

Six days. It had been six days since Kevin and Kris looked for Blue on the remote island, and Kevin had been ignoring Kris ever since.

No, he didn't angry or anything with the werewolf. He was just embarrassed. Yeah, he was embarrassed by his dumb self.

Six days ago, right after Kris's speedboat docked in the harbor, Kevin immediately jumped out of the marine vehicle, then took his cellphone out of his pants pocket. As per Kris's previous directions, he immediately entered the search engine and typed a sentence: 'Why is my heart beating so fast when I'm near someone?' A very innocent question, but of course, the kind-hearted Google still gave him answers.

Kevin entered a forum that discussed the subject, and he found several answers that had more or less the same meaning: 'You are in love.'

The answers that Kevin found on the forum inevitably shocked him. He never expected that kind of answer before. Fall in love? For the first time? With a man? Oh, it looked like the last question was not quite right.  The right question was: with a male werewolf?

Being in love with a man was one thing, but falling in love with a werewolf was another thing. In this era, same-sex marriage was legal in Calenta country. Same-sex couples could legally marry, could legally adopt children, as well as received other rights that the heterogeneous couples receive.

There may still be people who were skeptical about it, but that was no big deal in this modern era. Age had developed, and every human being had the right to live freely. Now, same-sex couples could more openly express their feelings to one another.

That was certainly different from what happened many years ago when same-sex couples were considered abnormal, and same-sex enthusiasts were considered mentally deranged.

Okay, falling for a guy was no big deal, but falling for a werewolf? Kevin was not sure about that. He knew that Kris was a good werewolf, but he still felt strange about having a romantic relationship with a werewolf.

That was the reason why Kevin avoided Kris for the past six days. He, of course, didn't tell the reason to Kris. The werewolf probably wondered about his odd behavior, but he pretended as nothing happened.

Kevin chose to make himself busy in the laboratory. He tried so hard to brush off the embarrassing feeling.

He was standing in front of the automatic DNA scanner. He looked to the right and left to make sure that no one was paying attention to him. He was about to do a dangerous mission that might risk his job.

After he made sure that no one was watching him, he took out a plastic clip from his pants pocket. There was a strain of hair inside the plastic clip, and it was Kris's hair. He had asked Kris for the hair to be examined in the laboratory.

He had gotten some new information about werewolves, but he still wanted to research Kris's DNA. He wanted to know more about werewolves.

Carefully, he opened the automatic DNA scanner. It was a transparent box made of glasses. The sophisticated equipment was connected with a monitor to show the result of the analysis.

Actually, there was a portable DNA scanner that could be used outside the laboratory, but the portable tool had a limitation. The portable tool couldn't provide complete information, and that tool needed up to 85 minutes to analyze the DNA.

That was different from the machine in front of him that was only needed five minutes to analyze the DNA. Moreover, the tool could provide more complete information for him. The scanning process could give him information about the DNA origin, and also the change the DNA had been experiencing. It could show the DNA 'history.'

That was why Kevin dared to risk his job. With his trembling hands, he took of the strain of hair and placed it in the scanner box. He was about to close the scanner lid when he heard a scream coming from behind.


Kevin hastily took the strain of hair again and put it in the pants pocket. He tried to look as normal as he could be.

The one who just called him, Anna, was now standing right beside him. He gulped nervously as he was almost caught in the act.

"What are you doing with the DNA scanner, Senior?" Anna asked curiously while glancing at the equipment.

Kevin then realized that the DNA scanner was still open. He didn't have enough time to close it earlier. That was why Anna was questioning him.

"I just checked the tool," Kevin answered. "What are you doing here? Do you need anything?"

"Not really," the girl answered. It seemed that she didn't feel suspicious of Kevin's act. "I just feel bored working alone, so I came here."

Kevin looked at the girl while frowning. "It's not a playground, Anna," he remarked sternly.

"I know, Senior," Anna replied as she sighed. "I want to learn more about werewolves, but other seniors are busy. That's why I came to see you."

"Do you think I'm not busy?" The young man asked again. He silently cursed in his heart because the girl had ruined his plan.

"You were just checking the tool and not doing anything else. You are the only senior that looks so free."

It seemed that Kevin was offended by the girl's words as he glared at the girl annoyedly. He was irritated, but he could retort. The girl was saying the truth, after all. Other seniors were busy with experiments and reports, but he just standing in front of the DNA scanner like a statue. Of course, he was not busy.

"What do you want to ask me? I will go back to my desk if you are not going to ask anything," Kevin finally replied.

The girl's eyes sparkled after she heard Kevin's response. "I want to know about the remaining werewolves who managed to escape from the slaughter seventeen years ago," she started her narrative. "Where do you think they are hiding, Senior? It has been seventeen years, but no one knows their secret base. It's a bit suspicious for me."

Kevin stared at the girl blankly as he grumbled in his heart, 'Where do you think I was six days ago? I was looking for their secret base but to no avail. Maybe only God knows about that.'

"You can ask God about that," Kevin finally answered carelessly.

"What?" Anna asked again in disbelief. "Can you be more serious, Senior? I really want to know about that!"

The man just glanced at the girl lazily. "Just go back to work and read more documents about the werewolves. Don't you know that we are in a dangerous situation now?" He asked back.

Anna looked a bit surprised after she heard Kevin's question. "Why did you say that, Senior? The situation has been so calm lately, and the murder series didn't continue anymore."

Kevin was silent. What Anna had just said was not wrong. Serein City had been so calm lately. The cruel murder series didn't continue anymore, and the citizen could do their activities freely again.

"Have you ever heard the 'calm before storm' term? I'm afraid there will be something big after this."

Anna looked a bit frightened after she heard Kevin's statement. "What happened, Senior? You didn't look well since you got into a car accident, and you also neglected your work a few days ago. I can sense that something is not right with you, Senior."

Kevin was stunned. He didn't have a close relationship with the girl, so he was quite surprised to hear the girl's deep analysis.

'Is Anna that good to read me, or is it me who is so easy to be read?' Kevin wondered.

"A lot of things happened to me recently, Anna," Kevin replied as he drew his gaze away from the girl. "I finally learned that people around me lied to me a lot. It was confusing, and my head felt dizzy."

Anna was looking at him in a daze. She looked confused. It seemed that it was the first time for her to see this side of Kevin.

"A lot of people had lied to you, but, do you still have a person you trust wholeheartedly?" Anna suddenly asked him.

Kevin frowned as he asked the girl back, "What do you mean?"

"A lot of people had lied to you, and that was undeniable a painful thing. But, if you still have one person to trust, that will make you feel better."

Kevin stared at the girl in disbelief. Anna was still so young, and he didn't expect to hear such a thing from the girl. His mind immediately flew to the figure of Kris. Kris had lied to him countless times, but he still trusted him in the end.

The young scientist suddenly smiled as he turned to the girl again. "Anna, have you ever fallen in love?"

The girl looked puzzled and could only reply, "What?"

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