
Chapter 266 Reaper V/S ??????

"You wanna know kid?" he asked as he stopped trying to dodge my attack and started parrying them as much as he could without really overpowering me.

"Sure I do," I asked as I felt like I was on cloud nine…

"Well… you sure did accept yourself fast for someone who was acting all hopeless just moments ago," he spoke and I replied,

"Man I have been f*cked by life so many times that winning a few times made me feel good… all those things started flooding back all at once… I mean like really… Everyone is alive and they will be alive till the very end…. I will make sure of it!!! How awesome is that??!!!"

He chuckled a little as he spoke again,"for someone who has lived a life of his own, you sure are acting like a young teenager."

"We are all young in our hearts, old men. Don't you already know that?" I spoke cheekily as I continued attacking him again and again, and rather than getting annoyed at me he started laughing before he spoke,

"Well… I guess, that is true."

"All right enough about that. Tell me old man, was it really blocked? And more importantly, do you have any idea about who could have done it… though I believe I think I already know who did it but still won't hurt to ask your opinion," I spoke as I saw him attacking me this time, and I began dodging his attacks now setting myself in a defensive stance.

"Firstly, yeah your emotion was really locked and no, you are wrong. That girl, Lucia, wasn't capable of doing that. It was someone else… If I am not wrong, it was not done to harm you but to protect you because there was no hostility in that spell that I found," he said, making a pondering expression as he attacked me again.

"Huh? It wasn't Lucia? Then… who could have harmed me… or protected me… Wait! Wait! Wait! You are confusing me, old man! Explain what you just said in words that I can understand," I was kind of taken aback with what he just spoke.

"Well… skipping that, it's not just your love that was locked but three other emotions that had been locked," he spoke as he looked at me with a pondering expression as if he was trying to recall the information.

"Oi! Oi! Oi! Stop skipping important stuff. What are you even on about? And more emotions locked? Unlock them please… though which emotions are we talking about?" I spoke with slight interest and he answered,

"Fear. Sadness. And if I remember correctly, it was Empathy that was locked."

I looked at him a bit confused before I asked,"wasn't I just a free spirit that lacked all negative emotions and didn't give a f*ck about what others feel? As for love… I guess I just considered myself unlucky and the fact that I didn't feel like deserving it?"

Hmmm… now that I think about it, I really never felt sad or feared anyone… though about Lucia….

"If you are wondering why you had your emotions uplifted with Lucia then that was because she used Charm Magic on you… not like using that charm to make you feel love, sadness and other emotions but to temporarily unlock those emotions. That was the reason you felt closer to her than to others. With her Charm Magic, being around her made you feel your real emotions and not just like an empty doll. The whole reason, why you fell so deeply in love with her," he spoke as he smiled at me before hitting me again

'So she was that powerful… Did she know about my emotions being locked?' I pondered before speaking,

"So, what are you waiting for? Please unlock them."

I spoke and he sighed before attacking me faster than before, while taking a deep breath and stopped breathing all together to boost my concentration. While normally, I could have lasted for about 30 minutes or so holding my breath, but now that I had Breath Fragment,

I can go on forever.

"YOU!!!" He was shocked beyond belief as he looked at me and I began attacking him faster and faster…. Though this is my limit right now. Anymore and I will need to play some sacrificial cards.

"You have yet another Fragment.… that too of a completely different Guardian?!!!" His eyes were still shocked as he stopped momentarily giving me a chance to attack him but before I could reach him, he snapped out of his stupor and parried my attack before kicking me away.

"Firstly, stop you stinky brat! Tell me how many Fragments do you hold and how the heck did you end up gaining so many Fragments… no, that's not important, how the heck can you even use so many Fragments?" It was his turn to be confused and I smirked at him as I spoke with a grin forming on my face,

"Wanna know?"

Realising that I wasn't going to tell him, he made an annoyed expression before sighing really loudly.

Then I saw the storm calming down slowly and slowly, while that old man's blade also vanished from his hand. He looked at me with a really keen look as if he was trying to read me but after a while he made a giving up expression before he moved towards me and…


He hit me in the head really hard with an annoyed expression before speaking,"you deserve this one, you stinky brat."

"I have a few questions, old man… it feels like you know a lot about me-" I was speaking but he spoke,

"You are going to face a lot of choices in the future, kid. I could only pray that you succeed in whatever you are trying to do… man I thought I knew everything but to think 'He' outplayed me even still… I can figure out why he was chuckling back then… that bastard!!!"

He then sighed before looking at me and speaking,"try to use your Fragment from now on much more often. It is a really powerful asset but don't over do it, okay? Also, someone is waiting for you at floor 99. Can you pass a message of mine to her?"

And he spoke something before I vanished from there… without getting a single f*cking answers out of him!!

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