
Chapter 234 - Love Is Selfish

"Miss Aphrodite" Said Cat one.

"What is it?"

"Don't you notice something strange?"

Cat one looked at the sides, Aphrodite turned to look and knew what Cat one was talking about.

From the sides, all kind of couples where doing… some extreme proofs of affection, so say the less, even Cat one was a little embarrasses.

On the other side, Aphrodite looked a little bit too relaxed when she looked at the scene.

"It isn't beautiful? Love is in the air, Ahh~ this is what I wanted to see, that cold place is too dried of love, however, it seems that this place is worthy of my presence!" Said Aphrodite.

"I don't think this is how it normally is" Murmured Cat one.

"You think so? Well nevertheless, it still enjoyable, the sight that's it!" Said cheerfully Aphrodite.

Cat one looked at her with suspicion.

"My lord told us that we shouldn't create trouble, remember?" Said Cat one.

"But… I didn't do anything!?" Reproached Aphrodite.

"…" Cat one didn't buy it.

"If you say that, you won't mind doing a little experiment with me right?" Said Cat one.

"What… what are you going to do?" Said Aphrodite.

Cat one didn't say anything and just grabbed Aphrodite by the hand. She went to the right and waited there.

Soon, the couples that were all lovey-dovey on the other side seemed to wake up, they looked at each other looking embarrassed, they quickly let go of each other and went on their way.

Cat one looked at Aphrodite with black lines on her head.

"… Well?" Said Cat one.

"Well~ Maybe, just maybe~ I forgot about my ability to pull out the lust in other people"

"My lord will scold me!" Said Cat one in frustration.

"Do-Don't worry, I… let me think for some seconds"

Aphrodite stop it and grabbed her chin.

Meanwhile, the people at their surroundings began, especially those who were near here, began to act even more… passionate.

For example…

"Hurry up! A couple it's taken their clothes at my side!" Shouted Cat one.

"Wait! I am on it!" Said Aphrodite.

More and more couples began to get nude while Cat one couldn't bear it anymore and closed her eyes.

"Hurry!" Shouted Cat one.


Aphrodite take a deep breath and suddenly her body collapsed.

The people at their side began to recover their awareness and suddenly felt embarrassed by the situation, almost thirty people grabbed their unfolded clothes and dispersed, leaving the street almost empty.

"Open your eyes, its over" Said Aphrodite.

Cat one opened her eyes and saw the body of Aphrodite on the ground.

"Aphrodite, are you okay?" Asked Cat one.

"Yep, I am, however, I will have to ask you for carrying my body back to the inn" Said Aphrodite.

Cat one was about to grab Aphrodite when she suddenly stopped.

"Miss Aphrodite" Said Cat one


"…" Cat stayed in silence.

"Cat one?" Asked Aphrodite once again.

Suddenly, Cat one turned around and looked at the emptiness.

"How is this possible…" Though Cat one.

"Hey Aphrodite"

"What is it?"

"…No, its nothing" Answered Cat one

"Maybe my senses are playing a bad joke to me"

"Hey~ Cat one~" Replied Aphrodite.

"Nothing, I just though… something, let's get going" Said Cat one.

Io grabbed Aphrodite on her back and went back to the inn, however, something didn't felt right.

"Aphrodite, what did you do back there?" Asked Cat one.

"Is an ability of mine, [Love is in the air], it's an ability that make the lust inside people flow out, as you saw, however, it seems that, because I haven't use it in a long time, the effect was worse than I thought " Said Aphrodite.

Cat one listened carefully to Aphrodite explanation, however, in her face, one could see that something was bothering her.

"Cat one, are you okay?" Asked Aphrodite.

"Yeah… hey, can I ask you something?" Said Cat one.


"This might sound crazy but…are you perhaps… out of your body?" Asked Cat one.

Aphrodite was stunned.

"Excuse me?" Asked Aphrodite.

"I know, I know, however, something doesn't feel right, your voice… it doesn't come from your body, this might just be my imagination but… I think… that your voice comes from my front instead of my back" Said Cat one.

"What, are you saying that I am some kind of ghost?" Said Aphrodite.

"No, I am not saying that but…"

"Because you wouldn't be wrong"


"That you are absolutely right, I am a ghost, at the moment at least" Said Aphrodite.

Cat one suddenly felt that the body on her back, she looked in front however, it was as empty as before.

"What do you mean by that?" Asked Cat one.

"Hehe, what I am talking about indeed" Said Aphrodite.

Cat one's breath become a little more agitated, however, it only lasted for some seconds.

She took a deep breath and then focused her eyes to the front.

She closed her eyes and her breath returned to normal.

"You are saying that you are a ghost huh?"

"Might, might not~" Said the voice.

"Then, you don't need your body, I guess I can leave it here, right?" Said Cat one.

"Wait! Wait! I am sorry, okay, I am sorry" Said Aphrodite.

"Then, how are you doing this? How come your voice comes from a different place" Said Cat one.

"Well, to tell you the true… you can say that, right now, I am indeed some kind of ghost" Said Aphrodite.

"Care to explain?"

"Let just call it my ethereal form, when I am in this form, the auras inside my body disappear, after all, without me, my body is just an empty shell, however, I can't stay too far away from my body, because my connection with it will be thinner and thinner " Said Aphrodite.

"I see, that's explain why I was hearing your voice in a different place"

"It surprised my though, you can't even see my mouth, your senses are very well developed to notice that"

"My master is very strict in terms on my senses, it's the basic of the basics when it comes to hunting, that's why, noticing something like that it wasn't that hard" Explained Cat one.


"Master Artemis, you didn't know?" Asked Cat one.

"That Artemis actually accepted a student, what the-" Aphrodite was stunned.

"Master is a good person" Said Cat one.

"Are we talking about the same person, right?" Asked Aphrodite.

"Why don't you get along with her by the way?" Asked Cat one.

This was actually a question she had for a really long time, these two fought like there was no tomorrow, and, apparently, there wasn't a good reason for it.

"Hmph! That stupid Artemis always treated me like a frivolous person, like I an idiot, what? Just because I like to express my nature as it is, she looks down on me, it's not fair!" Said Aphrodite with frustration.

"What's more, Alfonso also favored her a lot! Even though she is like that! Even though I am just as pretty and even more! All because this stupid outfit!" Said Aphrodite.

"…As I know…"

"My master has been with my lord the most, in his hardest times, she was with him…I don't think it has anything to do with her appearance, my lord isn't that kind of person" Said Cat one.

"…" Aphrodite didn't answer.

"Don't you suffer?" Asked Aphrodite.

"What do you mean?"

"Don't you suffer when you must endure that feeling inside your heart, you know what I a talking about" Said Aphrodite.

Cat one stayed in silence for some seconds before finally saying.

"Somethings must not come out to the light, if I do…"

Cat one smiled bitterly.

"If I do, I will put not only Wasteland Valley, but even the life of my lord in danger, I can afford that" Said Cat one.

Aphrodite looked at her.

"But you already did, didn't you?" Said Aphrodite.

A memory of a tattoo in the hand of Alfonso surged in Cat one.

"…" Cat one didn't answer.

"Love is selfish indeed" Answered Aphrodite.

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