
Chapter 212 - Problems, One After The Other(part One)

Its been two days since Alfonso came back from the Underworld, although he seemed fine, he was actually very worried.

"With my actual powers, it will be already a miracle if my corpse comes intact" Though Alfonso.

He extended the palm on his hand and concentrated.

Above his hand a green energy appeared, Alfonso looked at the soul energy with detail.

"With the help of Prometheus, I managed to go two level and obtain the master level in the concept of stagnation, however, no matter how much I control, it's useless since my body isn't ready to use it, the power of Demeter and the regeneration of the wolf kin is the only thing that prevents that I go completely crippled, although the energy is there, I wasn't blessed by the gods and I hadn't trained my body to receive this powers either, and now that I am an adult is already too late to begin, that's why, Although I have oversoul and my other abilities, I can barely use them without killing myself" Though Alfonso.

He controlled the energy once more and gritted the energy on his hand. The energy condensed and become more and more compressed until it was a little sphere, it looked just like a green marble.

"[Time Bomb]" He murmured.

*Tick* *Tick*

A small tick sound came to his ear and he quickly opened the window and throw the marble.

"1…2…3…4" Alfonso counted on his head while he saw the marble going up and up until one point…


A explosion of green energy appeared in the air, a bird happened to be passing by the place and was caught in the explosion.

The bird stopped its movement and fall from the sky.

"Ups" Murmured Alfonso while looking at the bird.

"Although, regardless of the collateral damage, the new ability works just fine" Though Alfonso.

"I can't prove the other ones here but… I will get the chance, eventually" Said Alfonso.

[Time Bomb] was an ability that Alfonso develop back when he was training with Prometheus, the inspiration was pretty obvious of course.

"I can't contain that much power of time in my body, but… I can used outside of it" Said Alfonso with a happy face.

He let go of the energy and sat on chair, he took out some reports and read them, these reports were send by the golden twins to Alfonso, about the development of the town.

"Wait… what the… you have to be kidding me" Said Alfonso.


"My lord"

A voice came from somewhere in the room, Alfonso already got used to it so he didn't even look.

"Go and call the golden sisters, right now" Said Alfonso.

"As you wish"

The door opened and Io went on her way.

A couple of minutes later, the golden twins entered Alfonso's studio.

"You call us?"

"Yep, you see, I have… an issue with this report, do you mind to explain this part that says… 'Can't not proceed due to force majeure problems'?" Said Alfonso.

"Yes, you see, this was a problem that I was going to tell you sooner or later, we have a big problem with the ground, you see, if we construct the different ministries according to this plane, there is a possibility that the building could collapse in just a few years, if not less time" Said one of the golden twins.


"Because of the ground is too clayey" Said the golden twin.

"What!?" Alfonso was surprised to hear this.

Of course, Alfonso wasn't an expert in construction, but, like everybody, he knew that there were good grounds for construction and bad ones, the clay ones were in the bad category, he didn't know the technical reason but he knew that it had something to do with the absorption of minerals and water.

"But… we didn't have this problem so far" Said Alfonso.

"It's because we didn't had to construct something this… heavy… anyway, with the ground in its current state, it's impossible to construct something there" Said one of the golden twins.

"Impossible… please don't tell me that" Said Alfonso while grabbing his forehead.

"Sorry, it's the true… we could make some arraignments with the plane but… still, the building will, at most be at a size of the current houses, any more than that and…"

"…I got it…, now then, what to do?"

Alfonso though for some time… and, then, he decided to bet.

"Io, call Demeter, maybe she can have a solution for this" Said Alfonso.

"As you wish"

A few moments later.

Io entered the room with Demeter, who had been in the agriculture zone.

"Alfonso, did you call?" Said Demeter.

"Yeah, Demeter, we have a problem, golden twin, please explain the current situation" Said Alfonso.

The golden twins explained the situation to Demeter who analyzed the problem.

"I got it… I might have a solution" Said Demeter.

"What is it?" Said Alfonso.

"Dionysius can help you with that" Said Demeter.

"Dionysius? What can he do?" Asked Alfonso.

"You see, that kid has… a little bit of problems with wine, so, he develop this weird ability that makes him able to change the ground into a more… fertile one… you know one that is good for the harvest of grapes… maybe he change it into the type of ground that you want" Said Demeter.

"He can do something like that?" Asked Alfonso.

"Yeah, I can also do it, of course, but, I need my old powers, in my current state, changing the type of ground is a little… hard" Said Demeter.

"No, no, I got it, thanks, can you call him, Demeter?" Asked Alfonso.



"I got want you want, Alfonso" Said a young handsome young man.

"That's the situation, Dionysius, could you help us with this?" Said Alfonso.

"Well, I might help you~ but I want something in return-"


"*Auch*, aunty why do you hit me?" Said Dionysius.

"You can't put conditions with your step-father, family isn't like that" Said Demeter.

"I am not your father though" Said Alfonso.

"A minor detail, anyway, do as you being said, don't make aunty angry" Said Demeter.

"Demeter, don't smack the kid and don't make decisions for him, he is old enough to make his own decisions" Said Alfonso.

"Aren't you being a little bit too flexible with him? He can't put demands when it comes to this kind of things" Said Demeter.

"Demeter, the kid has the right to make his own decision, let him be" Said Alfonso.

"Don't spoil him, he could get used to it and I will be the one that has to be the strict one, isn't that your job, as the head of the family?" Asked Demeter.

"That might be true but- wait a minute"

Alfonso thought for some time.

"Aren't we sounding like an old couple who are debating how to raise their child!?" Though Alfonso.

"*Ahem*anyway, Dionysius, what do you want for your services" Asked Alfonso

"I WANT WINE! However! Since you defended me from aunty, I will not be too harsh, let me a little bit of terrain so I can have my own canteen and harvest my own grapes and we have a deal!" Said Dionysius.

"Sure, than won't be a problem" Said Alfonso.

"Thanks uncle, then I will be going" Said Dionysius.

"I am not your uncle! Alfonso, call me Alfonso!" Said Alfonso.

"Sure, uncle!" Shouted Dionysius.

"…" Alfonso was speechless.


After taking of that problem, Alfonso took a deep breath of relieve, this plan of reconstruction was too important to Alfonso.

"Anyway, let's look at the other reports, hopefully, there won't be much troubles"

However, while looking at the reports one by one, he couldn't help but furrow his eyebrows.

He put his head on his desk and said with the most serious voice he ever had.


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