
Chapter 26 - BE MY SPECIMEN?

The figure in front of Kevin was truly terrifying. The figure didn't look like a human. The creature's hair was disheveled, the eyes were surrounded by dark circles, the neck was randomly wrapped in sweatpants, and the two arms were wrapped around in two long-sleeved shirts.

"Are you... Kris?" Kevin asked the creature in front of him in an uncertain tone.

The creature looked stunned when he saw his 'guest.' It looked like he didn't expect to see Kevin this soon after the tension they had last night.

"What are you doing here? How do you know that I stay in this hotel?" The figure, who turned out to be Kris, asked in an investigating tone.

Now, Kevin was confused about how to answer the question. He scratched the nape of his neck awkwardly. He just remembered that last night they parted not in a good way.

Earlier, when he felt that he was at a dead-end, he immediately thought of Kris. He then looked for the young man without thinking. He just immediately looked for Kris without remembering how he behaved to Kris last night. Realizing his impulsive behavior made him feel embarrassed now.

In the end, the young scientist just flashed an awkward smile. "I wanted to talk to you, so I purposely looked for you in several hotels around here," he finally replied as he tried to act normally in front of the taller man. "But, what happened to you? Why is your form so terrible like this?"

Kris did not immediately answer. He just quickly grabbed Kevin's wrist and led the latter to the hotel room. The hotel doors locked automatically afterward, and he asked Kevin to sit on one of the sofas. The young man obeyed and sat on a light brown sofa.

"Last night, I fought with the werewolf who previously attacked you, and I lost," Kris explained. He was sitting on the bed, more or less embarrassed to tell the human about his defeat last night.

Kris's answer shocked Kevin. "Why did you fight with him? And, why didn't you go to the hospital after he hurt you like this?" He asked again in a concerned tone.

"He intended to prey on another victim last night, and I was trying to stop him. We fought, but he managed to beat me. Finally, he also succeeded in preying on the human. You must have seen the news on TV."

Kevin was startled hearing Kris's explanation. 'So, Kris tried to save the victim last night? Kris must have fought tooth and nail to save the victim until his form became as pathetic as it is now,'  he couldn't help but wonder in his heart.

Kris's sorry state had frightened him, and he almost ran away just a moment ago. He almost couldn't recognize the caramel-haired man if he didn't pay attention closely.

"Then, why didn't you go to the hospital?" Kevin asked again after he realized that one of his questions had not yet been answered.

"Do you want me to reveal my secret by going to the hospital? If the doctors examine my body, they will surely know that I'm not human."

Kevin finally nodded in understanding. It was true what Kris just said. Even though his current form was very human-like, his identity may get exposed if the doctors did a thorough medical check-up on him.

Of course, Kris would not go to the hospital knowing the consequence. He was not stupid to do that.

"Then, I will borrow the first aid kit from the hotel. Your form is really horrible right now. How can you just bandage your wounds with pants and shirts like that?" Kevin asked again as his feet walked over to a phone on the nightstand.

"I have a power to stop the bleeding quicker than a normal human, but it's not as perfect as the other werewolves have. There is still a little blood coming out from my body. I use these pants and shirts only so that my blood doesn't get scattered everywhere. I will not die from blood loss. You take it easy," Kris explained after he saw Kevin's reaction.

Kevin's hand movements that originally wanted to press the button to call the hotel clerk stopped after he heard Kris's explanation.

"You have that kind of power?" He asked. The other man nodded, and he asked again, "But, why did you say your power is not as perfect as other werewolves' power?"

Kris froze instantly. It looked like he just had said something he shouldn't have said. He had just revealed something he shouldn't have revealed. The tall young man could only cough awkwardly and looked away from Kevin, who was now staring at him with an interrogating gaze.

"You better quickly borrow the first aid kit and treat me immediately. The wounds on my body suddenly hurt," the werewolf sneakily changed the subject, hissing just like he was in severe pain.

Kevin certainly knew what Kris just did, but he said nothing and just rolled his eyes lazily. He then pressed a few buttons on the phone to contact the hotel clerk, but his eyes still glared at Kris.

As soon as the call was answered, the black-haired man immediately expressed his intention to borrow a first aid kit. The hotel clerk agreed to his request and said he would deliver the box to Kris's room in a moment.

"You owe me an explanation, Kris," Kevin said coldly as he walked back to the sofa where he had been sitting before.

The injured man still refused to look at Kevin and was instead busy whistling as if he didn't hear Kevin's words. Kevin noticed the irritating attitude, but he just rolled his eyes again without saying anything.

Minutes passed without anyone speaking, and finally, the two of them heard a knock on the bedroom door. It looked like the hotel clerk had arrived to deliver the first aid kit Kevin ordered earlier.

The young scientist immediately stood up and walked towards the door, turned the doorknob, then pushed the wooden door open. And sure enough, a hotel clerk smiled politely at him as he handed him a white first aid kit.

Kevin accepted the box and thanked him, then went back into the room. The door to the room closed and locked automatically again.

Oh, Kevin forgot to tip the hotel clerk. Or perhaps, he purposely 'forgot' to tip the poor clerk.

The young man then walked over to Kris, who was still sitting on the bed. He stopped right in front of him and said, "Get rid of those stupid rags!"

Kris was a little annoyed by Kevin's orders. He knew that the man in front of him actually wanted to say that he was the stupid one because he had bandaged his wounds with pants and shirts which shouldn't be used to it.

But in the end, Kris still obeyed and didn't protest verbally. The werewolf started to untwist the clothes from his arms and neck. As soon as the clothes were completely removed, Kevin's eyes widened in surprise.

"Geez! Why is it that bad? What were you doing with that damn werewolf?" Kevin asked angrily.

"We bit each other while fighting," the werewolf answered calmly.

The casual answer made Kevin's eyes even wider. His brain immediately played a scene where two grown men bit each other's bodies. Why did it seem so erotic in Kevin's imagination?

Sensing that something was not right with Kevin's expression, Kris finally realized that the human had misinterpreted what he just said.

The werewolf then quickly corrected, "I mean, we bit each other when we took the form of wolves! Get away from your dirty thoughts, you pervert!"

Kevin's expression finally returned to normal after hearing Kris's explanation. He laughed awkwardly for a moment, then sat down beside Kris and began to open the first aid kit he had been carrying.

"Last night, I was the one who got injured, and now you. I hope Blue won't get hurt after this," Kevin said as his hand shrewdly started pouring the alcohol onto the cotton, then gently cleaned Kris's wounds with it.

Even if he was still a bit upset because of Kris, but the young scientist was still so gentle in treating the latter's wounds.

Kris winced in surprise all of a sudden. Kevin thought it was because he was stinging his wounds, but Kris's next question let him know that it wasn't the reason.

"Was Blue okay after I left?"

The young werewolf seemed to be worried about Blue, who he had accidentally mentioned her name. Kevin did not immediately answer, he was still focused on cleaning Kris's wounds.

Even though Kris said that his wounds would not kill him, but the wounds were quite severe. If humans had been injured like that, they would have been dead since last night for sure. Humans and werewolves were surely different.

Oh! Kevin then remembered the purpose of his coming to this place.

The scientist suddenly stopped his hand movement and looked up at Kris. He then earnestly asked, "Kris, will you be my specimen?"

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