret what you said earlier. You said that it would be dangerous for me if I was among humans without you watching me. That means, I'm not part of a human, right? Then, what creature am I?" She dangerously lashed out.

Kris could only massage his temples, tired of hearing Blue's continuous questions. It looked like he chose the wrong words to speak before, and now Blue was pestering him. Blue was not stupid, he had to take a note about that.

The young man looked up and noticed how Blue's body started to tremble violently. A blue aura that he had previously seen began to emerge from the girl's blue eyes and spread to the body.

'Damn! It's not good!' He couldn't help but curse in his heart. His calm demeanor vanished into thin air. The first thing he did was got up from his seat and hug Blue's small frame.

"Calm down, Blue. You have to stay calm. Don't let that power control you, you have to be able to control that power," he whispered right into Blue's ear.

Blue desperately tried to hold on to her consciousness and struggled to hold back the mysterious power that was trying to take over her. The power was foreign but familiar at the same time. She definitely remembered how the same power controlled her before.

Even though she didn't understand what Kris said, but she tried her best to maintain her consciousness according to her instincts. She tried her best not to let the power controlled her body like before.

Her body felt hot and heavy. An unknown force fluctuated within her body. It felt like pushing her sanity to the edge. Blue could sense that 'it' wanted to take over her body. She was on the ropes now, but she couldn't give up.

After several minutes of struggling, Blue's body began to calm down again as the mysterious blue aura started to fade from her body. That was when Kris finally could breathe a sigh of relief and let go of Blue's body. The young man then dropped his tall body onto the sofa and rubbed his face roughly. Almost. Blue nearly failed to control herself again.

Blue, who was now fully conscious, was still standing in front of Kris with a blank stare. She couldn't believe what had just happened to her. The incident in the alley some time ago almost repeated itself. If she couldn't control herself, maybe by now Kris's life was gone.

Thinking about Kris, Blue finally realized that there was something strange about the young man. She remembered how the man whispered to her ear when the mysterious power emitted from her eyes just now. If she recalled the whisper again, it seemed like Kris knew about her true condition.

Based on that assumption, Blue bent down her body and gripped Kris's shoulders tightly. "Tell me who I am!" She ordered the taller man harshly. "If that question is not quite right, then tell me what I am!"

Kris was in pain from Blue's grip. Blue's body was thin, but her strength was incredible. "Let go of me first, Blue. If you let me go, then I will explain everything to you," he patiently voiced his conditions.

Blue complied with the request, she let go of Kris and walked limply to the sofa opposite Kris. She then dropped her body lethargically onto the sofa. She was still in great shock and her breath was still raging. Everything that had just happened felt like a fantasy to her.

"I'll explain to you slowly, so please don't interrupt me," Kris started explaining. "I have absolutely no malice towards you. Yes, I do have a hidden purpose, but that purpose is only to protect you. I know who you really are, I know what power you have. I know you can't control that power yet, so my purpose for coming here is to help you control that power. If you don't manage to control that power, you and the people around you could be in danger."

Blue tried to digest Kris's explanation. She could more or less understand the most important point of Kris's explanation: she had a hidden power that she could not control just yet. Her inability to control the power could endanger her and the people around her.

Her memory immediately drifted off to the 'nightmare' in the alley where she took the lives of five thugs at once. Remembering that made her feel blameworthy again.

"Where did my power come from? Why do I have this power? I don't want this power! I don't want to hurt other people!"

Kris patiently went back to explaining after hearing Blue's frustrations, "I can't tell you where that power comes from now. I'll explain everything to you at the right time. You also can't refuse that power because you naturally have it since you were a baby. I know you don't want to hurt other people, and I know you feel very guilty after killing those thugs."

Blue's blue eyes widened at the last sentence that was uttered by Kris. "You… you know about the thugs incident? Did you see me when I killed them? Why didn't you stop me from doing it?" She was flaring up again.

"Why should I stop you?" Kris asked back calmly. "Those thugs deserved to die, they were just useless humans who only troubled the lives of others. They deserved it, and you don't have to feel guilty."

Blue stared at Kris in disbelief. "You're not a good person!" She snapped at him. "Even though you said that your purpose is to protect me, but I know that you have another purpose behind it all!"

The young man did not deny the accusations and still sitting quietly on the light brown sofa. It left Blue wondered, 'Is killing people not a big deal for him?' Kris was not different than a heartless creature.

"Those thugs had done a lot of evil things, but humans don't have the right to take other people's lives. The best punishment for them is imprisonment, not die like that!" Blue continued to attack him.

At least, that was what she thought. Both the head of the orphanage and Kevin had always taught her not to use violence to solve problems. In addition, they also taught her to forgive those who had hurt her. That was her principle, and Kris had violated it.

Kris didn't counter her attack, so she continued, "Then, what about Rachel?" She finally remembered about her missing classmate. "Did you kill her?"

Kris raised an eyebrow at that question. "Rachel? Who is Rachel?" He asked back.

"Rachel is my classmate who got bullied by those thugs in the alley. She suddenly disappeared after that incident, and I'm sure it has something to do with you. You killed her, didn't you?"

Kris stared casually at Blue, who was now looking a little panicked. Smirking a little, he then asked back, "So what if I killed her?"

Blue felt furious at Kris's casual question, but she tried to control her emotions so that the power would not control her again just like before. She tried to catch her breath to calm down again. She took a deep breath from her nose, then exhaled through her mouth. She kept doing that until she calmed down again.

"You're not human," She finally whispered weakly. Her sharp eyes glared at Kris.

"If I'm not human, then, what do you think I am?" The said man asked innocently as if he was asking a child who didn't understand how cruel the world was.

Blue really couldn't stop thinking negatively about Kris. It turned out that her hunch was right from the start. Kris was really not a good person and he was very dangerous. She felt sorry for Kevin for being completely fooled by a heartless creature like Kris.

Moreover, she and Kevin had a big fight for the first time in almost seventeen years because of Kris. Kris's presence really changed everything. He came like a violent tornado. He swirled and turned their worlds upside down.

But, after she recalled Kris's long series of explanations from the time they started talking seriously earlier until now, she seemed to have missed one crucial thing. Yes, she just realized something.

In the end, she asked for confirmation again, "Am I really not a human?"

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