
Chapter 253 - Alister

Its been a couple of days since that day and Aphrodite was back to her mummy form, today was a normal day for everyone in Wasteland Valley. Outside of Wasteland Valley, a group of ten men were gazing at the entrance.

"So, this is Wasteland Valley, truly a godforsaken place" Said the man in front.

"Alister, remember why we come here" Said one man at his side.

"I get it, however, for my lord's sake, it wouldn't be a problem if I stir some trouble, right?" Said the man with a smile.

"Are you an idiot? Remember, that woman told us specifically to lure the fifth prince, after all, despite everything, he still a candidate for the throne" Said another man.

"Sebastian, you are too much, that guy obviously will agree, however, we have to intimidate him a little, if not, how the hell is he going to agree, I heard that he is a mad man! Obviously, money won't lure him and he hate his brothers and sisters, not mentioning his father, what other resource do we have if it's not the show of power" Said Alister.

"Our lord clearly specify to not antagonize with him, don't forget who she is! If you do anything to hindrance this mission, I will report it to our lord!" Said Sebastian.

Suddenly, Sebastian felt a heavy pressure on him, he wasn't prepared, so, he vomited a little bit of blood.

"Don't push me, Sebastian, I have to remember you that my identity as a champion give me the right to do whatever the hell I want! One more word from you and I will kill you!" Shouted Alister.

"Alister! Don't think that this is over! Champions! Just because he is a champion!" Though Sebastian.

However, before the might of a champion, he couldn't do anything more than nod; this was the cruel reality, in front of a champion, normal humans were ants.

"As long as you understand!" Said Alister.

Alister walked to the entrance, were two guards and two wolves receive them.

"Halt! Who is there!" Shouted on of the guards.

Alister walked until he was in front of the guards, the two wolves growled while observing Alister.

"Is this the soldiers of the fifth prince, certainly, trash attract trash" Said Alister.

"What did you say!?" Said one of the soldiers.

"Enough chatting, you aren't qualified to talk to me, get me to your lord, I have matters to discuss with him" Said Alister.

"I won't let anyone live after calling my lord trash!" Said the soldier.

*Grr!* The wolf at his side seemed to understand.

"Let's go, Yvette!" Shouted the soldier.

He jumped and mounted the wolf who was also ready to fight.

"Ha! You want to kill me!?" Said Alister.

He lifted his hand and, in a few seconds, a sword appeared on his hand.

"Wha- what!?" The soldier was astonished.

That sword appeared out of nowhere.


Alister laughed and, in a second he disappeared!

"Where is he!?" Shouted the soldier.

"Up here!"

The soldier looked up and saw that Alister was above him!

"How!?" Shouted soldier.

"For your impertinence, you will leave your arm as an offering" Said Alister.

However, just as the blade was about to cut the soldier's arm.


The big wolf used its body to push the soldier to the ground, however, in the process, its body was slashed leaving a huge mark.

"YVETTE! NO!" The soldier cried after seeing that his beloved partner was agonizing.

"I will make you pay for that!" Shouted the soldier.

"And how are you going to do that, I wonder?" Laughed Alister.


"Don't let him provoked you!" Shouted the soldier by his side.

"Quickly, take Yvette to miss Hygeia!"

"But I-"

"HURRY! DO YOU WANT YVETTE TO DIE?!" Shouted the soldier.

The soldier nodded and put Yvette on his back and run towards the manor.

"What do you want!" Shouted the soldier while his partner was growling in anger towards Alister.

"Make your wild animal shut its trap or I will make it meet the same fate as the other one" Said Alister.

"Who are you calling wild animal!? Guilder is my partner and my friend!" Shouted the soldier.

"Friend? That animal? Hahahaha, certainly, in this godforsaken place, you can only be friends with wild animals" Said Alister.


"ENOUGH!" Suddenly, a voice rumbled.

Alister looked up and saw two persons walking towards them.

"Hooo, who do we here?" Smiled Alister.

"My name is Demeter; might I know who are you?" Asked Demeter.

"Hi beauty, my name is Alister what is a beautiful woman like you doing in this place?" Said Alister.

"What I do here or not is not your business, however, it seems that you were quite rude with our soldiers" Said Demeter.

"Beauty, they didn't know their place, as a champion, I can only be revered, however, these two ants tried to block my path, isn't that insulting? As a fellow champion, you should understand me, right?" Said Alister.

"No, I don't, don't group me with you" Said Demeter.

"Beauty, you have a good face and plump body, I quite like you, however, don't think that because you are beautiful, you can say whatever you want, how about this? I will forget everything you say if you accept to warm my bed" Said Alister.

"Alister! Don't forget the mission" Shouted Sebastian.

"Shut up! I am talking" Shouted Alister.

Demeter looked at the man with an angry expression, is been so long since someone dare to be so disrespectful towards her.

"You sure are scum, aren't you?"

"Hoo? I thought that kid besides you were a mute, however, it seems that he has a big mouth" Said Alister.

"My name is not kid, my name is Dionisius" Said Dionisius.

"Kid, don't meddle in things that aren't your business, or else, you will be hurt" Said Alister.

"Actually, you just insulted my auntie in front of me, how could I not take revenge?"

"Aunty? Haha, it turns out that this beauty is your aunt, then, I will not make things difficult for you, apologize to your uncle for being so insolent and I will let you off" Said Alister with confidence.

"Ho? It's been so long before someone dare to talk to me like that, I don't know if I should call you and idiot or courageous? Nah, I will stick with idiot" Said Dionisius.

"What did you say!?"

"It's time for you to pay" Said coldly Dionisius.

Dionisius walked towards Alister and stood a few centimeters away from him.

"I am curious, little kid what are you gonna do to me?" Said Alister.

"…" Dionisius only looked at him before his eyes changed to a red color.


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