
Chapter 216 215: Shift In Dynamics [Pt1]

"Eve, I heard what happened. Is Elysia alright?"

Eve looked up with worried eyes toward the emperor. Adam had not taken any time in coming to the queen's quarters once he had heard the news. His face was pale and sweat made its way down his brows.

His worried face looked back at Eve with his golden eyes shining with worry. Behind him, Eve could see his retainers have an impatient face.

These same retainers were the ones who forced Adam to come to her when Eve had caught a small cold. These identical people were the ones who looked annoyed to see Elysia give birth.

"Adam, calm down and take a deep breath first. You are hyperventilating right now and it is not good for your health."

Despite how much Eve wanted to break into Elysia's room to help her out, she could not do so. She was too close to Elysia to make any rational decision. She had no other choice but to use a trusted nurse from the temple.

'I made sure to call for someone who was not under the Head Priest. She has no reason to harm Elysia.'

Eve tried to brainwash herself into believing her lie. It did not make her feel reassured though. For some reason, her anxiety was peaking up.

"Adam, you cannot go in there. Don't be a fool and just sit down."

Eve jumped up to her feet and stopped Adam before he could tear apart the door to get to Elysia. He looked blood-thirsty and his eyes scared Eve.

What would she do if Adam killed off the nurse Eve had found in his rage? Where would Eve find another nurse in this environment? She was lucky that she had managed to find one in the first place.

Before Adam could break down the door and get to Elysia, the door opened from the other side.

Eve could not help but notice that there was a weird look on the nurse's face when she came out. She looked half-terrified and half-relieved with something.

"Elysia, how is she?"

Eve asked even before Adam could question the nurse. She needed to see Elysia for herself to ensure that she was alright.

The nurse quickly looked up with a startled expression before she relaxed. Her nerves seemed to be calming down after nothing happened for a while. But her behavior still stuck with Eve as 'wrong.'

"The crown prince is alright. He is a healthy baby despite being born prematurely. I am your highness would be delighted to see him as well."

Eve found it weird how the nurse avoided the question that was asked of her and instead jumped to tell what she thought of as important instead of what she was asked.

And she was not the only one who found this to be weird. Adam had noticed it as well and his brows were pulled together.

Before the nurse knew it, she had a lot of pressure pressed against her head and she quickly looked up gasping for breath.

"Don't tell me what I did not ask for. I asked you how Elysia is doing, nor the child she birthed. You better not lie to me about anything."

The nurse looked up with terrified eyes at the emperor. Her face had no blood left in it and it was even turning blue due to the lack of oxygen she was receiving.

"Adam, let her go right now. We need to focus on Elysia and the child for now. You can torment her later once you have enough evidence later."

Adam cursed under his breath as he shoved the nurse away. She no longer held any interest in him so he was happy to get rid of his burden.

"I'm sorry but I had no choice."

Eve had a feeling that she was not supposed to hear those words and even the nurse looked terrified after she realized what had escaped her mouth.

She quickly looked up at Eve but she turned her head away, not wanting to look at her for a single second more. She hurriedly made her way to Elysia and her feet took her to the child Elysia had birthed.

The child had black hair like Elysia and many of his features matched her's as well. But his eyes were a very light shade of gold which would later darken to Adam's shade.

The child was lovely and Eve felt her heart fall in love with this child. She would do her best for this child's bright future.

"Elysia, are you alright? Can you open your eyes?"

Meanwhile, Adam seemed to be trying to wake Elysia up. The poor girl has a pale complexion and a deadly white face. Eve was scared for her but she dared not head toward Elysia.

Thankfully, the worse did not seem to have happened, and Elysia opened her eyes.

She still looked tired but the smile on her face more than made up for the lack of energy she displayed. Eve's heart felt at ease after seeing Elysia smile this happily.

So, of course, it had to break when Eve's tired voice reached her ears.

"Adam, can you do me a favor? I know you are busy but can you take me to see my brother's body one last time? I need to see him right now."

Eve frowned once she heard Elysia's request. It did not make sense for her to ask something this outlandish and dangerous. Her body was not in a good condition anyway. It would be better for her to rest in her bed.

She was about to deny Elysia's request when Adam beat her to it.

"Are you serious? You cannot even stand up in your condition, much less make your way to another room. You should rest in your bed and regain your strength for the time being."

Eve held her temper back as she watched Adam handle Elysia. It was rare to see Adam lose his temper but she had to agree with Adam.

"Elysia, I hate to say no to you as well but listen to Adam this time. You just went through childbirth and it is not a good idea to agitate your wound like this."

Eve pointed as she picked up the child. She wanted to push Elysia down and make her rest forcefully, but that seemed not to be an option currently.

The best course of action was to make Elysia realize that she had to rest or she would do something drastic. Eve also realized that she would have to keep an eye on Elysia for the time being.

There seemed to be something that was eating away at Elysia but she had not shared her burdens with anyone. This habit of hers was a major headache for Eve and she wanted to cure it.

"Can you both leave my room now? I am a little tired and I want to rest now. Ah, give him here as well. The nurse said I will need to feed him soon."

Elysia reached for her child who did not have a name yet. Eve clutched the child close to her body, almost reluctant to lose her hold on their soft body.

But she gave in when she saw Elysia's begging eyes and she had to hand the kid over. Her heart swelled at seeing similar black hair and two adorable faces looking back at her.

"I think it is time we left them alone for now."

Elysia looks like she's too tired to continue. Her eyes were already closing and that was why Eve felt comfortable leaving her to sleep. She hurriedly caught up to Adam who was already at the door.

"Thinking back at all our actions, we do make a lot of questionable choices. I am sure our leaving the hospital room together would create another misunderstanding in everyone's mind."

Eve pointed it out in a joking manner. She was in a considerably better mood than before and her face showed her joy as well. Adam did not question her happiness since his chest was rumbling.

Unknown to the two, the girl they had been thinking about woke up. Elysia waited until she was alone and then forced her body up.

The anesthesia that had been used on her was no longer affecting her movement and she stood up on steady feet to match out of her room.

Now that she had given birth, it was time to wake her brother up. Elysia looked behind her and golden eyes opened. She knew that it was a horrible idea to take her son anywhere currently but Elysia refused to abandon him.

It was likely that she would not be able to accompany him for a long time so she wanted to take whatever time she could spend with him.

"I cannot ignore you. I guess you do have me wrapped around your small finger after all. You are such a devil behind your smile."

Elysia has a gentle grin on her face as she picked up her son.

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