
Chapter 95 (XCV) Preparing For The Future

Jackson grinned as he looked around the building; though it wouldn't be used for some time, he couldn't pass up taking up the lease. He would continue to funnel funds into this location.

Before the real estate agent left, he had requested construction permits to rebuild some of the rooms into the upper floors for him and the girls, fortify the two lobbies and reinforce the exterior of the building.

He walked her back to the rooftop, covering his head with his hood to protect him from the rain as she flew back to the Climber's Association. He turned, placing his hand on the back of his neck as he stared into the skies as lightning dotted the dark skies, briefly illuminating God's Tower as it floated above the swamp.

Having completed the first part of his plan in Paradise Falls, he turned toward his next goal, returning to the tenth floor. He quickly locked up the building he was preparing for the future and rushed through the streets.

Rain pelted him as his feet rapidly splashed through the puddles, reaching the large quartered-off staircase into the skies. Jackson ran up the stairs quickly and carefully to not slip the hundreds of meters into the sky until he came to the ever-familiar portal.

He sighed, stepping through as the disorientation set in, the portal flinging him back on La Décima Isla as he stumbled through the sand. His eyes opened slowly as he stood upright, feeling dizzy. "Damn..." He groaned softly, looking around himself and seeing nothing but ruins everywhere. The sun was high overhead, shining brightly between scattered clouds.

He looked at the modified challenge and his goal, "Discover the source of the Hollows and bring peace to the brother's neighboring kingdoms!"

He called out Khione and Umbra as both the small, winged kitten and small black wyvern yawned, stretching their tiny bodies before greeting him. He smiled and knelt, feeding each of them a yellow food pellet.

They happily ate their meal while staring curiously at their surroundings.

Kione sniffed loudly as she searched for something interesting. She jumped forward, running away from him, tail wagging excitedly as she darted about, searching for anything that might have caught her attention.

Umbra rolled over, standing tall, wings spreading wide before folding them close against herself, lying still and silent. Her scales shimmered slightly, catching the light reflecting off them. Kione continued to run about, jumping over fallen trees, hopping rocks, and digging holes in search of whatever may be hidden inside them.

"Come on, you two!" Jackson shouted, walking along the beach toward Fort Vetus, watching carefully to confirm the pair chased after him.

They bounded ahead, leaping through the air, landing on the ground, claws scratching and tearing apart bushes and grasses as they raced about.

Jackson laughed, smiling warmly as the Spirit Beasts played; the wind blew gently, rustling the tall palm tree leaves, creating gentle waves lapping ashore.

The group arrived at the fortress, finding several soldiers gathered near the gatehouse, murmuring among themselves. One soldier spotted the approaching man and rushed forward, stopping him.

"Halt! Who approaches!" The guard asked, raising a spear toward Jackson's chest.

"I'm here seeking shelter," Jackson replied, holding his hands and showing he carried no weapon.

"State your business."

"My name is Jackson, I've come to seek refuge within the fort. These two are my companions, can we enter?"

The guardsman nodded, lowering his spear. The gates swung open, allowing the party to walk into the courtyard, "Please follow me, sir, my commander will want to speak with you immediately."

"Thank you, that'd be appreciated, please lead the way."

The young boy led Jackson, the other three following closely behind, to a large building that appeared to serve as the main headquarters. As they approached, the door slid open, revealing a tall thin woman dressed in full plate mail carrying an ornate sword on her hip.

She stepped outside and closed the heavy wooden doors before turning, nodding politely, "Temple Knight Commander Renee, this is Jackson. He was spotted along the coast and has come seeking refuge." The knight bowed low, fist pressed to heart.

Renee returned the bow before straightening back up, clasping arms with the young boy, and sending him on his way before turning to Jackson.

"Welcome to our home. Please forgive us if we don't offer much hospitality; however we do know that we Temple Knights will offer you a warmer welcome than those Royal Knight bastards on the other island."

"What's happening on the other island?" Jackson asked, taking a seat as Khione and Umbra chased each other around his feet and through the legs of the chair and table.

"We're not sure. Our spies think those Royal Knight bastards might have made a deal with demons; we've been encountering them far more frequently!" Commander Renee explained, "Actually, you seem to be cut from a similar cloth, how about you check it out for me?"

"Oh..?" Jackson replied, shocked and leaning back in his chair as he crossed his arms across his chest, "What will I get in return?"

"Maybe I won't throw you into a prison cell to rot until you die?" She replied with a smile, leaning against the table.

"On what grounds?" Jackson scoffed, rolling his eyes and staring at the Temple Knight Commander incredulously.

"Well, first, you were snooping around an active battleground. Second, you seem suspicious enough. Third, I find you irritating, and lastly, it's just not your lucky day. Is that a satisfactory answer?" She grinned, and her bright brown eyes sparkled.

"Tch!" Jackson clicked his tongue before he shrugged and stood, turning to depart the building, "I guess I'll do as you ask and go investigate those Royal Knight 'bastards' instead of rotting in a cell..."

"You think you can leave freely??" Renee shouted, quickly rising to her feet as she pulled her ornate sword from her hip and pointed it toward Jackson.

He smirked and turned, opening the door slowly as both Khione and Umbra playfully ran out of the room; he turned and looked back at the Temple Knight Commander, "You think you can stop me??"

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