

The question Blue had just asked left the other three in the room speechless, especially Selena, who now looked bewildered and doubtful.

Even so, Blue already came back, and the young girl had the right to know what had happened. Yes, it was the time for the young girl to know the truth.

"I'm Selena Beischel."

The brief confession made Blue's blue eyes widen uncontrollably. The girl looked very shocked at what she had just heard. The figure of the mother, who had been her role model, turned out to be a liar who pretended to be someone else?

But, wait a minute. Blue shouldn't be the one who was the most astounded here. She quickly turned to Kevin, but the latter didn't seem to be surprised. Blue only saw the look of disappointment on the handsome face of the scientist.

It seemed that Kevin had learned the truth, but it was likely that the young man also just found out about that.

"I'm sorry that I lied to you all this time, Blue," the elderly lady apologized sincerely. "Joseph intended to make you a werewolf monster with a formula he invented seventeen years ago, and I tried to prevent the calamity by swapping the formula with a formula I created myself. That formula is now in your body and gives you the power of teleportation."

Blue was dumbfounded at the lady's explanation. It turned out to be true what Joseph said last night. It turned out that all of this was Selena Beischel's doing.

"I didn't mean anything bad to you, Blue. I had to do it because I didn't want you to turn into a monster. I thought teleportation power wouldn't be a bad thing for you, so I decided to give you that formula back then."

Blue still didn't respond, and the two men in the room didn't even make the slightest sound.

"But, why did you have to lie to me in the first place? Couldn't you be honest with me from the start, so I didn't keep feeling curious about my past?" Blue finally asked again.

Selena was now the one who fell silent. She knew that Blue must be very disappointed in her. For seventeen years, she raised Blue and considered her as her own daughter, but her lies were intolerable. She had put Blue in a difficult position because of her lies.

"Then, where is the original formula now?"

This time, Selena finally reacted. She gazed at Kevin briefly, then looked back at Blue and answered, "The formula is in Kevin's body."

The answer immediately made the young girl round her eyes in shock. With a look of disbelief, she turned to Kevin. "It means, Brother Kevin now—"

"Yes, I'm a werewolf now."

Kevin quickly interrupted Blue's words. His eyes sorrowfully stared at the figure of the younger girl. His eyes were no longer blue. The dark color of his irises radiated a big amount of grief. The almond eyes looked hopeless, and Blue noticed it.

The blue-eyed girl then looked back at Selena. "Mother—I mean, Professor Selena Beischel," she quickly corrected when she realized that she unconsciously called the professor with the name she used in the past. "Why do you have the heart to do this to Brother Kevin? Why didn't you prevent Professor Joseph from committing the crime? Don't you know that what you did hurt me and Brother Kevin for seventeen years? You even lied by pretending to be dead then disguised yourself as someone else."

Blue was deeply disappointed and outraged. Immeasurable pain attached In every word she just uttered. Her eyes were wet, her face was flushed red, and her breath was gasping. It was evident that the girl was trying her best not to burst out and cry miserably.

It was clear that she was very sad. For seventeen years, she always felt empty because she did not know her true self. The lady, whom she considered her mother, was the person she trusted the most. But, who would have thought that the lady was the one who caused her to feel the emptiness? Today was her birthday, but the 'gift' she received was a bitter reality.

Kevin saw Blue's anguished expression, and he stood up to get closer to the sofa the girl was sitting on. The scientist sat on the sofa's armrest, and then hugged the girl's frail body. Perhaps Kris was right. Blue wouldn't be able to accept it if she turned into a werewolf in the end. The girl's mentality was vulnerable. It was hard for him to accept it himself, but at least his mental state was stronger than Blue.

Kris and Selena could only stare morosely at the two hugging figures. In their hearts, the guilt was prickling painfully. They had already caused the two people to be hurt. Those two people didn't know anything, but they became victims. Selena and Kris felt so condemned, especially Selena. She knew that she had committed a grave, unforgivable sin.

After calming herself for a few minutes in Kevin's arms, Blue finally pulled away from Kevin's body and looked back at Selena with her swollen eyes. "Then, what am I now? Am I still human?" The girl asked hoarsely.

The question pierced Selena's heart. "You're still human, Blue. You were born as a human seventeen years ago, and now you are still human," the lady tried to convince the girl.

"If that's the case, then, who are my parents?" Again, Blue asked the elderly lady.

Selena didn't answer right away. She sneaked a glance at Kris, and the werewolf silently shook his head as if to signal that it wasn't the right time to tell Blue about the matter.

"I can't answer that question right now, Blue," Selena finally answered.

"Why? Because they already died?" The girl continued to pester.

The persistent question made Kevin frown. He himself didn't know who Blue's parents were, but it seemed that Selena didn't want to reveal about it right now. The lady wanted to hide something again.

"Yes, Blue. They already died."

That answer was finally given by Selena. Her face was filled with blame because she knew the answer would make Blue even more miserable.

And sure enough, the young girl immediately lowered her head after hearing the answer. It was true that her parents were no longer in this world. It was true that she no longer had any relatives in this world. Unconsciously, tears fell again from her azure eyes.

"Blue," Kris called out the girl's name after a long time he became a quiet listener. "After we defeat the werewolves, I will tell you about your parents' identity. Don't you still want to know about that?"

Blue raised her head and looked at Kris in wonderment. It turned out that Kris also knew who her parents were? The tall man indeed had many secrets in his life. Kevin also looked at Kris in surprise, but he didn't comment and just sighed tiredly.

"I know I've hurt both of you a lot," Selena was back on her speech again, her words referring to Kevin and Blue. "But, for now, we have to work together to defeat Joseph and the werewolves' army. There are two possibilities now. The first possibility is that they will be secretly targeting Kevin, and the second possibility is that they will be launching attacks openly on mankind."

The three pairs of eyes in the room looked at Selena sternly. Perhaps it was true what the lady sitting in the wheelchair just said. It may be true that for the time being, the safety of mankind should be given priority. Personal matters should be put aside for now.

"Their numbers are far behind the humans. Will they dare to attack humans with that number?" Kevin asked his mother.

Selena stared at Kevin and shook her head slightly before answering, "Numbers aren't the only determining factor. Seventeen years have passed, and I'm sure Joseph wasn't just sitting around during that time. He would definitely try to create a new formula as an alternative if the BLUE10122021 project failed."

It looked like what Selena said made sense. For a genius like Joseph Beischel, seventeen years would have been enough to create one or two innovations that could change the world. Even though the werewolves were currently outnumbered, they could not underestimate them.

"I've contacted the military and asked them to tighten their guard and strengthen their weapons. This condition is still being kept secret from the public, but the military now knows," the lady speaking again.

"The military already know about all this? Including about my condition and Blue?" Kevin asked in shock.

Selena nodded and replied, "Seventeen years ago, there was a General who helped me carry out all my plans. He knew Joseph's secrets as well as all of mine. He's resigned now, but he still has a big role in the military. I asked him to tell the military about the real situations."

Kevin was jolted to hear the information. It turned out that Selena was in alliance with many great people in this country. No wonder the lady was able to keep all her secrets for seventeen years. That lady was not just any ordinary woman.

"So, the military also knows that you are still alive? Do they also know that I'm a werewolf? And, what about Blue's power? Is it all harmless?" Kevin asked several questions without the slightest pause.

Selena sighed at the questions, but then she replied, "You don't have to worry about it. They will not dare to do bad things to us because only we can save mankind now. I'm the only one who can fight Joseph, so they have to listen to me."

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