
Chapter 99 - Alfonso's Analysis

"It's not smart to just randomly do this, nor it is efficient" Though Alfonso.

It had been one day since he began to absorb the green particles, he though that, with practice, he would be able to open his eyes for more time, however, he finally gave up on the idea, at most, he can maintain his eye open for ten seconds without passing out for the pain. He set his limit to 5 seconds to not injure himself badly, however, there was a n improvement with a day of practice and that was that he now could absorb 5 particles each time he opened his green eye before he had to rest. Alfonso tried some experiments, first he thought that he only needed to remember the position of the particles and, after the time was finished, he would grab them, however, it fail; Next, he tried to take more than one particle every time he lifted his hand, he succeeded, however, he could only grab five particles, if he grabbed more, after he eat them, the would felt an incredible danger from the particles, he knew that he ate more than five, there would be some kind of backslash, Alfonso didn't know why though.

"Well anyway, lets conform with I got, the feeling of hunger its nowhere near to disappearing." Though Alfonso.

He had eat hundreds of this particles and felt that the hunger was still there, however, he do felt something else, he felt that the particles weren't static, they had some kind of movement, however, it was so slow that he though that they were static, after confirming this, he ate more and more particles, the movement of the particles became cleared and cleared until one point. After one day, he finally saw the patron of the particles.

"It seems like they move in a parabolic way, just like the earth movement which respect to the sun" Concluded Alfonso.

Alfonso them though about this movement, a parabolic movement, usually when something had any kind of movement, it means that there are forces that interact with the object and make them move, Alfonso wasn't exactly an expert in atomic theory nor in science but he knew the basics.

"Okay, I am a historian, a graduated man from the best University of Europe, Cambridge, so, let's think this with the scientific method, I don't really remember all the forces that interact with the planet but the most important one of them is the gravitational force, so, in other words, the sun and the earth have their only gravitational forces that attracts and repels each other, of course the gravitational force of the sun its stronger than the one on earth, so, let's make an analogy, let's think that the particle is the earth, sure its rotating around… something, mmm… okay, let's just say that its floating around a 'sun of time', yep, let's go with that. So, we have two variables, the first one is that I don't know exactly what this 'sun of time' is, however, this can be omitted since It really doesn't matter that much, so the next question is the important one, what is the 'Gravitational force' that interacts with both bodies, the particle and the 'sun of time'…." Though Alfonso.

He sat down and started to think, just as he was immersed in his thoughts, his stomach made a growling sound, he knew it was 'Lunch time' so he opened his eye and grabbed 8 particles.

"I grabbed three extra particles, well let's just toss them away" Though Alfonso.

Just as he was about to toss them away, he heard something.

"Hizz~ "

Alfonso was surprised, as an historian, it was not the first time that he had heard this sound, so knew that he shouldn't felt alarmed.

"It's a snake, snakes are very sensitive to the changes in their prey, so I must maintain calm" Though Alfonso.

He slowly turned his head, but he didn't see anything.

"Mmm? My imagination?" Though Alfonso.

He lifted the particles in direction to his mouth went the sound came again.


This time it was clearer.

Alfonso turned in the direction of the sound, finally, after focusing for some time, he saw a small snake popping his head at two or three meters away from him, the snake seemed to be looking at the particles with great desire, however, he also seemed scared of Alfonso because he altered his gaze between Alfonso and the particles.

Alfonso took a good look before deducing the family of that snake.

"I had seemed all kind of snakes… but this snake likely to be a python!" Thought Alfonso.

The pythons were usually a type of snake of the constrictor family, they lived in tropical areas.

"But… why is there a python in a dessert?" Thought Alfonso.

Surprisingly, he wasn't scared of the python, maybe is because he had fought seem people way more than dangerous than a python, or maybe was because he saw that the python was actually scared of him.

"Well, lets just leave it alone and eat" Alfonso took the particles and put in in his mouth while tossing the other three.

The python suddenly notices this and run will all its forces towards the particles that Alfonso tossed away, however, it was too late when it came close the particles already disappear. The python looked sad.

Maybe it was Alfonso's imagination, but he seems to saw a small tear in the python's eyes.

Alfonso looked at the python with detail, he saw that the python had, more or less, twenty centimeters, quite small.

The python seem to notice the gaze of Alfonso, it quickly dig in the sand and take some distance between him and Alfonso.

Alfonso didn't know whatever to laugh or cry, but he also realized something.

"This little fellow seems to want the particles" Thought Alfonso.

Alfonso felt the pain his eye lesser and he opened once again, this time he grabbed six particles. The python once again looked at the particles with desire.

Alfonso put the particles in his eye, but he separated one and looked at the python.

The python was nervous; however, it was so hungry that he took the bait. It run and quickly snatched the particle and eat it before running back to its previous position. Alfonso laughed a little and closed his eye. He rested for some time, he needed two to three minutes before he could open his eye once again. The python looked at Alfonso before slowly approaching.

Alfonso notice this but he didn't move he lied down there while resting, he didn't felt any ill intention of the python. The python became close and looked at Alfonso, it seems to be analyzing him. Alfonso didn't mind.

After three minutes the python was still observing Alfonso.

Alfonso suddenly sat down making the python scared, the python took all its courage and didn't move, Alfonso open his eye and once again took the particles, he grabbed six once again. He eat one and lifted his hand, he looked at the python and nodded. The python seems to understand and swallow the particle, it was happy.

"Hisss~" The python made a happy sound.

Alfonso smiled and lied down once again. This time the python stretches its head until it was at Alfonso's level. Alfonso looked back and saw that the python's eyes were purple.


Suddenly, Alfonso felt a voice coming to his head.

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