
Chapter 266 - The Party-part Three-

Standing on the door was a woman in a black dress, the woman was breath taking, Alfonso looked at her Brown hair and green eyes, her White snow skin made an exquisite contrast with the dress that stood out the beautifulness of the woman.

"Hmph! It really is cruel to make comparations to you" Said Susana with an angry expression.

"Ahh! I can't stand it! White fang! Let's go!" Shouted Susana.

White fang came from outside the door and bowed to Alfonso, Susana mounted him and went on her way.

Demeter looked at Susana and smiled, she then looked back at Alfonso.

"What? The cat ate your tongue?" Asked Demeter.

"I…You…I" Alfonso was still astonished, and he babbled like an idiot.

"Hmph! You have me all day long and just now you realize that I am a beauty?" Said Demeter with a cheeky smile.

"No, it's not that" Said Alfonso.

"Then what is it?" Asked Demeter.

"It… it just that I just now realize how lucky I am to have you by mi side, it hurts to say it, but you are way out of my league" Said Alfonso.

Demeter heard Alfonso and couldn't help but laugh.

"Haha, what's that? You are really funny" Said Demeter while laughing.

Demeter walked towards Alfonso and hugged him from his waist. Alfonso could smell the aroma of Demeter.

"She smells like summer" Though Alfonso.

He involuntary hugged her back.

Demeter, who had her head buried in Alfonso's chest, looked up.

"I am the lucky one" Said softly Demeter.

"To have meet you, I am really glad"

Alfonso heard Demeter and grabbed her face, looking her straight into her eyes.

Demeter blushed a little and closed her eyes, nearing her head towards Alfonso's. Alfonso also did the same.


However, before they could complete their kiss, a sound interrupted their sweet moment, the both of them quickly turned around and saw Io and Susana looking at them.

"My lord, as your bodyguard, I suggest that you don't do such shameful acts before weeding" Said Io.

"Yes, my lord! This is a no-no, you shouldn't get sway away by this vixen!" Said Susana.

"Who are you calling vixen!?" Said Demeter.

"Hmph! I give you a foot and you take a mile!" Said Susana.

The three girls discussed while Alfonso could only laugh from the sides.

"But I already did that and a little bit more with the amazons back them" Though Alfonso.

Of course, he wasn't so stupid to mention it, he wasn't tire of living after all.

"And not even mention Gaia, just remember it I-"

Alfonso was lost in his thoughts when he felt a murderous intent. He quickly backed up and was about to activate his powers when he saw where the murderous intent was coming from.

 "Wh-why are you looking at me like that?" Said Alfonso.

"You were thinking of another woman, weren't you?" Said Demeter.

"No, no, I wasn't!" Deny Alfonso.

"No, you clearly were" Said Io.

"That's right!" Added Susana.

"Women intuition is frightening as hell!" Though Alfonso.

"A-anyway, let's go, shall we?" Said Alfonso.

Alfonso walked to the entrance, however, he felt someone grabbing him from behind.

"Not so fast Romeo" Said Demeter.

She walked elegantly towards Alfonso and looked at him straight into the eye.

"Who?" Asked Demeter.

"Wh-who what?" Asked Alfonso.

"Who were you thinking about?" Asked sweetly Demeter.

"What are you talking about? How could I think about somebody else when I have such a beautifu-"

"Grandmother?" Interrupted Demeter.

 Alfonso break in cold sweat when he heard Demeter.

"I have no idea what are you talking about" Said Alfonso while taking a few steps back.

Demeter looked at Alfonso and her smile become sweeter and wider.

"Io, Susana"

"Close the door" Said Demeter.

""Yes"" Said both at the same time.

"Io, Susana, you traitors!" Shouted Alfonso.

Io and Susana paid no attention to Alfonso and closed the door, locking it from outside.

In the darkness, the green eyes of Demeter emitted a dangerous light.

After a few seconds of quietness, a voice could be heard from inside the doors.

"What are you doing with that stick!?"

"Wait, let's talk about this!"


The voice continued for some time, however, after a few minutes, the silence returned to the room.


Enrique was preparing for his great entrance, however, he noticed was missing, or to be more precise, someone.

"Dear, where is Mr. Alfonso?" Asked Enrique.

"My lord, he isn't here, we sent his companion for him, however, they haven't returned" Said Yurisa.

"Yurisa, I already told you that you don't have to call me my lord, just Enrique will do" Said Enrique.

Yurisa smiled and grabbed the hand of Enrique.

"I know, just, we haven't married yet, so, it will be inappropriate" Said Yurisa.

"You and your rules, too old fashioned" Said Enrique.

Yurisa smiled and didn't say anything else.

"My lord, here is Mr. Alfonso and Miss Demeter" Said Viera, who just entered the room.

Both entered the room, although he had already seemed Demeter before with her dress, the sight still astonished him, it was the same for Yurisa, who couldn't help comparing herself with Demeter.

"Alas, comparisons are truly cruel" Though Yurisa.

"My friend Alfonso, you are finally here, is almost time to commence the real party… what's wrong with you?"

Enrique was talking happily when he noticed that Alfonso was acting strange, specially the way he walked.

"It's just me or he is walking like a penguin?" Though Enrique.

"It's nothing, Alfonso behave bad and bad kids are punished" Said Demeter sweetly.

Yurisa and Enrique looked at each other in confusion, however, looking at Alfonso that wasn't saying anything, they let it pass.

"Couple's affairs" Though both.

"A-Anyway, Alfonso, after the presentations and the dance, you will have time to interact with the heads of the other powers that have come to this party" Said Enrique.

"Any advice?" Asked Alfonso.

"Try to not offend anyone, although you are a lord, there a couple of people here who have the protection of the Dragon's families and some others are star-houses, but, they shouldn't be interacting that much with the young ones, they have their own circle, of course, you can enter as well giving your status, but, they have their own pride and easily look down the title of lord, especially a desolate area like yours" Said Enrique.

"I got it" Said Alfonso.

"As for particular individuals, the most troublesome one is Mario, he is a well know merchant and the young master of the Violette's merchant association, they control nearly twenty percent of the commerce in Leitol and they serve under the flag of prince Fernando, giving your current situation with the first prince, I hardly suggest you to not interact with him" Said Enrique.

"Sure" Said Alfonso.

"Okay, let's get going them" Said Enrique.

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