
Chapter 246 - Madam Vivian

Tulip town, ever since the war against Arcadia, the atmosphere in Tulip had become gloomier, nevertheless, time was the best cure for everything, liveness eventually come once again and the once shut down brothels, which was the main business in Tulip, grow once again. One of the most famous brothels in Tulip was 'Angel's Wings', only few people could enter, however, it was worthy, not only could you find the finest men and women, you could also satisfy a lot of unimaginable fetishes. People traveled from far away towns and even cities, just to satisfy their lust.

"Madam Violet"

A man kneeled in from of a woman, who was admiring a painting.

This woman had long black hair, it was so long that it touched the ground. Her skin was fair and white.  She was wearing a long black dress that showed her back, on it, one could see the tattoo of a spider.

One couldn't help but being astonish by her beauty.

A beauty among beauties.

This woman was madam Violet, the owner and founder of Angel's Wings.

Madam Violet turned around and looked at the man, the man didn't dare to look directly at her. The penetrating gaze of Madam Violet exanimated the man for a couple of seconds before saying.


The voice of Madam Violet was cold and penetrating, at the same time, it was intoxicating and lovely, the man couldn't help but get an erection when he heard her speaking.

"Madam Violet, two people have come to see you"


"They… they didn't tell us their names, however, both of them are champions!" Said the man in fear.

However, Madam Violet didn't even bulge when she heard the word 'champions'.

"You should know the consequences for interrupting me for something so trivial"

"M-madam please. T-t-they told me to pass you a message"

"The winter will arrive to the north" Said the man.

When Madam Violet heard the message, her cold eyes become even frostier.

"So, they finally decided to make a move" Though Madam Violet.

"Tell those two that I won't be seeing them off, however, I got the message, I will procced accordingly"

"A-a-as you order" Said the man.

The man turned around and was prepared to leave.

"One more thing"

Madam Violet turned around and looked at the painting once more.

"If you want to live, you better take a dagger with you and make sure to let them know that you won't speak with anyone about what you heard today"


The confused man bowed once more and left the room, not without bringing a dagger with him, just in case.

The man arrived a t a near back alley, there two shadows were waiting for him.

"Where is Violet" One of the shadows shouted.

"M-m-madam Violet said that he couldn't come, however, she got the message and told me to tell you that she will procced accordingly"

"That bitch really have some nerves, to actually dare to go against our order" Said of the shadows.

The man was frightened, nobody has ever dare to insult Madam Violet, not even in secret, the consequences of offending Madam Violet was something that nobody could afford!

"Easy now, little flame. The message was sent, our mission is done" Said the other shadow.

The man breathed a sigh of relieve, finally they were letting him off

"So, who takes care of this idiot?"

"You do it, I will be going now, I am hungry"

The shadow disappears leaving the man and one of the shadows.

"W-w-ait, wait, please" Begged the man.

"Sorry pal, we can't let anyone know what have discussed here"

"I won't tell a single soul about this, I SWEAR!"

"I want to believe you buddy; however, I can't go with just a promise you know?" Said the shadow.

The man was trembling with fear while the shadow invoked a flame from it hand.

"Die" Said the shadow.

At this moment, the man remembered what Madam Violet had told him, and, with mad eyes, he grabbed the dagger

"I WILL PROVE MY VOW!" Shouted the man.

The man grabbed his tongue with one hand, and, with a swift move…


A lot of blood came from the mouth of the man while his tongue rolled in the ground, stopping besides the shadow's feet.

The shadow looked at the man screaming in pain in the ground and laughed.

"HAHAHA, now, this is what I wanted to saw"

The flame on its hand disappear and the shadow as well.

The man rolled in pain a couple of minutes more before standing and going back to the 'Angel's Wings'.

Nobody knew what happened that night, the only evidence that something happened, was a small pond of blood on a nearby alley.


"At the very end, what did you do with that rabbit?" Asked Artemis.

"We make a deal" Said Alfonso.

"A deal?"

"Yep, I will give them some food, in exchange, they will explore the Jubila forest and give me whatever they find useful for me" Said Alfonso.

"What kind of deal is that?"

"I think that the Jubila forest has some kind of treasure hide it in it, a treasure that not even Leviathan knew about it, as for what treasury is, I am not so certain" Said Alfonso.

"Hmm? Well, is true that that forest since to be hiding something"

"Yep, anyway Artemis, today, is a big day for us!"


"Today, the new products of Pendragon arrive, you know what that means right!?"


"It means that my so longed waited tea has finally arrived!" Said Alfonso with enthusiasm.

"Really? You are this happy just for a couple of leaves?"

"As a British gentleman, my passion for tea is beyond your comprehension" Said Alfonso.

"That's a stereotype, you know?"

"Anyway, since the goods are already here, let's go fetch them~" Said Alfonso.

Alfonso went to the door and walked with enthusiasm.

"I have never seemed him so excited, just like a child with a new toy" Though Artemis.

Alfonso and Artemis went to Zeti's store which were the goods were delivered.


"My lord"

"Hi, Zeti" Said Artemis.

"Artemis!" Said Zeti with happiness.

"Yo Zeti, how is the little boy doing" Said Artemis with an unusual smile.

"They are good, thanks, my little boy has been eager to see you, pass by home sometime" Said Zeti.

"I will, I have been busy these past few days, I will go with some meat later"

"You are always so nice to me, Artemis" Said Zeti with a blush.

Alfonso saw this and a though came to his mind.

"Wait, that face… it can't be right?"

Alfonso looked at her for some time, after some time, he looked at Artemis, Zeti had an amazing body, what's more, after she had her child, she had this mature aura that only mothers have, Alfonso couldn't help but imagine a very wild and lustful scene that we can show in this family friendly novel.

"Woah, that would be quite the scene" Though Alfonso.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

A cold voice woke up Alfonso from dreamland, he turned around and saw Artemis looking at him with a fierce look.

"Your gaze is very lewd; what the hell are you imagine?"

"No- nothing in particular"

"Are you sure?"


"Then, why are you looking the other way?"

"A-anyway, Zeti, do you have my leaves?"

"Y-yeah, this way my lord"

Alfonso followed Zeti to the back of her store, where his treasure waited for him.

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