

"Has Professor Beischel contacted you again?" Mike asked a young man beside him.

The young man was none other than Jack.

The two werewolves, who had a big age gap, standing side by side at the beach this sunny afternoon. They did not wear footwear, letting the soles of their feet directly touched the fine white sand, also letting the waves washed over their feet. Their faces were facing straight ahead on the vast blue sea that seemed to have no ends.

"The Professor called me this morning, asking about the development of Blue's power," replied the young man without taking his eyes off the blue sea in front of him.

"Isn't Blue developing quite well?" The werewolf leader asked again.

Jack nodded slightly and answered, "She's quite in control."

"That's great," Mike responded. "Then, is she being nice lately? Does she want to eat again after a few days she refused to eat? We only have two weeks left. That kid can't be sick."

"Blue wants to do what I say lately. She also eats well even though she often complains about my cooking," Jack explained with a chuckle. "Does she still need to be chained up? Her hands and feet were injured by the chains," the young werewolf continued.

"We still have to chain her. Even until that day comes, we must not let go of the chains. Her power is incredible, so we shouldn't take any risks."

Jack finally nodded understandingly at the leader's explanation, which was quite reasonable. The two men then fell back into their own thoughts as they continued to stare at the beautiful sea in front of them.

"Is there any news from Kris?" The man beside Jack suddenly asked again after a long silence.

Jack turned to Mike with an unpleasant expression on his face. Just hearing that person's name was enough to annoy him.

"I didn't hear from him again after returning from town a week ago, but I think he's still with the scientist."

Mike did not immediately respond to Jack's answer. The expression on his face was indistinct, like a mixture of emotions that cannot be described in words.

"That kid is very much like his mother," finally the old man responded. "I don't know where that idea came from, but ever since she gave birth to Kris, she kept asking me to stop eating humans. She herself also stopped eating human flesh even before she gave birth to Kris. She continued to advise me to live side by side with humans. Until finally, when our secret base was attacked, she refused to run away and chose to be killed by the humans. And unfortunately, since Kris was a child, he had insisted on following in his mother's footsteps to continue to side with humans."

Jack carefully listened to Mike's long story. Of course, he still remembered all of that.

Jack didn't hate Kris at first. When they were six years old, Jack began to approach Kris and invited the boy, who had the same age as him, to play with him. In the beginning, Kris was willing to play with him. For two or three months, they became an inseparable duo.

But, Kris suddenly changed one day. At that time, Kris befriended a human and didn't want to play with him. From then on, Jack was angry and decided to hate Kris.

"Do you want me to find Kris in town and bring him here?" Jack finally responded after a long pause.

"That's not necessary," the leader quickly replied. "Kris is an adult, and he can make his own choice. If he dies in the hands of a human just like his mother, it would be his own fault."

Jack nodded obediently. "But, don't you really wonder what Kris is doing in town now?"

"What else can he do there? He doesn't like being a werewolf, so he pretends to be a human. He wanted to protect humans by trying to hide Blue from me. He planned to fool me into thinking that I really trusted him by giving him a mission related to Blue. Yet from the start, the mission was for you, Jack. He really is stupid just like humans," Mike said casually. "Maybe now he even falls in love with a human and in a relationship with a human. Isn't that stupid?" The leader laughed.

Jack only smiled while the leader laughing. So far, he had never been given an order to investigate Kris. He just watched Kris while carrying out his duties related to Blue. Apart from that, he had absolutely no idea what Kris was doing in the midst of humans.

"It looks like we've had enough talking about the boy." The leader turned around and was about to leave. But, before he left, he patted Jack on the shoulder and said, "Go back to Blue's hut and bring her some food. Make sure she will be okay until her birthday."

The leader then walked away from Jack. Silently, Jack's gaze followed the old man's back grow farther away from him. He then sighed and began to leave the beach.

Mike asked him to bring food for Blue, but he didn't know what kind of food was good for the girl. It had been two weeks Blue was with them on the island, and the dishes he served for her were just porridge and soup. Perhaps the girl would get bored if she was continually eating the same menu. So, what should he bring for Blue today?

The air was hot today. Jack wiped the sweat on his forehead. He was thinking while tilting up his head a little, and that was when he came up with an idea. He saw a coconut tree, and on top of it hung some fresh coconuts. Jack quickly ran to the tree. After arriving near it, he then kicked the tree once with his strength. Without the need to do it over and over again, some coconuts immediately fell onto the white sand.

The tattooed man smiled with satisfaction, then took a fresh green coconut. Gradually, his dark obsidians turned red, and sharp fangs began to grow in his mouth. He then used his pointed fangs to peel off the fruit. His teeth peeled off the fruit with ease as if they were a specially created tool to do this.

Not long after, a fresh coconut that looked like the ones served in restaurants was ready to be enjoyed.

Satisfied with his handiwork, Jack immediately continued his steps towards the hut occupied by Blue. It didn't take long for the young man to get there.

Immediately, Jack opened the wooden door to the hut, and his eyes found Blue sitting on a chair outside her bedroom. The girl's face looked bored.

"What are you doing?" Jack asked as he walked over to the young girl.

"What can I do in this state?" Blue replied in an irritated tone. Of course, she couldn't do anything because she was still being tied with chains.

Jack pulled up a wooden chair, positioned it in front of Blue, then sat down. He then held out the coconut that he had been carrying. "Drink up. I know humans like this drink," he said while smiling cheerfully.

Blue glanced at the coconut, then turned to the werewolf again. "How can I drink if my hands are tied like this? You didn't even prepare straw for me," the girl protested irritatedly.

Jack just realized his mistake. Of course, it was difficult for the blue-eyed girl to drink with her hands tied. He didn't even prepare a straw for her to drink. Usually, to go to the bathroom, Blue had to be helped by a female werewolf because the leader didn't let his subordinates unlock the chains for whatever reason.

Jack didn't think about that earlier. Now he felt so stupid.

But, the burly young man was not that stupid because he quickly found a solution. Didn't Blue usually drink with a cup even though he had to help the girl drink? Yes, there was a cup in the hut.

Jack looked around and found a cup on a small table in the corner of the room. He then quickly took the cup. There was still water in the cup, so he came out of the hut to throw it away. He then came back inside with an empty cup.

After he reached Blue again, he then poured the coconut water into the cup. With a big smile, he asked, "Am I not a genius?"

Blue was rendered speechless at the young man's behavior. Since earlier, she had been quietly watching everything the young man was doing, and now she could see the results of the young man's efforts.

"What a fool," Blue mocked him as she tried to hold back her smile. Jack's actions were funny in her eyes.

Jack was annoyed, but still handed the cup of coconut water to the girl. "Do you still want to drink or not?" He asked irritatedly.

Blue was actually wanted to keep her dignity, but because she felt thirsty and was also tempted by the delicious coconut water in front of her, the girl finally nodded her head. Jack chuckled at Blue's behavior, then gently started helping Blue to drink the liquid inside the cup.

Blue drank voraciously, and it didn't take long for the cup to be empty again. The girl looked intently at Jack and said, "You are not that bad, Jack."

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