
Chapter 63 One Long Night#26

After another few moments of silence, she took a deep breath before speaking,"I have a few questions."

Looking at her, she had a complex expression on her face and I could more or less understand what she was feeling right now. I smiled a bit before nodding at her as I answered her,"sure, go ahead."

"You didn't tell me about my son. You just said that he was captured and even before you just said that I can't reach him. What did you mean by that?" She asked, and it made me ponder a bit before I looked at her hard to describe face. If before she looked like a crazy predator, now she was nothing more than a defenceless mother who just wanted to know about her son.

"Are you sure you want to know?" I asked with a brief pause as I gave her some time to think before she heard the truth, however she nodded immediately with no hesitation whatsoever.

"Your son is not in the vampire's castle but in the human's castle. More appropriately, he is in the Laurentz castle as of today's date," I answered her and the expression she made was horrifying.

'Well… their castle is present near the tree of light and no vampire could ever enter that place… so I gue-' before I could even complete my thoughts I saw Aelia smiling at me as if she had finally found what she was looking for. Her previous disbelief was gone, and she looked at me as if I were her closest friend.

"What are you- I wanted to ask but before I could complete my sentence she began speaking,

"You are here to save everyone, right?"

'Ah! So her thought process went there, huh? Well, I guess she wouldn't be completely wrong to be hopeful since I was planning to save him in the far future as an immortal would be a really good asset to me, but then I haven't really decided it yet. After all, he has been captured for God knows how long and I wonder if it will be worth it.'

Pondering over what I should do, I turn to her and give her my honest answer,"Don't expect me to save him, just because of my ideals. I will see what I can do and-"

"I trust you," she answered before even letting me complete my words. I look at her with a dumbfounded expression. She looked at me with a bright smile as she spoke again,"Did I tell you that I have another ability?"

'What does she…' I thought as she spoke, answering my question before I could even ask it,"I can see one's alignment towards a goal. I need to set a goal and see if the person in front will do it or not. Although in most cases, people lie through their teeth or even if they tell the truth, they don't have the heart to fulfil their promises. You, on the other hand, will do everything you can to achieve your goal. Your willingness towards my goal is quite high. So… I trust you."

Her smile was as bright as the sun. At her words, I wondered if I really was like that…

Still… that's quite a peculiar ability she got there. Was the ability born out of her desires to find someone who could save her son? It happens many times that you get the ability you need the most in your life. Even if it means losing your dreams because they don't really suit you.

The proof of the theory was seen after the second cataclysm where almost 99 percent of the population had combat or survival related abilities along with normal ones, as if the system knew that they were struggling in their lives.

"How did Demitri survive?" I asked, changing the topic, as I knew the power level of the Queen in her dimension and no matter how strong Demitri was, he could never kill a being whose power almost reaches the full potential of an SS-Rank in her own dimension.

She looked at me confused before pondering over something and then speaking,"he must have used my redundant power stored in that amulet. It refills every other month, however I placed a curse on that amulet that does not allow you to move away a certain distance from the point you activated the amulet's power, also binding your body and soul to the amulet. However, I couldn't harm the user since a barrier was placed, in between my dimension and the outside world, which is formed by the user's power."

'Hmmm… this is a bit…' I looked at her face and then asked something that piqued my interest,"how come you got free?"

She looked at me, narrowing her eyes at me as she retorted,"And why should I tell you that?"

"There is something I want to know. Don't worry, I have no ill intentions towards you," I spoke and then, after pondering over my words, she nodded before speaking.

"Someone killed the current cursed user. Demitri was it? Yeah, he was killed by someone and then that opened an opportunity for me to escape. I possessed Demitri's dead body and took control over whatever aura he had. Though he was in his last moments, alive only for a fraction of seconds. Using that one moment, I transferred my soul to another guy, whom you were looking at before."

I observed her for a full few moments before I kept my hands on my face and sigh as I cursed my luck for a few times,'Me and my shitty luck and the consequence that I bore… sigh… so in the end it was me who set her free, huh? Though, that and that took some time…'

"Is the time between taking over someone else's body, long?" I speak and she answers with a nod,"for the first time, it was difficult adjusting to the body. I had never done that before, but after I did so, it was as easy as sipping water."

"Well, that answers most of my questions, I suppose," I said before standing and then turning around and speaking,"do you know the way to get out of here?"

At my words, she spoke with slight hesitation as she looked at me,"We need to fight to the death and the one who loses will lose the control of this body. Though, I can just possess another body after I possess yours without harming it. This will ensure that your body and soul remain intact once I leave it."

I turned to her and asked,"What if I kill you instead?" and she smiled at me with a slightly apologetic smile,"I hate to break it to you, but I am at my peak in this world and my pride would never allow me to lose to someone ever again. Not at least in my own dimension"

"Odd enough for someone who wants to save her son at any cost… Well, you still haven't answered my question. What will happen if I end up killing you in this dimension?" I spoke with my expression turning cold and I observed her narrowing her eyes at me before sighing at and speaking.

"I will become your slave until you release me."

'Hmmmm… expected answer. Since the vampire King used her powers to kill the parasites without killing her, there was a great chance that he took control over her without letting her die or at least kept her barely alive or something to extract the rest of her powers. And going along that line of thought, he might have succeeded in whatever he was trying to do,' I thought as I sighed before looking at her while she was observing with an apologetic expression as she raised her hand.

A wave of blood moves towards me and I look at it and then I close my eyes before I stop breathing and then… I mutter,"Forbidden Magic: Demonic Angel's Rebirth," and then the blood pool from all around gets evaporated at once.

Wings of darkness on my left and wings of light on my right form, with my face and the right half of my body covered in black coloured mana.

Holding a bright white sword made of light energy in my right hand, I open my dazzlingly white bright eyes and look at her shocked face.

One of the three sacrificial moves I could use, including Second Moon, Demonic Angel's Rebirth, converts my flesh into pure mana that I could use before the mana gets evaporated into the air, killing me in the process.

While Second Moon helps me fight against a combat oriented enemy, Demonic Angel's Rebirth allows me to fight the enemy which is proficient in area attack and ranged abilities.

I look at her standing with a frightened expression as she could barely keep herself standing and I speak to her with a pride filled voice,"I have killed countless enemies which are far beyond terrifying than what you could imagine. Aelia Rosalyn Scarlet, did you really think that with your power of a mere SS-Class Rank, you could defeat me?"

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